
Asch has a minion!

Frostbite the Telerok

Legacy Name: Asch

The Custom Glacier Celinox

Age: 8 years, 3 months, 3 weeks

Born: February 9th, 2016

Adopted: 8 years, 3 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: February 9th, 2016


  • Level: 495
  • Strength: 605
  • Defense: 1,800
  • Speed: 750
  • Health: 1,300
  • HP: 1,300/1,300
  • Intelligence: 1,375
  • Books Read: 976
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Interstellar Traveler

Overlay credits: Flats done by Kajirra on dA, shading done by me
New battle pet starting

++ HP
+/- Str
++ Def
+/- Spe
+/- Intel
Associated element: Ice

Asch is a descendant of the ancient race of Subeta, as he more closely resembles the goddess of his species as opposed to the modern Celinox. It is speculated he is simply younger by many, many years compared to the ages of Fenris and Okkoto, and potentially may grow bigger and live longer than modern day counterparts. Although Okkoto believes Asch may never truly reach his full potential due to dilution.

New Recruit

Pet Treasure

Water Shard

Light Brilliant Crystal

Darkness Shard

Death Shard

Earth Shard

Fire Shard

Ice Shard

Life Shard

Light Shard

Magma Shard

Fire Brilliant Crystal

Wind Shard

Magma Defense Marquise Crystal

Fire Marquise Crystal

Magma Marquise Crystal

Fire Defense Marquise Crystal

Imposing Sabers

Tumbled Jade Beads

Decorative Tribal Beads

Golden Dawn Crystal

Fire Defense Brilliant Crystal

Light Defense Brilliant Crystal

Crystal Shard

Yellow Coda Caves Crystal

White Coda Caves Crystal

Red Coda Caves Crystal

Orange Coda Caves Crystal

Green Coda Caves Crystal

Blue Coda Caves Crystal

Black Coda Caves Crystal

Dream Coda Caves Crystal

Chunk of Magic Crystal

Pelagic Crystals

Aurora Galaxy Crystal

Wild Shadowglen Crystal

Glimmering Crystal Souvenir

Cut Crystal Oblong


Wildman Trophy Necklace

Pet Friends