Net Neutrality

We are three weeks away from the FCC voting to remove net neutrality rules that govern internet service providers. What this means is you'll see slower speeds on sites that can't pay up for a "fast lane" access. Sites like netflix and youtube will be fine, they've got plenty of money to spend to make sure you see their content as quickly as possible.

Small businesses like Subeta and nonprofits that provide essential community services don't have such deep pockets, and won't be able to buy in to a fast lane.

We believe that the internet should be open, every person should be able to access it. Click here for more information about net neutrality and what you can do to make sure the repeal doesn't happen.
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Posted by Keith


Enjoy paying for internet usage if this passes. Net Neutrality is the only thing that is allowing people to have free access to information.

Here you go, definition:
Network Neutrality is usually defined as the principle that internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all online content equally without blocking or slowing down specific websites on purpose or allowing companies to pay for preferential treatment.


Don't forget to text RESIST to 50409 to use resistbot! It'll guide you through formatting a letter to fax to your representatives in congress. Super important if you want them to put pressure on the FCC and prevent the end of net neutrality!


@bluemoonlightgirl tune into something other than Fox News sometime maybe. Other people @ing you already were more eloquent on why you've got this shit backwards, so there's my hot take for ya, free of charge. Granted, if net neutrality gets the axe, I'll have to ask for a $50 premium on future nuggets of advice. This is a quality service I've got going here and I gotta get a nest egg going for when I have to pay to post my ugly art on tumblr cuz Verizon sectioned it off.


Mafia Protection Racket *LOL* Never thought of it like that, but it felt that way when I had DirectTV.


That makes more sense :D Thanks for simplifing it for me.


I'm not from the us, but this sounds awful


I just made the call, thank you for posting this Keith. Shit's scary, yo.


For those who support the repeal of Net Neutrality here is a nice list of what had happened prior to the current rules that the FCC is looking to abolish

A Brief History of Net Neutrality

This also excludes when Comcast decided to extort Netflix


I just sent letters via ResistBot. I'll tweet at the undecideds and badguy reps when I get home. Though the 3 names I actually recognize I'm fairly certain are lost causes (two are badguys and one is "undecided" *coughunannouncedbadguycough*) but I'll try anyway.

I hope we can save Net Neutrality ;.; *hugs Subeta Team*


Oh, @bluemoonlightgirl, I don't know where you've been reading service provider propaganda but you've been woefully misinformed.

"It's extremely bias of you to only talk about one side of this issue and not the other."

This is incorrect. It is not bias to discuss the truth. Saying the world is round isn't being biased against Flat Earthers.

The other side of this issue is the service providers who expect a return on their investment in lobbying for these changes. If there wasn't going to be a huge increase in profit for them they wouldn't be pushing for an end to Net Neutrality.

"It'll only give big corporations more power to censor people that they don't agree with, which is already happening on YouTube."

You're only kinda correct here, but at the wrong target. YouTube already has all the power they need to "censor people" being a private business that is under no obligation to provide anyone with a platform, especially considering that they aren't a monopoly.

The big corporations that *will* get more power to censor? The internet service providers who *have* stopped traffic to sites they don't like (it happened here in Canada when Telus blocked the website of a union they were having a dispute with). In many areas, ISPs are monopolies. If you don't like their service, you don't have an option to sign up with someone else. This is why getting rid of Net Neutrality is dangerous.


@bluemoonlightgirl - Are... you sure you know what you're talking about? Net neutrality is what we have now, which makes it so providers can't charge fees for accessing different parts of the internet. The FCC wants to get rid of that so that their rich corporate buddies can charge us all up the ass to access different parts of the web, like cable providers do with TV channels.



Thank you for sharing this form and explaining how Not American people can help!! Just filled it in :)


@Ankou It's like a mafia protection racket. Your ISP can control how fast you access information or whether you can access it at all. They can pick winners and losers. If you buy your phone service from a different provider than your Internet service, without net neutrality your ISP can make paying your bill tortuously slow, redirect you to its own phone service, or simply block your ability to reach your phone provider's site. Unless maybe, you were to add access to your Internet package and/or your phone provider were to pay your ISP to be allowed to reach costumers on its networks.

