Welcome to the Subetian Govenment Center. Here you may observe the representatives of Subeta at work to make our home the best place they possibly can. These are some of the most important and influential individuals on the planet, of course, so you can't possibly expect to speak with them yourself.
However, we do allow citizens to observe the debates if they behave themselves. If you come at the right time you may even be able vote on an issue yourself.
Current Issue
Recently, there has been a rift between the trading companies of Atebus LTD and Subeta International, due to an exported goods tax implemented by Chancellor Sebastian Phoenix. Subeta International is boycotting shipping goods, via monthly space shuttles, currently and has no plan of ending the boycot until Chancellor Phoenix will hear their complaints. The rift has prompted the prices of Subeta-made goods to skyrocket on Atebus, which has the residents in an uproar. It's unclear as of now as to why Phoenix is implementing a tax; critics accuse that he has a neverending bag of tricks, but supporters maintain that both Subeta and Atebus should simply trust Sebastian Phoenix's judgement. What's the reason for the sudden interest in a surplus? Do you trust King Keith's replacement with the well-being of Subeta? Should Chancellor Phoenix simply revoke the tax? What tricks, if any, do you think have prompted the tax? Do you oppose the new tax?
Sebastian Phoenix - Chancellor - Subetapedia
Please, know that my intentions are pure and that I am trying my hardest to do what it right for Subeta, as a whole. While some of you clearly cannot understand why I might be doing some things, will you not just at least trust me? I know I haven't done much to convince you as to how competent I am to rule, but I will see to it that you all have complete and utter faith in me.
Allison - Centropolis - Subetapedia
As a close friend of King Keith, of course I trust his judgement. He's never done a thing to make the Subetian public suspicious of him. I fully support any choices he's made-- except for maybe that ugly tie he wore to a Subetian Consumer Convention last year. Sebastian Phoenix, despite being charming and incredibly... delicious in appearance, is a smart man. He wouldn't tax us unless it were something important. Right? Aherm, anyway! Maybe he just wants to be prepared incase there's any sort of need for a surplus?
Contessa - Artic Frost - Subetapedia
Clearly, that Chancellor has something up his sleeve that he isn't letting the public in on, which displays complete lack of personableness. While I quite wish it were in Subeta's best interest to simply trust Mister Phoenix, it's completely impossible to do so, when he hasn't displayed any sort of competence to rule Subeta! In my experience, a ruler will only impliment a tax if he has cause to believe there's going to be a significant lapse in funds, for one reason or another, generally resulting in some sort of... feud.
Dimitri - Darkside - Subetapedia
No ruler in their right mind could possibly employ a tax without first giving his subordinates some word of why they're being taxed so suddenly and where their money is going to be used. It's a simple conclusion to say that infact, Chancellor Phoenix is a madman. It's in my own personal opinion that not only is he mad with money and power, but just all-'round mad. If the decision were up to me, I'd have chosen myself to succeed King Keith. Absolutely not this nitwit. Hmph!
Circe - Atebus - Subetapedia
I'm outraged at the complete lack of morality of this new Chancellor! It's causing Atebus, Subeta's largest trading company, to suffer and as a result, have to rely on our own resources, which are in short supply. If my people starve, it's on the hands of this new Sebastian Phoenix. If something isn't done in a timely manner, Atebus will have no choice but to revolt and retaliate! Let this be fair warning to the Chancellor-- we will not be taxed without good reason.
Heath - Sacred Lands - Subetapedia
Chancellor Phoenix and I have spoken briefly on the subject, face to face. I have to say that the residents of both Atebus and Subeta are getting their feathers in a ruffle over something quite trivial. If the public had even the hair of respect for King Keith's judgement, they'd know that Sebastian is more than savvy to handle the takeover of the Subetian government. It's factual, I must say, that yes while there are some small holes in how he's handled imposing this current tax, it's all in good time that the truth about the surplus will come out. All in good time...
Connor - Shadoglen Graveyard - Subetapedia
The administration is clearly withholding information from the Subeta public, for it's own good. The timing in King Keith's abdication was terrible, which of course is going to leave alot of lose ends. I'm almost certain that Mister Phoenix is just tying those loose ends without causing a stir, which he's quite obviously failed at doing. Whether or not the tax is revoked isn't even in the question; If it's been implemented it's clearly been implemented for reasons which have yet to be explained. I'll only be angered to find the misuse of the surfeit, but until the day comes that that happens, my position on the issue remains neutral. .
Joseph - Riverside Valley - Subetapedia
Guh. I kind of can't even imagine what people on Atebus are doing with such a big tax, man. I mean, everyone pays taxes, right? Well, where is that money? Why is the government taking more money from the people, when they should already have money, to begin with? This Phoenix guy is already really shady and he hasn't even been in charge for, what? Like, a year. If you ask me, he's up to something. Something big. I really don't want to stick around to find out what.
Dylan - Beach & Lake - Subetapedia
Duuuude. Dude. Like, so. This morning I was totally paddling out on this huge swell and, like, this, like, giant squid-deal suctioned to... Err, huh? Oh, yeah dude. So, like, the way I see it, if the government needs money so bad, they should be able to tax the people, as long as they do something to give back to society, right? Like, when they regain the money, they could like, buy everyone a totally rad board and have a massive surf-off! Dude, I'd be so stoked! Uhh-huh.
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