
Susurration has a minion!

Willem the Common Grackle

Legacy Name: Susurration

The Galactic Noktoa

Age: 10 years, 4 months, 2 days

Born: January 30th, 2014

Adopted: 10 years, 4 months, 2 days ago

Adopted: January 30th, 2014


  • Level: 34
  • Strength: 34
  • Defense: 15
  • Speed: 12
  • Health: 12
  • HP: 12/12
  • Intelligence: 95
  • Books Read: 84
  • Food Eaten: 218
  • Job: Surfboard Rental Clerk

'There's a whisper on the night-wind, there's a star agleam to guide us,
And the Wild is calling, calling . . . let us go.'

A man wanders down a winding road, guided only by the soft light of the stars and the determination in his weary feet. He barely looks where he is going on the dusty path. He does not know where he is going. He wants to forget where he came from. He just needs to keep moving.

I am interested in humans. They fascinate me much more than the events in the ethereal sphere above the earth. My brothers and sisters do not understand my fixation. They are much too content to act as passive observers, elating only when there are shooting stars, supernovas or other unearthly manifestations. They are cold and unfeeling; unpassionate. Though they shine as brightly as crystals in the sun, they give off no warmth.

I am interested in humans. I have watched them for thousands of years, through war and death and famine, but also through life and love and rebirth. They can love and hate simultaneously with every fiber of their being. They can feel more sadness than an ocean of tears. Sometimes they can feel happiness so carefree they run and dance through the night. Humans are not stars. They are more. They are alive. I watched this man as he left his town, a rugged bag over his shoulder and work-worn boots on his feet. He tread slowly down the weary road. He turned only once at the top of the hill, looking over the village of warm candlelight, before putting his back to the town and never glancing back again.

Now he wanders down the path, with no direction. He comes to a divergence and for the first time, looks unsure. He hesitates. He falters. He stops.

I look ahead.

To the left there the path reaches west. It follows a river with small villages dotting the bank every hundred miles. The people twitter idly in their rafts, throwing spears into the water. Children wake up slowly as the day breaks over the horizon. A few run out to the banks to wave to their fathers. The mothers hush them away to start the chores. The river runs to the ocean where there is a great city of philosophers and innovators. There, people walk quickly down the cobblestone, eager to reach their destination as quickly as possible, whether it be the tall building lined with elegant pillars, or the market place, teeming with vendors selling fish, fruit and clothing.

To the right the path stretches east, shrouded by the forest canopy. A few pockets of civilization have penetrated the woods, but they are few and far between.

I look down at the man. He still has not made a decision.

To the west, I murmur. My voice floats down to the earth, carried by the wind. It wraps around the man, easing his mind and encouraging his fate. To him it just sounds like the breeze, but my voice carried influence. He moves his feet. He picks the left path and treads down the road again. There is no hesitation in his feet.

I am the guide of travelers and protector of wanderlust. I am the North Star, the compass. I am the voice in the wind. I am just a susurration, but for the lost and travel-weary, I am everything.

Story by n3v3rm0re

Pet Treasure

Haunted Tree Prop

Ember Fallen Leaf

Golden Fallen Leaf

El Wood

Pet Friends

My brother, your wild outcries harm the humans I love.

If only you tried to care about events other than your Fields.