Site Update

Wow, what a confusing few days! Thank you all for following the Pownce (sorry for abandoning the twitter!) for updates, and giving your opinion on the poll.
Instead, we worked very hard to get back as much data as we could from logs, and other various area's of the site. The things that are effected are:

  • User Shops
    • If you are missing items from your user shop (anything put in, in the past 10 days) check your sMail! You should have a sMail from SubetaTeam telling you what items have been put in your Vault. Some of you had quite a few items!

  • Items

    • All the item data on the site (What they do, descriptions, etc) were lost, and had to be rebuilt (thank SubetaHQ for some help there!) from various areas of the site, and other information. That means that shop prices on items changed, as well as possibly some rarities. If you notice anything odd, please send either Keith, Amber or User not found: dna a sMail, and we will have it fixed as soon as possible!

There you have it! We didn't have to roll anything back (kind of) and worked hard to bring everyone to a happy medium. Hopefully everyone has their items, and as always, we are working very hard to make sure this doesn't happen again!

Note: Some people are confused about items that they have, that they sold before the site went down (that are now in their vault) and what they should do with them. Go ahead and keep them. We decided it'd be much easier to give out all the items, then not give out any items. You aren't abusing a glitch reselling them.
User Avatar: 1

Posted by Keith


Thank you so much. I was confused that I have a thing in my shop what I have already sold ^^


Thank you Subeta team for all of the hard work you did! No other pet site would have cared as much as you do. Thank you & once again I love Subeta! <img src="" border="0" />

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I'm missing everything I put in my shop, but on the other hand, I got a potion back that I had sold. My user Profile updates have been erased... Is that normal?


Um... items I took out of my shop forever ago ended back in my shop. Good thing I noticed and removed them before they sold.


Thanks for the massive effort put in. About all I've noticed is all the main shop prices are double / treble what they used to be.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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hooray! but my christmas present is gone <img src="" border="0" />

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Just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped get the site back up and running. It sounds like it was quite a large task! I appreciate all your hard work. =)


You guys rock for fixing it all with so little fuss and making it as fair as possible. <img src="" border="0" />

I have so many items I sold though. o.o We can really just resell them all?


OMG Thank you for all your hard work!!! Much love to the Subeta team. <img src="" border="0" />


Wow, outstanding job guys!! Hugs and kisses for all of you!


I must say that I am very pleased with how this was handled. Other sites show that they don't give a damn and to piss off whenever crap like this happens. Job well done.


Thank you guys! All my items were in my vault. I'm so glad everything is working out.

You guys are the best.


Sure enough I checked my vault, and theres my items. Awesome!
Thanks go out to the the staff for all your work to fix the site.


Awww, thank you, thank you, thank you~ *praises Keith and the Admin* You worked so hard, and it sounds like things are going to work out pretty well. THANK YOU! *hugs Subeta*


Thank you Subeta staff. You've really did a wonderful job getting the site up and running and trying to keep everything in its place. I commend all the programmers that worked so hard. Thank you all very much.


<img src="" border="0" /> Yay! the sites back. <3333 you guys are awesome!


I'm missing a TON of items <img src="" border="0" /> My galleries are nearly empty, and the items are mostly NOT in my vault. Is there something I can do?


Yay! Subeta is back. <img src="" border="0" />
I'm missing a full page of items in my shop but i don't know the names so i don't care. xD

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Thanks for all your work!
I'm so happy to have my pets back!!! *hugs her pets*

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Ahhh! Thank you! You're the best and this definitely worked out great <img src="" border="0" />

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I am really pleased with how this all turned out. Thank you for polling and waiting and listening. I think this is the best possible solution all around. Thanks again! <img src="" border="0" />


colddragon, i was just reading back on your posts and you better check your scrolls. everyone is missing their scrolls, at least i think everyone is. i know some are. i am missing my 4 scrolls so i imagine you are also. i tried to send you a message but cant do that and cant get on my or anyones profile, but at least we can do stuff. thanks again subeta for getting the site back to us.


Thanks for getting it back to us! <img src="" border="0" /> Out of interest, who do we report missing items to? <img src="" border="0" />


Thank you for bringing the site back up. <img src="" border="0" />
And thank goodness no rollbacks had to be done. You all are awesome and keep up the good work. -- LD


Thankies soooo much for bringing the site back up! I don't think my GA went back but its worth losing a week to get Subeta back!


Thank you for all the hard work all of you have done <img src="" border="0" />


Are our GAs reset back too?


Yay, I'm so happy Subeta is back! Thanks guys for working hard to bring it back up and to get our items back to us. I'm missing a few minor items still but I'm just happy to be back on. <img src="" border="0" />


Glad to see Subeta is back up and running!! Thanks for my items. <img src="" border="0" />


I'm still missing a large number of items, but at least the site's back up XD


*mwah!* and i don't even care about the few missing items, i'm just trilled i've got most of it back, you guys are awesome. thanks gang. <img src="" border="0" />

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Only thing I know for a fact I lost was about 2,250 wizard tokens I put in my gallery. Besides that I think most everything is in order though which is amazing. Thank you for the great job.


