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Enter a fun community where you can adopt a virtual pet, dress up a human avatar with thousands of different clothes, and make friends on our forums! Join today to pick a pet, get a starter kit of cool items and start having fun right away! Hundreds of users are enjoying Subeta right now. Why aren't you?

Latest News and Updates

New Reward Card TOMORROW!!!

The windy weather (and not an aggressive honk) has pushed the reward card changeover to tomorrow! Tomorrow afternoon, there will be a new reward card and new items in the Loyalty shop.

Pet Spotlight - Starsuka

Starsuka the Custom Galactic Devonti has won the Pet Spotlight!

Free Gift: Sweet Daisy Plushie

Sweet Daisy Plushie
Charity has brought back a sweet, old free gift.

Pet Spotlight - Starspun

Starspun the Galactic Jollin has won the Pet Spotlight!

Pet Spotlight - Insatiable

Insatiable the Glade Tigrean has won the Pet Spotlight!
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