
Nevertheless has a minion!

Stabler the Pruteekt

Legacy Name: Nevertheless

The Harvest Feli
Owner: Faune

Age: 12 years, 7 months, 3 weeks

Born: October 8th, 2011

Adopted: 4 years, 6 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: November 6th, 2019

This pet has been nominated for the Pet Spotlight!


  • Level: 220
  • Strength: 527
  • Defense: 515
  • Speed: 515
  • Health: 520
  • HP: 520/520
  • Intelligence: 833
  • Books Read: 816
  • Food Eaten: 26
  • Job: Couture Designer

Profile template (c) helix (get it)
Story by Me Faune
Art by Sinjun
Overlay by dalice

Nevertheless, She Persisted

She had seen a litany of depraved indifference, harrowing tragedy, and unfathomable grief throughout the last twenty years.
Been subject herself, because of her decision to serve as guardian and protector, to truly evil acts of violence and hatred.
It was so much to bear the weight of that at times she found herself shocked she was still standing, surprised she could still do the job.
When her thoughts wandered to the long road of the past, paved with others' bad intentions, she would quickly yank them away lest the weight of it all catch up and crush her.

It was moments like this, she thought to her self as the young woman left her office, that kept her coming back day after day, year after year.
The look of relief in the eyes of the victims when "guilty" rang across the courtroom; the glimmer of hope that sparked for the first time since she had met them as they walked back out into the world, her hand often on their shoulder in support; the knowledge that though they would be forever changed they now at least at a chance at more than just survival - at healing.
It was being present for, and having a part in making the ending of so many dark and depressing stories one not of sorrow, but of triumph and hope.

The young woman paused before turning the corner and looked back at her with new warmth in her eyes and a small, soft smile that was learning how to blossom again.vShe gave a small final wave of gratitude, then disappeared into the hall and hopefully from her life.

she thought to herself
"I am exactly where I am supposed to be"

The cellphone sitting on the heavy wooden desk behind her began to vibrate with a deep buzzing.
"No rest for the weary"
she sighed.

The next monster she was called to conquer was already here.
And while that could be seen as a burden, to her it was an opportunity; the chance to take another monster off the streets, to protect more innocent souls from the violence they could wreak upon the world.
In this call to action was the hope that she would find justice for the wounded and maybe, slowly, change the world for the better.

Yes, she was exactly where she wanted and needed to be.
She picked up the job-issued flip phone and pressed it to her ear

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Olivia Benson is the main protagonist on Law and Order Special Victims Unit.
Her character and the show were created by Dick Wolf.
She is portrayed by, and has been created over the years through the acting of, Mariska Hargitay.

Pet Treasure

Fashion Police Badge

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I Can Do This Sticker

Fashion Police Shades

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Fashion Police Hat

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Police Badge

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Pet Friends