That's a nice business you got goin' on there. It'd be a shame if your customers could no longer reach it, know what I mean?


Either you guys are misinformed about this issue or you're spreading lies on purpose. I hope it's the former. Net Neutrality is a BAD thing. It has a nice sounding name and they did that on purpose, to trick you into thinking it's a good thing. It's not. It's extremely bias of you to only talk about one side of this issue and not the other. Net Neutrality does not create a free internet. It was already free before the last administration decided to mess with it. It'll only give big corporations more power to censor people that they don't agree with, which is already happening on YouTube. It's a shame that so many people believe this lie about Net Neutrality. It needs to be repealed, and I hope they succeed.


I thought this was over with as there was so much going on about it in the summer time... I had no idea this is still going on. I couldn't find where to leave the international comment. I tried googling it but couldn't find it. Can someone link it? It's not the same page as in the news post is it?


You don't need to be in the US to make a comment to the FCC about this. There is a ticky box for international commenters. I live outside the US and submitted a comment yesterday.



Aye, thank you, SubetaTeam. I was surprised to see this, but I'm glad you guys are aware of this issue. I've done my part, and I hope everyone else will do so as well. The internet is not cable TV, and it should not be treated as such.


>implying the internet isn't already lost from being passed to the effin UN

Wow, so many uniformed shills for Wall Street on here.


For anyone shrugging and going oh well, you gotta pay to play, lemme remind you:
This will absolutely be revisited upon we, the consumers, in two ways. Firstly, smaller sites will be forced to up premiums to remain competitive, and who do you think will be covering that bill? There will be more pay walls, more trashpandas objecting to private browsing, and more popups that yell at you for adblocking.
The second way is a bit more insidious; as only the richest sites will afford the faster speeds without pay walls, the smaller sites will founder. It will, in effect, control our access to information. Not just your own, but your kids, your relations, your friends, your community's. No one who is for this repeal can say without hypocrisy that they are for free speech.
This is not a scare tactic or an over dramatization; these are precisely what will happen. But hey, at least for one glorious moments we will create more wealth for billionaires, eh?
Don't want to be bashed? Do something about it.


All politicians try to destroy net neutrality. :(
They work on this in germany too.

Good luck with calls. :C


PLEASE Americans, do this as it will affect us all around the world. But we can do nothing :(


Thank you for spreading this very important message


I'm with you. :heart:


Good luck!


This meme needs to die, tbh. It's been years of scaring us about it. Lel.


@Ankou I feel like if the people who are buying the csc can't afford internet for every little thing
like they want to do where they make certain things like under different plans and if you can't afford that plan you can't play certain things like everything will be separate kind of like the plans comcast have if you can't afford their best plan theres only so many channels you get or you can't watch HBO if you don't have that premium plan :S sorry its hard to explain for me since I am bad at explaining. I don't think that many people buy csc I think its a group of certain people who spend a lot but I don't think its enough to pay staff, pay for whatever you need to keep the site running and also support the creator of keith. I mean I don't know how much he makes but it cost money to put items on here.


I'd love it if someone can please explain to me what the whole thing is about? I've seen a mod site I like to get on, talking about the same as on here and all I can understand is that it may be more then faster internet.


I am just hearing about this, I really hope this doesn't go through...


I cannot call the Congress because I don't live in the USA, but I signed the international petition. :)
I'm with you. :heart:


I'm really glad to see a news post about this!
I finally made a forum post and a billboard about it a few days ago because I was surprised to not really see anyone talking about it on Subeta yet. I know we're all tired of this because it seems to keep coming around every year but this time, under this administration, it seems extra ominous and more important than ever to speak up about it.
This isn't just about fun and games (although that's important too)...the free and open internet is critical for the public to stay informed and to organize if necessary. Without it, it will be a lot more difficult for us to unite and fight back next time our freedoms are threatened...


Same I don't live in the US so can't take action! Because of region limitation if this did happen I'd probably have absolutely no access to this site :(
Never heard of this net neutrality thing btw :o


@Skrett You take care, as well :)


@Stiles Thank you for clarifying and explaining your thoughts.

