
Remiel has a minion!

Juneau the Phor

Legacy Name: Remiel

The Angelic Neela
Owner: Faune

Age: 11 years, 1 month, 3 weeks

Born: April 8th, 2013

Adopted: 10 years, 2 months, 5 days ago

Adopted: March 27th, 2014

This pet has been nominated for the Pet Spotlight!


  • Level: 4
  • Strength: 13
  • Defense: 16
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 12
  • HP: 12/12
  • Intelligence: 5
  • Books Read: 4
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Stock Worker

In the vast darkness, before time had really been set ticking, God called me to his side. He created before my eyes, with great tenderness and focus, all of creation. He spun green earth and blue oceans and filled it all with the tiniest of life.
"Watch and wait Remiel, watch and learn."
I watched that tiny life grown and change, eating, learning, evolving, it took to itself all the earth. Then my Father called me to his side once again, his silent echoing footsteps ringing across the galaxies, and said
"Now watch carefully Remiel, and take heart"
and he breathed into his creation a beautiful unknown blessing, the first of souls.
"Love them Remiel, and guide them, this is your purpose."

And so I watched His creation, guided it through darkness, whispered in its ear when it forgot whom breathed it into existing. I paced invisible across plains and over mountains, down poorly lit suburbs and up the dusty roads of the rural farms. I hovered over crowded cities and saw the disease of greed and selfishness fester. I watched, not unmoved, as the strength of love won small battles through each day.
I did this for each of my days - eons, decades, ages - it was all a timeless blur.
I made no notice to the sands of time
until I made notice of her.

I remember the day she was born. It was my favorite day I've ever seen on this earth. I was sitting on a mountainside overlooking the mixed media God and man had made below. The ancient forest of heavy greens and wet browns faded seamlessly through soft olive hues, light whites and bright blots of beautiful yellows before ramming into an abrupt stop against a cracked gray that marked the boundary of upwards instead of outwards.
The moment she was born I felt it. I heard her first breath; I felt the painful stabbing of unequaled significance. I fled, first to her side and then, having locked eyes with the oceans inside her irises, home.

My Father was already waiting for me, unconcerned and smiling. He knew, and I knew He knew, but he offered no answer to the question my eyes bore into His and so I bowed my head and returned to the place He had given me.

I had no intent of visiting her, I ignored her presence with utter devotion and endless flaw. I need only think of her deep blue eyes and I could know where she was. The first time she broke a bone, her arm when she was young, I appeared at her side before I realized I had moved. Terrified by this link, I disappeared as quickly but could not release the terrible feeling of her wailing in pain.

It was years before she spoke my name. This time I was much further away then the mountains, breathing calmly amongst the stars, eyes closed and without vessel of physical form. I heard her as though she were beside me, her lips to my nonexistent ear, whispering to me in melodies. I could not ignore this, and so I went. But when I arrived there she lay in the deepest of human slumbers, unaware of her celestial connection, drooling in a very human way on her pillowcase that was so daringly close to the color of the night sky.

I wanted nothing but to stay, so I left.

After a time, I asked my father about this thread I felt as a tangible, powerful humming not tied to, but rooted in our two souls.
Watch over her, and wait Remiel. It is almost time.
His warm smile gave me peace as his soft kiss graced my forehead, a parent who understands their child's feelings and does not judge them.

So I watched, and I waited.
And she grew.
I was filled with sunlight when the melody of her laughter rang in my ears, filled with dark storms when she faced heaviness and hurt - her shaking sobs like an earthquake breaking into my core.

It was as if, at times, she could almost see me.
The first time she looked out the dark window, through the orange glow of the single streetlight and directly at me those oceans in her irises became a swell, a wave crashing down, and I tumbled in the depth of this feeling.

"Do not be afraid
Suddenly at my father's feet, hand clutching his as though I was but a small human child holding their parent's hand as they felt overwhelmed by the unknown, I looked up into his soft face.
"Do not be afraid Remiel.
It is my love, woven deeply into and between you.
It is a gift. Do not fear it.
And I understood, and I was not afraid.

