
Booped has a minion!

Lily the Snuffle

Legacy Name: Booped

The Sweetheart Endeavor
Owner: Faune

Age: 7 years, 4 months, 2 weeks

Born: January 15th, 2017

Adopted: 7 years, 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: April 13th, 2017

This pet has been nominated for the Pet Spotlight!


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 8
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 11
  • HP: 11/11
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Beach Comber


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Profile by Faber
Writing by Faune

Furry, four-footed soul mate

I still remember being in that house. After a long drive through heavy construction and never-before-seen roads, we stepped out onto a short lawn struggling to maintain its green under the pressure of the glaring sun. The living room carpet was the outdated red-brown that you only see in the family room of a small town split-level home as seen in the movies made the decade before your birth. The tumble of puppies owned the room, running around our feet as the woman chatted away. You, you were the smallest. It was your sister we were originally watching, the largest and boldest puppy of the group; I lifted you up anyway, something about you spoke to me, and you gave me a single lick, right on the nose. In that moment I knew things were sealed.
It hasn't always been an easy road for us since that day. For all the wonderful things about you, you are me in so very many ways. You're smart, and stubborn, and driven. You communicate endlessly, the result of being raised in my house I'm sure. You can be pushy and over-enthusiastic, but all these little things, they stem from your heart. You love to play, and often I think you think I love it just as much. You love people, and animals, and approach the whole world as if every living thing is your friend. You mold to my teaching so quickly, showing my strengths and weaknesses as a trainer plain as day. You are the most stable dog in so very many situations, trusting and unshakable.
I'm sorry for your bad hips - I can only imagine what we could do together did they not hold you back. I'm sorry for your neurological problems - you are so unbelievably wonderful a creature, I wish you had no pain or struggle, you deserve nothing but adventure and joy, the feeling of being loved and safe always. Despite, despite the hurdles we overcome, you are so radiant in your existence. You are something more than a dog.
Your are always and forever my baby bear, my furry four-footed soul mate, my soul dog.
I am so immensely thankful for you.
I love you always.

Handsome man, perfect prince

I wonder if you remembered me those first few weeks, visiting you each weekend in the front of the store by the floor to ceiling windows, lined up wire crates and silver rolling cages. I wonder if after the first visit or two you started to recognize me, to have any expectation or anticipation of another visit, another thirty minutes holding you and petting you and not wanting to let you go, not wanting to put you back for fear that this time someone else would come behind me and scoop you up and take you away.
Those were long weeks as I waiting for your father to agree. The anticipation would build as I checked repeatedly for your photo on the rescues website, anxious that come the weekend I would rush to the store only to find you gone, only to hear someone else had taken you home. But there you were, each time. Handsome and calm and unbelievably settled in the midst of such upheaval and activity.
He finally said yes. You looked like his childhood cat Gonzo; I think that and his ever present desire to make me happy teamed up and defied the responsible logic, won him over in the end.
So you came home, and you've been the king of this small loving kingdom ever since. Other animals, multiple moves, even evacuations can't shake you. You approach it all with a calm confidence. It's only the madness of a seemingly never-full belly that betrays you as an animal after all, else I would be suspicious you were a seasoned lord visiting us for some universal meaning or magic.
You love belly rubs and being brushed. You live for patio time and the occasional capture of a tiny dragon. Your intelligence shines in the way you've crafted a language for each of us. You can be a bully, entertaining yourself by stalking and surprising your siblings, especially poor Tonks. You don't give ground when you don't want to be bothered, and somehow seem so intentional in every action you make.
Last night you waiting at the foot of the bed as I tucked in under the covers and adjusted the pillows just right, then purposefully trotted over and curled into me. You have never seemed to need us, but have always chosen us all the same. For this I am so thankful. These moments are what I smile at when I close my eyes and think of you - purring softly, laid out on your side against me, perfectly content, exactly where you wanted to be. I count myself lucky that it's with me.
I love you Taco, so very much.

