Potential auth instability over the next few days

Flow Headphones
Courageous Hero Journey Start
Over the Rainbow
Hello, all!

FYI, there may be some instability in auth.subeta.net over the next few days. Right now we're using a hosting provider named Railway. We initially went with them because they are more developer friendly and also started with a cheaper bid plus zero percent interest rate. Up until now they also didn't charge for data flow (also called egress, for if you see Keith or someone else use that term) used during a request. This meant having them securely access our database across the open internet didn't cost us any extra money, and this was really useful since Subeta is a bespoke site that calls a *lot* of data across a lot of different features. Now, however, they're going to charge for that data flow and that would run us hundreds to thousands of dollars a month on top of our other operational costs. So we've got to move!

This is why you've been seeing errors the last few days, but as you have noticed Keith has also been able to fix them as they come up. He is already working on a long-term solution as well, but we wanted to let you know in the meantime why the auth page might be having more issues.

Thank you! Happy dancing, and here's hoping to a mirthful Pride month!
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Posted by Galaxia

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