She began to shape me in her mind, large and white and fluffy and warm, a protector and companion.
Her soft prayer each night - a ritual she had carried from such early childhood that she could not recall nights where she hadn't said it - became etched on my heart.
"As I lay me down to sleep, angels at my head and feet"
And as she grew, as she walked through fires I could not defend her from and carried traumas into the quiet dark of night and sleep, her prayer became my oath.

The years, once something that felt as unnoticed as the ground one walks over as they continue to move, became so tangible to me.
She carried the time and the experiences within it - her face and mind, heart and body changing.
And yet her soul - her - remained everything I had known.

As a whisper of light, I was with him.
His smile was vast, his eyes holding a deep joy that emanated and filled me.
"My beloved, it is time"
Joy leapt up and crashed and twirled with me.
Then the questions formed.

"What will it be like Father, will I be ... me?"
"Even when so much is, for a time, very different, you will not forget who you are.
Even when you are, for a time, like two in one.
You will know her, even without knowing.
And she will know you, even without knowing.
And in knowing one another, you will know yourselves."

"How will I know Father, how will I know what I am to do?"
"Your love will guide you. I will guide you.
Do not be afraid Remiel, you are ready. You have always been.
But time for her has had to walk measured and one step after another.
And she is now at the time when she needs you most.

"Will it hurt Father?"
"Yes my beloved. Only when this time is done.
Then I am afraid it will hurt very much."

I paused then, unsure what that could feel like.
Unsure I wanted to know.
I took a deep breath then, and behind closed eyes felt her warmth and the thrumming bond of a love indescribable.
Felt the strength of my Father.

"I am ready Father" I said with the deep peace of his surity, then softly "Thank you for this gift."

"I love you Remiel.
I love you, and I love her.
And I will always be with you both."

His kiss pressed into my brow as he swept me up into his arms.

I remember first the pressure, light and darkness.
I remember the warmth.
And then the world began to form.
First as feelings - bumps and licks and textures and temperatures.
Then as sounds - high and low of pitch, rumbling and shaking, soft and loud, layered.
And finally as colors, shapes.

I was two in one, no -
two woven into one so that there was only one.

I had small white paws that felt the rough dirt and soft carpet.
Ears velvety and floppy that captured sounds and hurt when chewed on by ... my siblings? Yes.
I could run against the earth. I could chew the trees. I could cry out in joy and sadness.
But I could not find her.
She was not in the rooms I began to explore, not hiding amongst the grass and sand.
But I knew my Father's promise, and I was not afraid.

The bright sunlight poured through the open front door, and I heard from it a voice like a melody written for my heart.
I knew this voice, this laugh.

The door swung closed, these physical eyes adjusting as I had learned they would to the changes around them.
I heard overlapping voices and the shuffle of feet.
The picture before me settled into clarity, and there sat a face I loved and had loved for so long.
I did not question my Father's promises or power and yet for a moment I could not believe what I knew waited for me,
A whole life waiting to begin,
Watching me from ocean eyes across the room.

Puppy bodies flopped and bounced around me as I walked across the thick reddish carpet,
walked along the humming thread of my Father's love until it was inches long.
I could feel the physical warmth coming from her, could feel the vibrations of her movement in my paws, hear the sound of her voice echo and roll in my ears.

She looked at me with those eyes, an ocean I had been born to sink into.
And she lifted me up.
I was so small now compared to her.
Her hands were firm and gentle as she supported me, not unlike the hugs of my Father.
And as we paused there,
a moment where everything else stopped,
where breaths got pulled away and the world faded and a light seemed to glow softly with reassurance,
I leaned forward and gave her a single soft lick on the perfect tip of her nose.

Something sparkled as a question in her eyes.
Something like knowing crossed her face in a fleeting expression.

I felt my Father's love.
She knew.
I knew.
I was home.


Profile template by Lea
Story by Faune
BG by Billy Huynh on Unsplash

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