I'm missing my Onqindishnal which no longer seems to exist, and the Spring Equinox I bought before the site went down.


Ok, thanks Proclaimer_Rye <img src="" border="0" />


Glad to see the site back and running, although I can't get to anyone's profile. =/ Small price to pay just to have the site back! Especically on my birthday!

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Thank you! I have everything I had before this happened. I was worried I was going to lose some wigs, but everything's there.
Thank you again!


>: I'm missing a spectrum and darkmatter potion that I put in my gallery within t5he past 10 days but didn't show up in my vault, what can I do to get these items back??? It took me a few weeks to get enough tokens and be able to trade for these potions I really don't want to have all my time wastede for nothing...


The site was down? 0_o
Kidding. Still don't know what a Pownce is, though.
And Pews, according to the news post, I'd say you could keep it, probably. Might want to ask a mod though.


Missing happy nuggets, I-Love-You Rainbow, maybe other stuff
Smail does not work.
Profiles do not work.
I know you guys worked hard, but there are still some issues <img src="" border="0" />


Um... a few days ago, i gave a reborn potion to my keeto, but now i have a the reborn potion in my vault... Should i take it out and delete it, or is it fine to keep it?

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Subeta's working!!!


What I REALLY enjoyed throughout this time that there was a notice up about what was going on, thank you for that, and thank you for working hard to get things as much back to normal!! 83


wow. that was great. the only thing that i care about thats missing is my lovable rainbow beanbag... but other than that i think ya'll did an amazing job...


Thanks Keith for getting the site back up fast! I am only missing one item which is Floe! I just got it from the recycle beast! <img src="" border="0" />


i was only missing like 3 items i think but it doesn't matter i can work for them again i'm just happy about the great job keith and the subeta team did to make sure everyone was satisfied <img src="" border="0" />


Thank goodness I didn't loose all those minions I splashed out on. The only thing missing is my Spring Equinox. Thanks team


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;"> Thank you all for working so hard! </blockquote>

Yup. You guys are thee bessttest. :]

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I was also missing some Rainyday Frost stuff but figured I can RS again but if more people are missing them maybe that was some of the info lost?? ahhhhh I dont care lol I am just happy to have subeta back again I Rsed once I can Rs again <img src="" border="0" />


Thank you all for working so hard!


Is there a person to sMail if you are missing items over 10 days old? I purchased a Rainyday Frost Headpiece a while back and is has been removed from my Subeautique gallery. All these duped items people are bragging about might have come from other people's losses.


Ugg, I should have read other peoples' posts before posting myself. Here I am all giddy and there are people that lost a ton of stuff. Here's hoping that you all get your things back. If the staff can pull that off then they are more then deserving of all the praise I gave them earlier.


Way to go guys yall did an aswesome job i wasnt missing anything at all great job glad to have the site back


*hugs Subeta and Keith & Staff* I am missing nothing of importance....incredible job guys...way to go <img src="" border="0" />


i dont think i am missing any items, but i am just glad it is back up <img src="" border="0" /> thanks so much


*big sigh of relief*

I second "I survived the May '08 Downtime" T-shirt idea ^^. ANYWAY, I hardly noticed it because I was on holiday for a week, but good work ^^. I was so scared about my pets, though I was pretty sure I hadn't put anything in my shop/galleries because a) I was on holiday for 7 days and b) I wasn't on much for the three days before. I /did/ put one item in but I got it back ^^.

Thank you for all your hard work, Subeta Team ;3.


Only thing I see wrong so far is an unknown item on the main page of my Minions 'n More gallery. And that I lost the Spring Equinox that I'd bought.


I'm so happy that subeta back, but my dark matter potion what I bought from Millionare Center gone <img src="" border="0" /> <img src="" border="0" />


thanks guys seems almost normal. the original item that i lost is still gone i sent a ua a note. glad the sites back even though today is the day i will be gone all day xD


I'm pretty sure I am missing a spectrum potion, but I can't complain about this service. I know you guys do insane amounts of work just to keep us from being peevy and I can't even tell you how much I appreciate it.

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I am so grateful the site is back up and am as always so thankful for the subeta team for all their efforts. That being said I too am missing a load of stuff that was not in my shop, gallery, or put back to my vault. Most of which I dont care about but I am missing the Birthday presents I put to gallery for a friend. Funny thing is when I got the stuff it was not that valuable but I guess you had to of rolled the shops back some because now they are in none of the shops putting them back to unbuyable status. I had almost the entire Eddie Bell set which was going down in price I would rebuy but some things are not even in shops now. and I had almost all the Deliciously Cold Ice Creams which I would of rebought but once again some are not even in shops again. I am also missing the Kanvas. oh BTW Happy birthday if your reading this lol. Anyways thanks again I guess I have to call it my loss since Keith doesn't say to contact an UA about missing items. One last thing I really liked having the pownce forum to get to know new people with, some better then others. Thanks for keeping us updated!


wow.i expected it 2 take alot longer than a couple of days!as far as i know ive lost nothing,so im happy! <img src="" border="0" />

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Thanks, Keith and the Subeta Staff! Holy geeze. xD It wasn't the same while everything was gone.