Best girl, little outdoor dog, sweet springbok

Isn't it funny, the way things happen. It was your sister, black and tan with her paws up on the pen's fence, that I approached for. She reminded me of my old dog Sadie who had been whisked out of my childhood against my will. But it was you who stole my heart. You, laying quietly on the floor amidst the busy hustle of the store, the loud voices of the children attracted to the smaller puppies next to you.
You were gentle and slow, unsure but willing to come say hello. It was your soft tail wags and your sweet personality, the way you slowly raised your front paws up onto the short fence to greet me that spoke to my heart.
I called your father to come meet you then and there, wore him down with reasoning and gentle pleas as we walked you around the pet store. Having to leave you that day felt like someone pressing down on my chest. But it was short lived, as the next day I was there early with his agreement secured and an excited, nervous joy in my heart. Small and timid, I loaded you up and changed our lives.
I'll never forget that first day. This was your home, and you were ready to be fully settled in it. Despite you and Juneau's gentle and friendly nature, we tried to take it slow. We ran off to the store a few hours later having left you and her on opposite sides of a short baby gate, we returned home to be greeted at the door by you both, tails wagging and no idea why we were acting like something huge had happened.
The moment I knew you were ours though, was when we picked you back up after our family vacation. Only one week after we brought you home we had to send you back to your foster home. Driving to pick you up, I prepared myself with measured expectations - it had only been a week, then we were gone from you for just as long, you may only somewhat remember us and that was okay. But that wasn't the case at all. When she opened the back of her car in that Cracker Barrel parking lot you wiggled and wagged and pawed to reach us. As we drove home, I looked back at you and just knew. "You're my family, you're my home". I heard it in the loving gaze you held.
And you've been nothing short of amazing Tonks. You've been adaptable, eager to participate, patient as I learned and grew, protective but measured, curious, loving, and full spirited in a way I am eternally grateful for.
You're an anchor in this family, a safe place of security that seems to keep everything stable when the world spins. You're a saving grace my love. In more than one way, my hero.[
I love you forever sweet girl.

Baby cat, sweet little man

There's something so wholly sweet about you baby cat, an innocence that deserves the most gentle of lives. It's funny in a way, that the cat I practically "manifested" into joining our family is so deeply in love with his father above all else. Don't get me wrong little one, I know you love me very much, but there's just something special about your adoration for your dad. It is easy to be jealous of the affections of our loved ones, but the truth is, I'm not. Instead there is a warm joy I feel each time I watch you and your dad share in your special bond. I think there's something extra nice about feeling like the "chosen one", and I'm glad your dad gets to have that through you.
It's been a little bit of a wild ride, though I guess I can say that for everyone if I really think about it. How odd the way things weave together. It was my grandfather's passing, the encounter again with Death, that opened a place in my life I instinctively sought to fill with new love, with pouring devotion and goodness out. As I tend to do, I was ahead of myself and far ahead of your father - deciding without saying so that if I found *the* kitten I would take them home. I couldn't have been more specific - fluffy and long-haired, a solo kitten, mainly white with dark splotches, friendly but not over-the-top. It's like someone was whispering in my ear, making sure when I saw you I would know.
Then you went and scared us by getting a concussion just days after we brought you home. I remember thinking "oh no, not another neurological case" as we rushed you - wobbly and blind - to the vet with no idea what had happened. Thank God it was temporary. Granted, even if it wasn't it would not have changed the important things - the love, the commitment, the way we are a family - just the details of the story. We still call you "poptart" years later, a middle name given to you by our favorite vet tech that day when we brought you in. I remember her holding you in a blanket burrito, my heart filled with concern, and bringing us encouragement and support, making me laugh a bit despite myself.
My little monster, you are so full of spunk and love. Your big fluffy paws (boots with the fur) kneading away as you walk across our sides and faces in the middle of the night, your melodic purrs vibrating your small body as you settle into our laps. There is something so good and gentle about you baby cat. Thank you for teaching me to be good and gentle too.
I love you my sweet fluffy boy.

Stinky goober, always meant to be

I remember all the little firsts. They didn't feel little to me, and I doubt they felt little to you either. I remember sitting on the large roots of a tree in the walking yard, you slowly stood close, gave gentle sniffs, and I reached out with clear but gentle intent. My heart exploded and melted all at once when I felt your red fur, when you allowed my touch and leaned ever so slightly into the scratches on your neck. You trusted no one, but maybe just maybe you would find that you could trust me.
It's hard to imagine now, when here in my home years later is a dog who allows cuddles and kisses, who rolls over for belly rubs and leans his weight into ear rubs. In the beginning the steps were tiny, the pace glacial. Whatever history you had lived, you were so afraid but gentle. It was your trust to give, at your pace, to those who earned it. I would have taken as long as needed, I would have accepted whatever boundaries you gave.
I remember the day you felt sick, and you leaned fully into me when I offered open arms. I remember the day you climbed a picnic table with me, it felt like we had climbed a mountain. I remember when you showed barrier behaviors towards the dog who turned out beside you. Back then we thought maybe it was a sign you were guarding me, or maybe (I feared) it was because I was doing something wrong. I understand now that it was a great gift - that you felt safe to express yourself with me. I remember when you wouldn't want to come out or go into your crate, and others would call me in to help because they knew you would do more for me. I remember when you began to drink out of the water pails, so afraid of any movement of the water. So many small moments where you found a safe place with me, and where I fell more and more in love.
I knew you were my dog from the very start. Even when I believed there was no way I would be able to bring you home. I knew.
Here we are now, you sleeping in your bed (picked just for you because you like beds with sides) as I type. Three of your seven siblings napping along with you. You no longer fear the TV or the fan, you barely even mind the thunder these days. You're a scrapper at heart until the end, but have mellowed with age. It's been seven and a half years since you came home, ten since we met. We've aged together, grown and learned how to navigate the world. We've had so many more of those small moments since the days of picnic tables and walking yards. Do me a favor, let's have a lot more. I'm not done climbing mountains with you.
I love you forever my boy.

