
Photographie has a minion!

Under the storm the Saillu

Legacy Name: Photographie

The Storm Mallarchy
Owner: Faune

Age: 14 years, 1 month, 1 day

Born: April 30th, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 1 month, 1 day ago

Adopted: April 30th, 2010

Pet Spotlight Winner
April 18th, 2020


  • Level: 12
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 5
  • Books Read: 4
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Stock Worker

I love thunderstorms. I love sitting atop the dunes, toes playing mindlessly in the sand as the dark clouds thicken and rumble towards. I love the feeling as it moves in, the dropping in pressure, the chill that takes to the air, the electricity that skips between atoms and promises a show. I love the smell and feeling of it as the raw and natural, untamable power rolls above. The wind gradually pushing harder until your hair is a storm itself and your body feels the battering gusts. I love the thunder as it roars and grumbles and cracks above, as if it is serving you a swift and meaningful reminder of what you are in comparions to nature, what you are as a part of it.I love how it embraces you, a constant contrast between terrifying and lovely. I love how it calls you to it and makes you feel careless and free, as though you are but a animal sitting about your home, watching nature whirl around you. I love the way it moves away, with a defiant disgruntled crackling boom, roaring its power and energy at you in a final reminder. I love how the clouds amble in the distance, leaving you feeling somehow altered and fresh for the experience. I love it as if it is a dear friend, stopping by for a meaningful chat before taking off to somewhere unknown.

She peered over her laptop, across the disorganized tent and out towards the seemingly endless grasslands. The thunderstorms here were beautiful and unique, and yet they felt like old friends. They had followed her from the dunes to the mountains, across the wild seas. They had greeted her warmly and loudly in rainforests on two continents and had bellowed and blown at her across plains, deserts, and savannas. Today they pelted her tent with ferocity and pooled beneath the trucks parked outside.

No photos today it seemed, though some of her favorite shooting had been done beneath such stormy skies as these. She charted through folders on her laptop and pulled up the collection - everything from siberian ibex to kestrels resigned to the downpour. Her favorites were those of the ibex, apparently unbothered by the heavy, gray stormfront above. She had taken one image from behind the herd, across the shoulder of a large male. His calm expression and handsome horns suggesting a defiance towards the commanding intensity of the massive clouds and endless rains. She herself had spent three days on those steppes, curled in her one-woman makeshift hideaway, her camera, satellite radio, survival pack, and blankets the only ones sharing her space.
After the steppes she had traveled across the world to the truly unique Galapagos islands. It was a dream come true for her to follow the footfalls of the young, curious Darwin - to see the magnificant marine iguanas diving and sunning on the volcanic, rocky shore. That had been her first dive on the job - suiting up both herself and her camera equipment to spend hours snapping shots of these strange lizards. She had never forgotten the sensation of the Galapagos sunsets - striking, stunning, and beautiful enough to bring tears to her eyes.

The sudden crash and boom of lightning above brought her out of her memories. She shut her laptop and stretched, releasing her stiff muscles from their uncomfortable, slouching position. Standing at the opening of her tent she could smell the summer storm - see in the distance the unperturbed giraffe and zebra going about their business in that natural, unaltered manner that stirred awe and curious appreciation within her. The rain was cool as it splattered against her face with the gusts, embracing her as it always had in all her homes across the globe - from the beaches to the savannas. She closed her eyes and smiled a silent, heartfelt hello to the raw power and beauty of her ambling, ancient friend.

Profile template by Lea
Art by HoleWeet
Words by Faune
BG from Pexles

Pet Treasure

Rain Weather Sticker



Black and White Film

Yellowed Photograph



Digital Camera

Black Tangerine Laptop


Battered Camera

Red Winged Blackbird

35mm Camera

Battered Instant Camera

Downpour Sticker

Pet Friends