
Zaia has a minion!

Zala the Epicron


The Custom Blacklight Yaherra
Owner: Chrysariel

Age: 5 years, 7 months, 4 weeks

Born: October 3rd, 2018

Adopted: 3 years, 2 months ago

Adopted: April 1st, 2021

Pet Spotlight Winner
August 28th, 2023


  • Level: 101
  • Strength: 256
  • Defense: 256
  • Speed: 190
  • Health: 258
  • HP: 258/258
  • Intelligence: 328
  • Books Read: 327
  • Food Eaten: 20
  • Job: Certified Mad Scientist

"Acting is all about honesty. If you can
fake that, you've got it made."
~George Burns~

"You're only given a little spark of
madness. You mustn't lose it."
~Robin Williams~

The Curtain Also Rises

Zaia's dressing room is not your typical star's gathering of makeup cases and bold wigs scattered before a mirror surrounded by globe lights. While she does have all the supplies necessary to turn herself into a sultry princess, a damsel decked in lace, or a bold and brassy interstellar pilot, they are laid out on a table that is easily accessible to a yaherra. Her many costumes hang on a special rack that allows her to select the outfit she desires at the press of a button. Mechanical arms hold the costume at just the right angle for her to don the outfit that will make the current production a smashing success.

Every available inch of wall space is taken by posters of the hundreds of films and plays in which she has been either the star, a supporting cast member, or even the director. She also keeps framed portraits of fellow actors and actresses she has befriended over the years, as well as a bookcase that holds original manuscripts signed by those writers who delight in coming up with the parts she is to play. Her absolute treasure is an original printing of the complete works of Sebastian Longspeare, perhaps the most influential dramatic writer in Subeta's history.

Her talent for guiding up-and-coming actors and actresses is no less impressive than her ability to bring characters to life. She is a respected member of the Arctic Frost community as well, spending a few hours a week advocating the Coats for Chibis program she helped to set up that ensures Subeta's youngest citizens have not only warm coats but boots, hats and gloves to get them through the coldest weeks of winter. She makes friends easily, treating the SubetaBucks worker who prepares her latte to the same smile that she offers the director of Centropolis Theater. She never grows impatient with those fans who beg for an autograph, though on very busy weeks she will make it a point to carry a stack of pre-signed posters, to save time.

This day brings a completely new script with its own set of challenges. Zaia has never encountered a character she could not portray well and she will not let this one be the blemish that gets her featured in the gossip columns as a falling star. She sits patiently through the preparations of her makeup team, a slight headache forming as her assistant reminds her of the photo shoot in Shadowglen for her upcoming film depicting the love story between Skitters and Fantine. While she will not be featured on the posters, as director, she is expected to be present for all final design decisions. She is excited to be a part of this epic effort that will be filmed across three separate lands and will feature genuine witnesses to The Great Pandemic.

One challenge at a time. The photo shoot is not for four days and Flightless is set to hit theaters in three short months.

Her role as Annika Lightfeather appealed to her greatly when she first read the script. A young yaherra with a love for the stars that would not let her lameness and poverty prevent her from finding a way to walk on the moon of Atebus. It will be a movie to inspire those with disabilities not to allow anything to stop them from pursuing their dreams and one to convince young girls to take that extra science class. It is certainly the sort of film that could win her that ninth Oliver award.

She had not expected the brace strapped to her hind legs to be quite so awkward. They are certainly a brilliant addition to her costume, giving her the broken look needed for such a character, but they are also very heavy and affect the way she walks. She worries that her stumbles will make her look as if she is trying too hard, though the terracoon assigned to playback assures her the effect is just what he's looking for.

She's thrilled to complete the bedroom scene. Her job of the day is looking on a shelf of stuffed toys that a much younger actress had once spoken to as dear friends. Zaia manages to bring tears to her eyes, a talent it took years to perfect, as her character realizes that the toys are truly the property of her older brother's daughter now and that they can offer no further comfort to Annika.

Samuel Stonebrook calls it a wrap, beaming at his friend and former Subetan Fine Arts Academy graduate. The dillema will never make it in front of a camera with his looks, but he couldn't care less. His last production of Feli: The Musical was a huge success that got him booked into theaters in seven lands. This is only his third film, but Zaia is not the least bit concerned about his limited experience. The first two won him a combined three Olivers of his own.

"You are timeless, my dear. Your work will be admired a hundred years after you and I are under the dirt. I can't even begrudge you the marble monument they're sure to build in your honor while I'm lying in my plain pine box."

She laughs lightly. "They will be admiring your work and writing about you in the texts of film students, Sam. You are a marvel and you know it."