Sensitive soul with a big bark

It's amazing, how sometimes we know even when we don't. Looking back, it's wild that when I went to see Cletus six months after having left the rescue I saw you be walked past. "If I wasn't adopting Cletus, I would have adopted Cody (George, of course, as was your name then)". Like there was something in that moment that wanted to tie a string of fate to me, lest it be lost. How I wish I had taken you both home then, saved you the years of abuse at the hands of the individual who, ironically enough, wanted to take home Cletus but took you home instead after Cletus was spoken for. Chose you not for your brilliance and soft heart and pointy excitement but because their ego had been bruised when they were previously told they would not be checked off to handle you, and taking you home was their middle finger. How much they proved that statement right, and did so at your expense over and over again.
When I got that call, that you were being returned to the rescue that day, my heart dropped and I flew into whatever action I could. I knew what fate now waited for you there - a life of hours a day locked in a small kennel, slowly losing your mind or an unnecessary euthanasia. We couldn't have another dog of course (HA), but we could help. Looking back, I have to assume things played out the way they were meant to. Had we been able to collect you that day, perhaps we would have just fostered, would have found a way to get you to Detroit with Ash. But that's not what happened, and I am so eternally glad.
No, instead my call was too late. You had been dropped off at that metal gate, taken down the long dusty dirt road, and returned to the kennels where you had already spent two years of your life. "Liability". That's why the would not release you to me. It took nine months baby boy. Nine months of waiting for the right time to strike, your friends at the rescue proving time and again that you were so ready and able to be in a good home. Nine months of texts and nerves. And in that nine months, social pressure began to mold my intentions. I began to feel guilt at claiming to want to adopt you, just to intend to find you a different home. Had it been what was right for you, I would have done it. But instead, by the time I got the call, I had already decided that you would be mine. (I thought we both had decided, but I found out years later that you Dad didn't realize we were truly keeping you until about three weeks in).
I'll always remember the adrenaline of that day. Remember leaping up and telling my boss, my director, and my CEO what was happening. Asking for permission, for the van keys. I think my hands were shaking when I was pumping gas, calling for the pin number for the work card so I could fill the tank and make it the rest of the way to you. When you came out on leash I could see the questions in your eyes. The approach of vague familiarity, and the tension after circling to sniff. Had I not come prepared and instinctively known what to do in that moment, tossing you food in a gentle and clear way, moving slowly, speaking calmly, I think you would have bitten me. I wouldn't have cared. I would have taken you all the same, done the paperwork only after you were in my name. But you didn't. For some reason, you let me take your lead and load you. Let me collect you from the van after that hour long drive back, hold you steady for vet care, and take you home.
And the rest is the most beautiful history.
My dragon, my big baby. I love you so much.

The gift

Little wolf,
I was just sitting here looking at you, all curled up on one of your beds, paws tucked under and dense fluffy tail wrapped around, and thinking to myself how strange and magic life is that you would be the root of so much struggle and challenge in our home, and yet when I look up and find your acorn eyes waiting to find mine, it saves my life again and again.
When I lost her, there was nothing except empty lost darkness and a pull that made me want to go find her. Wherever that took me, just hope to be with her again was enough. But there was love here too, your father, your siblings, family, friends. Goodbyes I didn't want to have to say, pain I didn't want to cause. And yet, it felt unbearable to not rush after her.
And then she gave me you.
There is no doubt in me.
It was her voice that told me, that made me take the leap.
You were the one I needed. At the time I didn't know how much I was the one you needed too.

