
Legacy Name: Kotori

The Blacklight Celinox
Owner: Faune

Age: 11 years, 8 months, 2 weeks

Born: September 12th, 2012

Adopted: 3 months, 2 days ago

Adopted: February 28th, 2024


  • Level: 8
  • Strength: 19
  • Defense: 15
  • Speed: 16
  • Health: 15
  • HP: 15/15
  • Intelligence: 3
  • Books Read: 3
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Fey (Feyne), Rio (Mirio), Tor (Kotori), and Al (Amalea) are a group of tightly knit friends.
Drawing inspiration from the worlds created by Sarah J Maas or perhaps being written in as OCs within this world, the four are creatures/humans who wield power beyond that of the average human. I'm thinking about making them all part of a world of "shifters" but who come from varied environments / lines and thus have different kinds of powers?

Feyne is a "woodland shifter". He is fierce and loyal. He may have a gentle demeanor and feel approachable, but his eyes are always sharp, his mind always working, and the aura of power rarely fully hidden. He's a chef at a vegetarian restaurant and enjoys physical activities like rock climbing. He is often found out in the woods hiking, climbing, swimming, and running. Though only his close friends know, he likes to write. It's a sign of trust that he often sits behind Mirio in the greenhouse writing away and asks Kotori to edit his work.

Mirio is mortal, but with elongated life. Works alongside death as a messenger and guide, assisting those who are passing. When outside "work" their knowledge of the world beyond is veiled and limited, and when reaping their mortal self takes a backseat. They have the power of starlight and "shadows", both dissolving into them and wielding them as a force. They can sense certain things, like someone's wellness and when secrets lay heavy on a heart. They have the power to hold a soul or touch a soul as they carries them through the veil. They can take various forms, sometimes sprouting wings.

Kotori is bright and kind, with a wide smile and a habit of asking others questions about themselves. She's an investigative journalist for the paper, and enjoys the variety of breaking news and more lighthearted community pieces. While she works in words, she likes to take photos in her free time and loves picking up tips from the professional photographers who sometimes work alongside her. She's even submitted her work for a local community artist gallery - fingers crossed!

I'd like Amalea to be a younger female character with a disarming appearance and personality. Her quiet demeanor is often mistaken for being boring or weak, when in reality she has an immense zeal for life, a deeply zesty and bright personality, and is fierce. Despite being beautiful and small, her intensity is her primary trait and is respected, admired, and joked about at times by her friends. They call her "Al" for short as she feels "Lea" (what her parents call her) feels too soft. Her magic (they all have different types of magic) is related to flame and wind, but it's more like a raw well of force than united with one element. I'm still shaping out her backstory and then the grander story, but I have a good idea of who I want her to be. While the others currently are different shifters, I'm considering her being the "odd one out" in this regard and instead being a human-like witch and/or dragon keeper. Something along those lines that shows her strength, wildness, and that she can fully embrace her beauty, kindness, vibrant joy, and strength.

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