My comment was not intended to single anyone out, but address the use of the word "bashing." You are correct that it was used multiple times.

Take care! :)


I'm just wondering, can't Subeta afford to get a faster speed if they have too with the thousands that people pay for CSC and whatnot? I'm just trying to understand why the bill would be a problem. I'm not very good at understanding real world stuff, I have Aspergers and if it doesn't pull at my focus then I never pay it any mind.


@Skrett "bashing" was more harsh than I intended, I think I got that specific word from comments, but I could be mistaken. If I am mistaken, I apologize. I don't mean to say people can't be angry or express their anger. Of course that's going to happen, and it should. I hope this wasn't the intention my comment came off as giving. I don't want to be someone that makes it hard to speak up, I want to encourage it <3


Congress has critical oversight authority over the FCC and they can step in and stop this vote from happening, but only if we overwhelm them with phone calls between now and December 14.
(from the comments on this post)



It’s very necessary.


Thank you so much for posting this!


Criticism =/= bashing. We can handle criticism. We sure dish it out enough.


Hoping this can be successfully fought. You got this Americans!


Sadly, I cannot take any action since I do not live in the US, but I wish all my yankee friends the best of luck that you beat down this ridiculous bill! Please don't allow this to happen!


I have sent a message, and I have called, but I'm not stopping there, I'm going to make flyers and post them around my neighborhood and at my college to get people aware of this and to urge them to take a stand. I'm just so disgusted and disappointed that bad things keep on coming at us from all corners without caring how we feel. American, sadly, do not deserve the title as "The land of the free" at the moment. As harsh as that sounds, it's how I personally feel. I'm so tired of bad things happening that can ruin the lives of millions all for the sake of money. Living is hard enough for most people, and now they are trying to make it even harder. The internet is like a safe haven, and Subeta is one of the few sites I enjoy spending my time on, and it saddens and angers me that the site (along with so many) will be affected should this go through. I will do all that I can to spread the word and take a stand against this. No way am I taking this sitting down!


I signed the petition on act. freenet and also shared it on my FB.


ALSO: for those of you who also have phone anxiety! Unfortunately, ResistBot has been reported to not be effective, as the FCC may be filtering out anything it sends (somehow. I'm not sure exactly how it's doing it). I've heard this from quite a few people.

Emails and snail mail do work too if you cannot call!


how sorry to inconvenience you


To all of you other Yanks: YOU BEST HAVE CALLED YOUR REPS!!!

To the Subetans from other countries who have been spreading the word: THANK YOU SO MUCH WE LOVE YOU GUYS


many people* lol


Please don't let this happen, it'll fuck over so much people for the greed of the rich


i'm crossing my fingers real hard that this doesn't happen. even though i'm in Australia i've signed a few things and spread the word on fb, hope it helps!


I plan on getting involved and calling congress --I am not scared at all. This is very important to me. Thanks for posting this.


Also, I have to say, that being from the US all my life, the bashing saddens me. The state of our affairs so beyond messed up, but the majority of us are on the right side, and didn't have our voices heard, and this is the result of a supposed free country not honestly being so free. So I love you fellow Americans <3 Most of us didn't create the mess, but we can help make it better.


I was wondering when this was going to be mentioned, was surprised it hadn't been already :/ I've been freaked out about this for a while now. Idkw it has to keep coming up, just go away already you greedy jerks..


I signed the petition at We The People Do Not Repeal Net Neutrality just like Noelle did. I hope this doesn't pass. I can't believe this is becoming a thing again. Thank you for spreading the word @Keith!


Thank you guys for sharing this!


Calling now.....

Thanks @Keith!


Signed and sent a letter and using Resist Bot:
To pester them some more. <3


I’m gunna rage hardcore if subeta dies. I’ve spent so many years in this community and not to mention real money too. It would really kill me to see all of these memories, effort, emotional value and cash go to waste.


Resistbot is a lifesaver for someone like me who has extreme phone anxiety. Also, if you're in the US and you use Twitter, tweet at your representatives and let them know what you think. The page linked in the news post makes it especially easy to do so. We're angry, and it's time to show it. Now's the time to take a stand. Keep fighting, everyone!