Though his crooked grin befits a Morostide doll, she is happy to see him genuinely touched by the compliment. They put in some work on the rocket launch scene before calling it a day. The angle of the fans is not quite right, forcing them to take a half hour while the techs figure it out.

Her assistant is absent when Zaia arrives at her trailer but the daily batch of fan mail and gifts is sitting on the table designated for such tokens of admiration. Zaia makes it a point to hand address her thank-you notes, signing each one with a flourish of the 'Z'.

The enormous woven basket with the pink bow can only be from her biggest fan. Jerry's devotion would be more alarming if he wasn't so considerate. He makes it a special point to send her clustered arrangements of cherries, plums and grapes, her three favorite fruits. They may be cut into the shape of little moons or budding flowers, whatever most suits her current project. She nibbles a sweet cherry that almost tastes as if it is still being warmed by the sun, determined to send some little prop from the set for Jerry's collection.

The citrus basket, on the other hand, almost gets her to curl her lip in disgust. Even in private, she will not show her distaste for citrus or bananas as doing so would be a mark of ingratitude. It's not as if every fan that loves her work has the time to research her life. She sets the offensive basket near the door. Her assistant will see to it that the fruits are subtly donated to those who will more appreciate them.

She looks through a few more assortments, separating out any oranges, limes, lemons, or bananas she encounters. A cluster of chocolate seashells puts a smile on her face while she cannot resist popping open a small bag of chocolate cherry truffles and indulging. She has the self-control to keep it to just one.

The last basket in the row lies in ruin on the floor, its assortment of coffee blends streaked all over the carpet and coating the body of her naughty minion. Zala was given to her by Melody as a token of appreciation for her performance in a new Luminaire play that Zaia's repertory company put on for a charity event to help children in Melody's name. Zaia adores the Epicron and does her best to care for her, but she can be quite a handful. She has read every book published on the subject of Epicrons and has even consulted a minion tamer. Zala very much has a mind of her own. At least this time it is only a few bags of coffee that she destroyed, not vintage lace curtains that she would pay for out of her own pocket.

"What am I going to do with you, Zala? You're just so naughty."

In one of her rare moments of remorse, Zala plucks the card from the mess, laying it on her knee with a little grumble. She may have a marvelous time making mischief, but the beautiful golden cat has come to understand Zaia's dedication to never disappointing a fan. In this, she will never work against her. Her sincere hope is that someday, when she's had time to work her way through the challenges of childhood, the little Epicron will be able to join her on set and together they will make an action film that will truly make history.

Profile Code by: Johnny_673
Extra Code by: Ringo & Maruun
Edited by: Chrysariel
Story by: Pureflower
Recolor Overlay by: Chrysariel
Eye by: 0nyx0
Rainbow Feather by: Vector Stock
Background: Flickr
Name Art by: Chrysariel

Thanks to Written for letting me adopt her. ~<3

Pet Treasure

Edited Script

Players Pamphlet

Behind the Scenes of Harvest Plays

Incomplete Manuscripts

Voynich Manuscript

The People Directory

Star Trailer

Studio Set


Movie Camera

Directors Chair

Film Reel

Rusted Pumpkin Morostide King Film

Boom Mic


Snowy Village Directors Chair

Oval Reflective Stage Light

Stage Makeup Kit

Peka-Boo Backstage Candy Bowl

Do You Like Scary Movies Sticker

Spirit Photography Film Roll

Lifetime Achievement Award

Portable DVD Player

Butterfly Makeup Kit

Siren Mandarin Intense Makeup

Dee Layla Cinders and Scales Eye Kit

Upper Arm Wound Makeup Kit

Red Fox Makeup Kit

Spider Web Makeup Kit

Dragon Makeup Kit

Chibi Puppy Makeup Kit

Demon Makeup Kit

Camouflage Makeup Kit

Blue Eyeshadow Kit

Peacock Eye Makeup Kit

Ocean Eye Makeup Kit

Gold Eye Makeup Kit

Sugar Eye Makeup Kit

Devilish Eye Makeup Kit

Sui Powder Brush

Sui Foundation Brush

Sui Eyeliner Brush

Sui Blue Liquid Liner

Pumpkin Face Paint Kit

Blue EyeScream Sleeping Mask

Sea Spray Scented Jar of Bath Salts

Purple Sand B Gone Soap

Purple Eyeshadow Kit

Blueberry Stylist Shampoo

Plum Perfume

Mocha Body Blush


Lilac Subeta Conditioner

Fancy Comb

Dusk Box of Tissues

Diamond Scented Perfume

Blush Applicator

Blue Mirror

Box of Childhood Memories

Pet Friends




Icelyn Ashilldr

Autumn Moon










Fire Heart




Indigo Flame




Jokull Darke


















Zero Gravity


Zipper Schnipps


