
Kamots has a minion!

Freedom the Puretooth

Legacy Name: Kamots

The Angelic Kumos
Owner: Faune

Age: 17 years, 3 months, 2 weeks

Born: February 10th, 2007

Adopted: 17 years, 3 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: February 10th, 2007 (Legacy)

This pet has been nominated for the Pet Spotlight!


  • Level: 65
  • Strength: 41
  • Defense: 37
  • Speed: 22
  • Health: 85
  • HP: 85/85
  • Intelligence: 498
  • Books Read: 484
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Full-Time Test Subject

Kamots (Kuh-MOTZ)
Blackfoot for "freedom".

"The most confident wolf and the leader of the entire pack, Kamots was the most vigilant, first to respond to strange sounds and smells or to potential threats to the group. Curious and tolerant, he led with intelligence and benevolence."
Living with Wolves


I don't know that I can remember how young I was when wolves became my answer for the question "what is your favorite animal".
I know at some point big cats won out, especially when I was up close and personal with them. It's impossible not to be in awe or fall in love.
But I think it may in fact have been Kamots and his pack, the Dutcher's and their work, that solidified wolves as something above and beyond for me.
The glimpse into the intimate life of such a powerful, dynamic, brilliant, and secretive animal was a game changer for me. It brought forward an increased passion for conservation, behavior, and education.

In college, I wrote my Conservation Biology Review Paper on human-wolf relationships, and my heart broke as I learned more about the continual impacts of the vilification of these amazing animals.
During my zoo career, I interviewed for and got so very close to having my dream job - working in an advanced program doing free contact wolf care and educational presentations. I would have been able to bring so much to, and get so much from, that role. It wasn't meant to be, and that's okay.
While that dream isn't something I'm chasing right now, the passion still burns brightly.

My bookcase has a shelf almost overflowing with books on wolves, from Farley Mowat (whom I named one of my bunnies after) to David L. Mech to the book that helped start it all - Living With Wolves by Jim and Jamie Dutcher.
I've look several times at the sanctuary closest me. Just far away enough that I don't feel I can commit to volunteering. Maybe one day.
I still plan a yellowstone trip. Beauty in and of itself, but we all know I'm mostly going for the wolves.

I can't pick a species I don't appreciate and admire.
Wolves though, they'll always hold my fascination and adoration.
And in many ways I can thank Kamots, Jim, Jamie, and the whole pack for that.


A Positive Cascade

"Since wild wolves have returned to Yellowstone, the elk and deer are stronger, the aspens and willows are healthier, and the grasses taller."

The Ecological Role of Wolves
Trophic Cascade
How Wolves Change Rivers
How Wolves Help
Wolves in the Ecosystem



Art by SopAz
Profile by Geek w. Hover code by beer
Angelic Kumos by Rah
Pet image bg made transparent by Chrysariel
Kamots Bio from Living with Wolves
The Wolves Within by First People
Other text by Faune

Pet Treasure

Snug Winter Boots

Crow Spearhead

Feather Headdress

Crow Warrior Roach

Shaman Feather Armband

Wampanoag Deerskin Dress


Wampanoag Breechclout and Leggings

Nez Perce Beaded Dress

Nez Perce Beaded War Shirt

Chilkat Robe

Chilkat Tunic

Pet Friends