Also to state this doesn't just affect the US it will affect people from all over the world who play games or use sites based in the US
like subeta like keith said so yeah this will be an issue for even people outside of the US


Just like in novels, real life utopias often turn into dystopias. When the founding fathers declared independence, the country they dreamed of forming was something of an utopia--freedom of speech, security, no cruel or unusual punishments, fair trial, etc. Now, the gleaming image of our Utopian country is crumbling under the recent disasters and the decisions being made by the greedy businessmen that somehow ended up in politics. We should all come together and fight them--united we stand, divided we fall! Net neutrality is not the only thing the government has been trying to take away from us, but by fighting it we not only save the internet as we know it but also show them that we will not yield! I encourage everyone to sign and/or call; let's make our voices heard! We've done it before, we can do it again!


I hope that posting this is ok. Shamelessly ripped from the NetNeutralityBot, here's a bunch of other links and info:

Don't want to call? It makes me really nervous too; let ResistBot help. Text RESIST to 50409 and get started.

International Petition here. (I know that the net neutrality repeal is everywhere and it seems like just a U.S. problem, but today? It's us. Tomorrow? It could be you. Even if you don't live in the States, please help if you can.)

Tell the FCC members what you think:
Write to the FCC here.
Ajit Pai | Ajit.Pai(at) | AjitPaiFCC
Michael O'Rielly | Mike.ORielly(at) | MikeOFCC
Brendan Carr | Brendan.Carr(at) | BrendanCarrFCC
Mignon Clyburn | Mignon.Clyburn(at) | MClyburnFCC
Jessica Rosenworcel | Jessica.Rosenworcel(at) | JRosenworcel

Write to your House Representative here and Senators here.
Or write to your representatives in one go.

Add a comment to the repeal. petition.

You can support groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the ACLU and Free Press who are fighting to keep Net Neutrality:
By setting them as your Amazon Smile charity.

Most importantly, VOTE. This should not be something that is so clearly split between the political parties as it affects all Americans, but unfortunately it is.


You can also leave your opinion with the FCC online, stolen from FB ::

Support Net Neutrality!
Please take a few minutes from your day to support Net Neutrality. I've made it fairly straightforward - just complete the following steps:
2. Enter under "Proceeding" type 17-108 (and hit enter/ return)
3. In the comments copy and paste the following (or include whatever you would like to say!): I support Net Neutrality and Title 2 oversight of Internet Service Providers
4. After clicking "Continue to Review Screen" make sure that you click "Submit" so that your comments are recorded
This should take you relatively little time and will help to fight to ensure that internet service providers are not able to speed up/ slow down/ block content or websites.


I've signed before but I'll also call tomorrow.


THIS! A MILLION TIMES THIS! Thank you for spreading the word!!!

Go message resistbot on facebook ( or text RESIST to 50409 and they can help fax your message to your states government/congress if you don't want to call/don't know where to go to help!! Please make sure our voices are heard!


Eh... we just moved back to my home land which is in China. I hope I can still access this site then!! Even if it means being on iPad/phone only!


I think this is very important and I pray we can keep it from happening. I do have one complaint though, was the 'huge take up my whole screen and give me a heart-attack' picture truly necessary?


Both my husband and I signed the petition at We The People Do Not Repeal Net Neutrality
Created by A.L. on November 22, 2017. Hopefully it will help. I've also shared on my facebook page and sent to friends via email.
ISP providers greed knows no bounds, it's ridiculous that this is even a possibility.


Ah, I didn't mean for it to sound as though I was disregarding any anger. I think you do have a really good point there! I guess it just hurts to see people bash America because all most people see are all the negative things that come out of the country when there are a lot of positive things too :/ I do agree that everyone has a right to be angry about this kind of thing.


I'm so saddened and angry that this is happening again. Some peoples' greed knows no bounds.

I have bad phone anxiety, and I'm so happy that I learned what Resistbot is. Thank you so much to everyone who has mentioned it!


