Ytiva (The Arctic Frost)

Ytiva (ee-tee-vah) is the name of the northern most continent on Subeta, frequently called The Arctic Frost because of the icy weather conditions that persist nearly year round. The name Ytiva is derived from the language of one of the native groups of inhabitants, translating to "snowing".


Ytiva was originally home to two distinct groups. First were the Ytivi, "people of the snow", an indigenous race of Subetans marked by their lithe build, nut-brown skin, dark, straight hair, and almond shaped eyes. Second, the Tormirgard, "Guardians of the Tormir" (a river), a fair-skinned and haired indigenous race with sturdy builds and pointy features. The Ytivi lived to the east of the continent, where the Tormirgard hailed from the west. The vast expanse of sparsely populated tundra between the two meant that they rarely came into conflict or contact with one another.

The Ytivi people are a boisterous race, known to work hard and play hard. They are especially concerned with matters of personal and family honor, and it is not unusual to see a dispute settled by way of duel - with blunted weapons, of course. Many are skilled fighters, and those living in other areas of Subeta are regularly seen at the Battle Coliseum, testing their strength and that of their pets.

In some ways, the Tormirgard are similar to their neighbors. Their society is based on a complex system of ancestor worship, and keeping the names of their ancestors untarnished is paramount. However, unlike their neighbors, the Tormirgard are less likely to rely on a fair hand-to-hand duel, and far more likely to resort to subterfuge. They find no dishonor in besting an enemy with wit and trickery alone, and so thievery and assassinations are not uncommon when a dispute over property or honor rears its head. The architecture of their cities reflects this way of life, with many dark alcoves and networks of narrow alleyways to disappear into at a moment's notice.

The Arctic Frost region has since been heavily settled in the coastal regions, and now has a thriving immigrant population of other native Subetan races and human settlers.


The Arctic Frost currently relies on eco-tourism for the majority of their business, and business is booming for them, as there is no shortage of people wanting to see Tutani, Anyu, and Jollin in the wild. While less common, fishing and hunting tours are also a major business in the Arctic Frost, though those wishing to participate must have all appropriate licenses and permits.

Rarely spoken about, but no less a reality, are the darker trades that bring business to the Arctic Frost. Because of the lifestyle of the Tormirgard, the Arctic Frost is also an excellent place to find cut-purses, assassins, smugglers, and spies.

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