
Kambria has a minion!

Knowledge the Hiisik

Legacy Name: Kambria

The Common Experiment #1550
Owner: Celestial

Age: 9 years, 2 months, 2 weeks

Born: March 13th, 2015

Adopted: 9 years, 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: March 13th, 2015

Pet Spotlight Winner
September 28th, 2017


  • Level: 4
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 13
  • Health: 14
  • HP: 14/14
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Books Read: 2
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

I did not begin life like you. I was never conceived in my mother’s womb, a product of my mother and father’s love. I was not brought into this world, screaming and crying as a baby nor did I have a childhood. I never followed my dreams in hopes of becoming something larger than myself.

I was conceived in the mind of an angel, the blueprints of my making given to a scientist. I was born in a test tube, a calculated amount of chemicals and materials. I was created for one purpose and one purpose only; save mankind. Or so I thought.

To ease the confusion and to protect me, my creator gave me false memories of a childhood, a turbulent past that would lead me down the path intended for me. Little did I know I would fall in love with a man named Coheed, a man that turned out to be another product of my creator. A man that I would marry and have four children with. A man that would bring death and destruction all around me.

The beginning of the end was when Mayo Deftinwolf, the head of the United Red Army, approached us and convinced us we were infected with a virus, one we had passed onto our children. A virus that would destroy the world we lived in. In an effort to save mankind from our destruction, we used a poison to take the lives of our two youngest. Josephine came home too early, and the image of Coheed crushing her skull with a hammer haunted me until my dying breath. Too late we found out we had been lied to, only leaving one surviving son, sending the two of us on a path to avenge the undo deaths of our children.

Afterward, I remembered what I was, what I was created for. And I remembered my powers. I could control the minds of others and hurl psychic blasts to fight and defeat enemies. Mayo may have lied about why Coheed and I had to murder our children but he hadn’t lied about the virus. It was powerful, treacherous even. And its rediscovery only led to more destruction.

Falling into the wrong hands, the virus within Coheed was activated. He was a weapon made to destroy the worlds we called home and disrupt the formation of Heaven’s Fence; an intricate balance to make the system we lived in function properly. I had been designed for the very purpose of stopping the man I loved from destroying all we had held dear. I had failed our children, but I would not fail our whole solar system.

My own virus took over, my actions dictated by a preprogrammed response to Coheed’s attacks. We battled against one another; his goal to destroy, mine to save. And finally I won, ripping my husband’s heart from his chest to ensure his death. It had not been my wishes, but the pull of the virus to end his life. And when I converted back to my normal self and saw what I had done, grief overtook me. I had aided in the demise of our children and had taken the life of my husband. I couldn’t live with that knowledge. I couldn’t live without them.

One more life didn’t matter… and even less so, my own.


♥ Coding, Profile, and Story by Celestial.

♥ Art © qvarr.

♥ Background image: here

♥ Pet based on Coheed and Cambria comics

♥ Font from DaFont

Pet Treasure

Badly Neglected Book

Tattered Wedding Photo Album

Dusty Old Tome

Book of Very Interesting People

Book of Extremely Vague Prophecy

Tome of Incredible Brain Expansion

Damaged Book

Faded Tome

Virus Codex

Stack of Fact Books

Scarred Leather Record Book

Tattered Old Book

Tome of Death

Tome of Terror

Pet Friends