This could be the end of our Subeta days Q.Q
What am I going to do with all my time? I spend majority of my time here


I just used ResistBot for my state officials. Considering how weasely our governor was by running as one party then suddenly switching to the other after he won (which by the way ResistBot has him listed as the wrong party. Not sure who to tell to fix that.) , I figured every official should get a letter if they support or not. Because even if they say they're for NN you don't know if they're on the fence and decide to go against.




Coming back in just to be That Guy and leave a comment about how I can't wait to get out of the US because this place is a total ass rash. Anyone who still thinks our democracy is stable and working as intended after this last year needs to clean their glasses a little better next time they get around to that.


Done what little I can due to being in the UK.

Good luck with fighting this, you guys, and everyone who has called/going to call, good job!


I did my job and shared it on facebook too :)


This link let me have a say even though I am not American!


First time hearing about it! How absurd.

I'm rooting for you from Brazil.


Thanks for spreading the word, Keith! I used Resistbot to send my messages since I have phone anxiety. If anyone else wants to use it, Bug has info about it on their profile. This is the message I sent Congress if anyone wants to copy/paste it:
"Net neutrality is a cornerstone of innovation, business, and free speech. Please fight for us, your constituents, in order to preserve it."



Thanks for the link! I have signed the petition and shared it on my Facebook - we need to rally around the world to stop this!


You know, I'm getting sick of these billionaires and politicians and their crap. They just can't let us have anything, can they? Not peace, not jobs, not health care, not the internet...Why do the worst scumbags always end up in charge of everything? *head-desk*


I made the calls today. Thank you for reminding us all to do this. We stopped this once before, we can do it again!


Thank you.


Thanks for posting this Keith...I've heard of it in the past but had forgotten about it. I just added my signature and shared on my Facebook page encouraging friends to sign and call and make their voices heard as well.


every tiem ive called the mail box is full and they arent taking more calls. ugh


@Kilala I agree its so sad to see things we need ripped from us
thats why I always tell my family and friends that we need to be involved and not
let politicians get away with stuff like this after all they work for us the people.


lol wth... That's awful. I'm glad Brazil didn't do the same thing when the internet providers asked to the government (actually not the same thing, but pretty similar). There was a huge movement, mainly on social media and YT to stop it and it seems to be settled, hopefully it won't come back here, too.


baffles the mind how people thought this would be an okay thing to try and pass

you guys can do it, keep fighting the good fight!!


Thanks for spreading the word. I know I’ve been doing it as much as possible. I swear, America is just, idk. It’s the worst I’ve ever seen it and people really need to NOT just think this won’t happen because it’s America. Look at all the horrible stuff going on right now, a huge result of people not thinking something would happen because America has more sense than that, but here we are. Still fighting against the horrors that have afflicted us since, well, we all know.


I pray that our voices are heard, that the protests, emails, calls and any other form of civil disobedience stops this from happening. I'm so sick of these greedy oligarchies. monopolies are the death of freedom. Honestly, I wish there was a way to cut these companies profits by using alternatives. If they won't listen to our words then maybe they would listen to the pain of profit loss, those greedy pieces of crap. >:/

And before people bash capitalism, just so it is clear, socialism would also do the same. Just check the histories of many socialist and ex-socialist countries, they had complete silencing of their communications when it suited their government's interest.

This isn't a political issue anymore this has become an issue that affects every person in the world and their capacity to simply communicate with each other. If anything is learned from this, it is that we can't just sit around anymore and let these people do what they want and not face consequences for their actions.



It's a shame, internet is like water and electricity, it's just part of life...
What's next? to pay for oxygen? for some reason I can see it happening in the US..


I don't have phone service T_T I tweeted all of my state house / congress at the beginning of the month


*cups hands around mouth* I'M ENGLISH, I CAN'T DO SQUAT!

Tumblr has been taken over by this and frankly all it does is make me depressed and angry...


I am so glad that Subeta is making a public news post about this! I only just a few days ago learned of this and did what I could to try to help stop this. I don't want anyone to lose what they love about the internet just because some selfish people want to charge people more money for things we should just already get (and do already get at the moment). Losing net neutrality would be a major hit against everyone's rights.


And by "they" I mean internet service providers and the people they pay off to lobby for this crap.