I find you often, laying and watching me. Thinking. A creature of such an internal world, making observations and assessments far more often that many people would notice.
And yet, you're a little bird. A wild thing.
You're a menace who delights in causing a bit of chaos and who hasn't found a challenge yet he wasn't willing to go over or under or around.
You lap the yard like a race car, absolute joy on your face. You grab sticks and run proudly with them, showing your martial arts skills as you paw and chop and swing them. You trample and taunt your siblings. You excel at parkour and somehow gracefully launch yourself from ottoman to sofa to chaise and back with more energy then I remember ever having. You love to stand on us, despite being 70lbs now, and haven't ever fully stopped jumping or karate chopping us in excitement.
It's amazing how you can hold so much. Be so deep and thoughtful, yet also live with moments of such reckless abandon and joy.

The family howls, you brought us those.
They're one of my favorite things (even though your Dad doesn't share my love for them). I look forward to hearing them each day.

You're everything little wolf.
We saved each other.
And we continue to do that every day, little by little.
And we have her to thank.

I love you Atka.

Sunshine and joy

You're happiness Emerie, warmth and joy.
You remind me of her in that way.
You enter each room with a positive bounce in your step, an eager scan seeking new friends. You don't ever seem to assume the worst, and you are immensely forgiving of past slights, even repeated.
You're so optimistic and outgoing in fact that we often joke you forget to use your brain; you go into almost everything full send with a blanket assumption that things are going to be great.
I've seen you time and again match your energy to the dogs around you, not as a follower but as one who feels contented to rise or settle into the situation, as one who is able to offer comfort to others with ease.

And yet, you can be so strong and so sharp. So opinionated and expressive.
You hold your ground, but also ask for help.
You find no shakiness or stress being independent, but also adore being on top of us (smothering us with your cloud of fur) and seek interaction often.
You seem to always know what you want and you don't seem afraid to seek it with optimism and effort. A gift I wish I had.

You're a breath of ease Emmy. You're softness in a harsh world.
You are so brave, so smart, so kind.
You inspire me baby girl, to be more like you.
Just like she did.
Thank you my sweet, sassy girl, for everything you are and everything you choose to be.
I don't deserve you.

A new adventure

If I said it made any sense I'd be a liar. It doesn't matter how well I can reason and logic it at the time, looking back in the rearview I have to laugh at how wild it was for us to buy in to our own rationalizations.
But I'm glad we did.

You're such a delight Cranny. You're everything wonderful about a kitten - curious, playful, cuddly, independent, and optimistic.
In some ways I feel bad that you got chosen by us. Our home is certainly chaotic and asks a lot of such a young kitten. To be brave in the face of excitable and large (so large to you) dogs, to be patient despite your own eagerness as your brothers have adjusted to you at their own pace, to be independent when we've had to divide our time throughout the initial acclimation, and to be open to trusting so many who love and will love you.
It was so much, too much in some ways, to ask of a kitten. And yet you've done it all.

You're everything I could have asked for, could have dreamed of.
Our journey together is still new, but it's felt so surely like you belong since the very start.
And I can't imagine not being the one to get to love you and watch you grow.
I love you so much, my perfect little kitten.

