Morostide is an annual event that begins in mid-October, and lasts until the end of the month. Subetans come together to honor friends and family members who have passed on.

It is said that in the month of October, the world of the living and the world of the dead are closest together, making it possible for spirits of the departed to pass into our world for a time.


In centuries past, when Human colonists were spreading their tendrils throughout the wild reaches of Subeta, they came to what is now the border areas of Shadowglen and Darkside. This area was already the home to the Tehb, a hornless off-shoot of the Ji-Meneb people.

The Tehb had what seemed to be an infatuation with death and the afterlife. They buried their dead in an area with what they described to be sacred soil, and in the deep night, the spirits of the dead could be seen rising from their graves to make contact with the living.

The colonists were disturbed by the death all around them, and set off to separate themselves from the native Subetans that had shown them generosity and hospitality. When told by the Tehb that they would never survive alone in the wilds, they incorrectly regarded it as a threat, which only served to speed the break between the two peoples.

True to prediction, the colonists were not equipped to deal with the dangers in the dark woods of modern-day Shadowglen. The raw magic vented from the chasms in the Darkside mutated the forests and the animals in it, and every last colonist fell - Either to the merciful jaws of some forest nightmare, or to the slow death of magic poisoning.

Having been sending scouts to check on the human colonists, the Tehb were the first to learn of their death. In accordance with their tradition, they took the bodies of the colonists and buried them in their sacred ground, hoping that they could be allies and friends in death, if not in life. Many more groups of colonists came in the future, most eventually succumbing to the trials of the inhospitable area. Those that kept their lives fled back to their homeland. Each time, the Tebh came behind death to clean up in its wake. Eventually, no more humans came.

As the world grew and changed, and the treatment of magical poisoning was developed, humans once again set off into the largely unexplored Shadowglen. They founded Fort Shadowglen, the namesake of the modern day area, and began to set up a life for themselves. Unlike the explorers before them, they actively sought contact with the native population.

With the help of the Tehb natives, their colony thrived, and humans were able to expand into Shadowglen, and eventually into the Darkside. They eagerly learned the culture of their new allies, and gladly participated in their rites of passage, including rites of death. For close to 100 years, the peoples grew closely together, one group culturally indifferentiable from the other, until the new global government of Centropolis sent word that a suitable source of natural resources had been found closer to home, and that the program at Fort Shadowglen was to be disbanded.

Many colonists returned home to the Centropolis area, but with them came the traditions and festivals of their Tehb friends and brothers. Now, generations later, these traditions live in the festival of Morostide, the celebration of death. Though the celebration has changed over the ages, and many elements have lost their spiritual significance, it still reflects an important era of Subetan history.


    Wearing of Costumes: Traditionally, costumes or formal dress were worn by the risen spirits themselves to hide their ghostly or grotesque forms. The native population reciprocated this use of costumes as a sign of respect and reverance. This custom has changed as it spread throughout the world, and so costumes may vary from traditional to down-right silly.
    Many costumed parades are held to celebrate death and rebirth. These parades include dancing, singing, and tossing prizes to the crowd.
    Gift-Giving: More traditional families will use Morostide as an occasion to visit the graves of their loved ones and leave gifts of food, candles, flowers, and money. Toys or dolls are often left for the spirits of departed children.
    Trick-or-Treating: This is a modern offshoot of gift-giving. People of all ages dress in costumes to emulate the departed, and go from home to home. Homeowners offer these "roaming spirits" gifts of sweets and small toys.
    Pumpkin Picking/Carving: Because Morostide is held in fall, this happens to coincide with the harvest of fall squash. Many traditional feasting items were made from these squashes, including pumpkin. It was also customary for native citizens to take their largest squash (often a large pumpkin), and carve their family crest into it, leaving it outside their door as a marker for risen spirits to pay them a visit.

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