Very glad to see a news post about this. I was curious if you guys would post something about it or not (felt like you did the last time this was up) and I had been considering making some billboards to run on here but they keep looking like spam. :( & even though it freaked me out a bit, I already made phone calls, fired off some emails, etc.

I was also that person at the holiday gatherings bringing it up and explaining how 'you don't get charged more depending on how you use the electricity or water you're already paying for, internet should be no different.' Like, no one had any idea; even the younger relatives that REALLY SHOULD HAVE. I have no idea what corners of the internet they've been on, but damn.

Really, even if I only one more person to realize what could happen, and do something about it, I considered it a win and I know that I got at least one person to use Resistbot (Text RESIST to 50409!).


They've been trying to do this for a while now, and they'll keep trying to do it until/unless laws are passed to make the internet a basic right or utility, or at least make it illegal for them to do shit like this.


I'm not from the US so I can't do anything about it (I think)

But I support this battle!!

*didn't they try to do it a few years ago, I kinda remember a similar post about it, or it was a different thing?*


@Britney It's a shame when we have to fight so hard for things that they know we need :/ I am still have some faith in America, but I am ashamed to call myself an American when crap like this happens. I mean jeez, are they trying to make it difficult for people to live and enjoy themselves. I can't wait until I'm able to call these people. I'm going to have my mom and siblings join in too. Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. Man this pretty much ruined my evening :/


@Artiste I hope you're right and it doesn't pass but never have we had where republicans ran a majority of the congress and the house that this would even make it there now they have a majority of the vote to pass it and they could care less if people protest or anything of the sort. Just look at when disabled people protested to save medicare but look at that had people not swayed 3 or 4 republicans was it to change their vote from yes to no then medicare would of ended for millions of disabled. We were able to save healthcare yet now they want to pass a bill to higher taxes and give a tax cut to the 1% while people who make under 75k a year have to pay even more taxes. HOW WILL WE SURVIVE ;( this is so sad.


@Artiste nope. We're not great and our democracy is not perfect. I invite everyone who wants to bash us to please do so. Everyone is entitled to their anger. Democracy is not above criticism. It's great if you have faith in our government still, but those who don't should not be silenced.

The sad truth is that our voices are struggling to matter, and the repeal passing is a very real and even likely possibility. Anger can be productive, or at least comforting, when facing things like this.


Fucking US... Actually, fucking capitalism... Thanks subeta for spreading the word, and thanks to whoever is involved in those custom Ads going around.


all done .. I made my voice heard ... I feel that comcast already has their foot in the door with the take over .. On my comcast menu shows that they partnered up with netflix, youtube and pandora already ... *Fingers crossed* this doesn't pass


@Artiste While I respect your post, I have to say that right now America is in a horrible state. It's not at it's best and quite frankly, it's going down at the moment. Do I still love my country? Yeah. But the things that's been going on is ridiculous, such as this right her. Why the heck would they even try to pass something like this? Greedy! Just plain greed. That's what it boils down to and it's pitiful.


Even for people who don't live in the US this is important. I worry that if net neutrality is killed in the US, how long before something similar happens in my country? How will it affect sites I love, many of which are based in the US?

This shit needs to be stopped, or the internet as we know it will suffer.


Thank you guys for this, I appreciate everyone stepping up to make sure we all are fighting Net Neutrality.


I was wondering when a PSA regarding the possible impending death of the internet would happen. It seems we have to fight to protect it once a year. The FCC is like Bowser, Net Neutrality is Princess Peach, and the internet is the Mushroom Kingdom. And, like how Bowser keeps kidnapping Princess Peach, the FCC are determined to keep putting Net Neutrality, and the Internet, in jeopardy. Emailing and signing petitions won't help, we're just as good as bots to the government if we do it this way. We have to either snail mail or call our representatives. I am seriously scared the internet will be changed for good this year, due to who we have in the white house.


Oh my goodness, I had no idea. I agree with you. Thank you for letting me/us/ know about this!! Let's all take a stand!


This is why I love Subeta. <3


thanks for the reminder.. I will call .. hopefully we can stop this from passing


I really appreciate Subeta posting this! I've been following all of this very closely.