Pet Treasure

Cuddly Luna Plushie

Patchy Tabby Plushie








Dog Adoption Papers

Cat Adoption Papers

Home Is Where the Pet Is Sticker

Canine Facts

Fluffpoops Beanbag

Pawprint Sticker

Best Pet Sticker

Beaubell Buffet Canned Dog Food

Torrent Supper Canned Dog Food

Senior Canned Dog Food

Puppy Canned Dog Food

Mallarchy and Carrots Canned Dog Food

Diet Canned Dog Food

Jakbut Dinner Canned Dog Food

Torrent Supper Wet Dog Food

Senior Wet Dog Food

Beaubell Buffet Wet Dog Food

Mallarchy and Carrots Wet Dog Food

Puppy Wet Dog Food

Diet Wet Dog Food

Jakbut Dinner Wet Dog Food

Feathered Friends Dry Dog Food

Senior Dry Dog Food

Puppy Dry Dog Food

Bovyne Roast Dry Dog Food

Diet Dry Dog Food

Devonti Delicacy Dry Dog Food

Endless Seas Dry Dog Food

Small Dog Dental Sticks

Puppy Dental Sticks

Large Dog Dental Sticks

Medium Dog Dental Sticks

Senior Dog Dental Sticks

Senior Dog Crescent and Bone Biscuits

Puppy Crescent and Bone Biscuits

Large Dog Crescent and Bone Biscuits

Medium Dog Crescent and Bone Biscuits

Small Dog Crescent and Bone Biscuits

Kumos Poncho Pouch

Gingerbread Dog Treats

Fortified Food Pellets

Bonealicious Candy Ruffie Bone

Super Green Food Pellets

Bone Constellation Cookies

Basic Food Pellets

Pumpkin Bone Chips

Ruffie Food Bowl

Bovyne and Gravy Canned Cat Food

Kitten Canned Cat Food

Diet Canned Cat Food

Senior Canned Cat Food

Not-So-Live Turducken Canned Cat Food

Lucky Mallarchy Canned Cat Food

Torrential Feast Canned Cat Food

Beefy Cat Food Variety Pack

Feathers and Fins Cat Food Variety Pack

Fishy Cat Food Variety Pack

Poultry Cat Food Variety Pack

Diet Cat Food Variety Pack

Kitten Cat Food Variety Pack

Senior Cat Food Variety Pack

Senior Dry Cat Food

Mallarchy and Pals Dry Cat Food

Bountiful Beef Dry Cat Food

Fishy Feast Dry Cat Food

Kitten Dry Cat Food

Diet Dry Cat Food

Feathers and Fins Dry Cat Food

Bovyne-Flavored Kitty Dental Treats

Mixed Up Kitty Dental Treats

Torrent-Flavored Kitty Dental Treats

Mallarchy-Flavored Kitty Dental Treats

Catnip-Flavored Kitty Dental Treats

Crunchy Bovyne Cat Treats

Crunchy Mallarchy Cat Treats

Crunchy Storm Salmon Cat Treats

Crunchy Dairy Cat Treats

Crunchy Catnip Cat Treats

Crunchy Hairball Control Cat Treats


Catnip Mouse

Squashed Stuffed Animal

Ontra Springy Toy


Green Staying In Sweater

Red Ball

Wind-Up Kumos

Ruffie Squeaky Bone

Heart ID Tag

Circle ID Tag

Bell ID Tag

Simple Dairy Cow Spot Leather Collar

Simple Gray Leather Collar

Simple Leather Collar

Simple White Leather Collar

Simple Red Leather Collar

Simple Black Leather Collar

Simple Jersey Cow Spot Leather Collar

Simple Dark Brown Leather Collar

Simple Peach Leather Collar

Sweetheart Safety Collar

Glade Safety Collar

Dawn Safety Collar

Vibrant Safety Collar

Silver Safety Collar

Furball Collar

Goodgirl Kitty Collar

Candy Corn Collar

Zooky Collar

Puppy Head Collar

Kitty Head Collar

Heart Collar

Skull Collar

Ice Cream Collar

Angelic Collar

Cupcake Collar

Boot Collar

Star Collar

Telenine Collar

Tigrean Collar

Aeanoid Collar

Ruffie Collar

Arid Pet Harness

Bloodred Pet Harness

Harvest Pet Harness

Field Pet Harness

Aqua Pet Harness


Spectrum Nylon Leash

Black Nylon Leash

Striped Nylon Leash

Camo Nylon Leash

Flame Nylon Leash

Yellow Leather Leash

Brown Leather Leash

Blue Leather Leash

Black Leather Leash

Pink Leather Leash

Bones Retractable Leash

Moon Retractable Leash

Red Retractable Leash

Spades Retractable Leash

Black Retractable Leash

Doggy Bags

Turf Pad

Pee Pad

Crystal Cat Litter

Corn Cat Litter

Clumping Clay Cat Litter

Pine Cat Litter

Non-Clumping Clay Cat Litter

Wheat Cat Litter

Paper Cat Litter

Dog Grooming Kit

Bovyne-Flavored Pet Toothpaste

Mallarchy-Flavored Pet Toothpaste

Torrent-Flavored Pet Toothpaste

Senior Pet Toothpaste

Peanut-Flavored Pet Toothpaste

Finger Pet Toothbrush

Double-Sided Pet Toothbrush

Pet Bed

Centropolis Pet Bed

Fish Small Feline Bed

Spectrum Small Feline Bed

Pawprint Small Feline Bed

Warm Kumos Bed Beanbag

Hearts Large Feline Bed

Duck Large Feline Bed

Polka Dot Large Feline Bed

Delphi Beach Pet Bed

Omen Islands Pet Bed

Torrent Shaped Feline Bed

Saherimos Pet Bed

Ytiva Pet Bed

Peka Glade Pet Bed

Veta Lake Pet Bed

Darkmatter Pet Bed Beanbag

Shengui Guo Pet Bed

Ziara Pet Bed

Pet Friends