As someone from the USA who loves their country though, I ask to please keep all the country bashing to a minimum in the comments! The great thing about our country is that something like this WONT pass because we are all fighting against it. That's the beauty of democracy and having people fight against things they dislike being passed. I know America is far from perfect but there are many people who still love their country as much as anyone else loves theirs!


I have seen this link for non-Americans to sign a petition, it's the only thing I've seen so far for those of you not located here. Thank you for your help!!

And thanks Subeta & Keith for helping raise awareness!!


Wow. This is just. Wow. What is US coming to :/? Man! I sure as heck will give them a call and give them a piece of my mind. Spreading this word like a wild fire


Thanks for posting this Keith!

And now, here come all the "It's inevitable, Subeta is shutting down!" conspiracy theories...Subeta will not be shut down by any means, it'll just be incredibly slower.


This is not democracy, this is corporate Oligarchy in action, we need an internet Robin Hood.....That would be us..

Rocketlauncher has a wealth of info and reasons why removing net neutrality is a terrible idea.


I'm not American so there is nothing I can do to prevent this from happening.
Net neutrality for all. That's the last small 'luxury' that we have in life.

(and even then, we already pay for it)


Check @Bug's page for a link to ResistBot for those like me who hate talking on the phone.


Forget the 500 csc, this is the post that has me in tears....thank you Keith, thank you Subeta fam <3


:/ Do they know they CAN NOT own the internet? [Also, what can we do? I mean, users who are not living in the US]


Thanks for reminding me about this very important issue. The link worked great and I was able to sign up for a local protest and called not only my state and local reps but also others using that link.


I mean... If this happens maybe I'll be able to restock new items during events? ;) ;) ;)

This is actually insane though. I hope it doesn't pass!


I'm not sure about calling but I signed. why are companies still trying to mess with our internet? :(


Just called my local representative~ Thanks so much for posting this website, I'll make sure to call and support Net Neutrality all the way!


So...Is Subeta safe and still going, or not?


This is the first/only site I've seen do this and that's tight as hell. Fight the system!


i cannot get through with the link above.
can you guide me to where i'd go to sign/?


Done! :D


Thanks Keith!

I believe this is a global matter and anyone can sign it? I live in Canada and I'll be signing this.


@Whitemoon click on the link above


@seephira Really? Where?


@Whitemoon Yes you can sign. I live in Canada and just signed it


Your link is broken, Keith.

also I've already contacted my reps about this, but it's nice to see some awareness being brought up here!


@Whitemoon I still think you deserve a voice in the matter because this is absolutely a global issue. As you just pointed out - US services are not only accessed by US citizens. Honestly, I'm confused why other countries aren't trying to rule on this as a monopoly that affects other countries.


Thanks for making a news post for this, the more people hear about it and do something against it the better. Living in Germany I can't really do much but spread the word, but I really hope this doesn't kill Subeta. I haven't been on here for long, but it's already grown on me and I don't want to lose it. I love you, everyone <3


This is so scary so thank you so much for spreading awareness and doing what you can to help!


Honestly this makes me so sad. As a Canadian I cannot call or sign but I am really hoping this doesn't go through. It's just so sad this is what's going on in the world today.


Are you ready for hilarity? Ajit Pai says that past actual examples of the behavior that the FCC established net neutrality rules to prevent were but blips that are less likely to happen if the rules are removed.
Ars article:


Thanks Keith!


does the link work for anyone?

in any case, that's what democracy does to things, when business people are occupying key political positions. [go read "rich dad, poor dad" for more info, because that's so true it hurts]

In any case,i heard [some years back and im not sure it is true] that Sweden made internet access a basic human right. Any person in Sweden feel free to confirm or deny this.


if this ruins my subeta time omg I will b soooooo mad and not only that I surf the web everyday if i can't even use it because of how slow
and whats limited I will be one angry person so sad what the US is trying to come to.


Sadly, I can't sign or call because I live outside the US, but at least I can contribute by sharing that link around! Hope it helps! :)




yaaaay the US is a trash fire!


Shoot this post scared me... and then I read more and it scared me deeper.... ;;


Das a big image.



Thanks for spreading the word!

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