Yay! Thank you Keith and everyone, you're awesome!
<img src="" border="0" />


Im happy i still have my items.I guess the blank box in my galleries are about the token shop items that are missing.Thank you for putting lots of effort to make the site better!

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smuky I thourght that was possible so I had a look and couldn't find any compose mail or new message button. Posted on here and I just looked again and it was the first link on the toolbar. Doh.


I have something strange to report XD

Someone sent me a giftbox, and I'm unable to open it.. The 'Open' option is missing. D=


Benji just use the regular subeta mail to contact the staff you don't need to go to their profiles! Keith himself said who to contact in case something is wrong.


I'm glad that all these items are back. XD I had a massive list.

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I forgot this page took out all returns. That post I just made is a mess. Also is there a way in which to contacts UA's about items lost since we can't get onto there profiles?

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Thank you thank you thank you!!!! I was so panicking for nothing!!! you all rock!! (((hugs)))

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Thank you so much for getting the site back online so quickly! I am still taking stock of what I have lost but so far it stands at:

- 8 pages of my less than 100k shop, I have no idea what the items I have lost were probably what I have added over the past 10 days.

- I have lost a number of items from my +100k shop, probably about 10 items, mostly rare items that I had rsed last week. INCLUDING A CHRISTMAS PRESENT I BOURGHT FROM THE CASH SHOP. To my knowledge I have lost:
- Christmas Present
- Book of Ancient Black Magic
- The Big Book of Lizards
- Eddie Bell Oishii Handbag
- Demonic Peeper of Doom
- Lizard Minion
Unfortunately my memory is rubbish and this is all I can remember. I know that I rsed a number of r95+ last week and sold none of them. If it is possible to check the restock logs then I would be very grateful If you could tell me what other good items I rsed

- I made a gallery of beanbags about 3 days ago which contained a few valuable beanbags and I was just beginning to work through the alphabet getting as many as I could. These are the rare ones I know I have lost:
- Angelic Beanbag
- Bloodred Beanbag
- Bloodred Telenine Beanbag
- Bloodred Torrey Beanbag
- Christmas Kitty Beanbag
- Lovable Rainbow Beanbag
- Rainbow Kitty Beanbag
- Old Wizard Beanbag
Again I can’t remember any more but I know that there were a few. I had just finished getting all beanbags beginning with A as well.

- A spectrum potion I traded for a 1k token just before the site started going weird.


8D I think Kieth and everyone else deserves a big cheer and a beer, no?
Either way, thank you so much for endeavoring to get the site back up as soon as possible!


Thanks to all of you for all your hard work! ~Kat~


And in the end the good guys prevail! It's great that nothing had to be rolled back!

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Keith,thanks for all your hard work,I appreciate that!~*


Thank you for the hard work Keith and Subeta programmers. =)
I am missing one item, but I think it went back to the person who sent it to me. I'll contact her and see if she has it.


Excellent job, I got my discount card back and that was the only thing I really cared about! Good luck with fixing the rest and THANK YOU!


Thank You!! What a lot of effort you put into this!! I really appreciate gettin my items back! <img src="" border="0" />

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I don't think I'm missing items, but I've found an Abominaminabible that wasn't stated in the smail and was never in my posession before all of this in my vault o.o;


Bleh, I lost 3-6 items, some of which I can't remember the names to but they were well over 100mil. Bleh.

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Wow. That quicker than I expected, but I'm still all the while happy. <img src="" border="0" /> Thanks so much, Keith -- and of course the rest of the
Subeta staff -- for your hard work that you put into getting the site back up and running.


I have to say I am really impressed. When this crash first happened I really freaked out because based on the info you gave us I was going to lose about 50 mil in items, a huge investment in time and roughly 30-40 points worth of training on my main battle pet. Turns out that after a quick look through my stuff I don't think I lost anything and being able to keep the duplicates you gave us means I will make about 50 mil instead! Beyond that you actually kept the users informed through out this whole ordeal. Which in the past was the biggest customer service problem I had with the site and something that routinely drove me insane. While having massive site crashes isn’t the sign of a professional company your response to the crash couldn’t have been better. Kudos to the Subeta Team. We can actually see you growing and maturing before our eyes. There’s a much brighter future for you today as a company then I would have guessed just a few weeks ago.


"You aren't abusing a glitch reselling them."

Nice one! <img src="" border="0" />


Thanks so much for doing an awesome job, Keith & Subeta Staff. You guys rock. &#9829;


I'm happy even if i've lost a few expensive items ^^ I've read the note, and i'm glad this isn't considered "abusing a glitch" o_O It would be really difficult to solve this...
Thanks a lot Keith and subeta staff ^^


Just wanting to let you know you did a great shop but as so many I am missing the I Love Magic T-Shirt too (got it for my birthday so don't know if the person who sent it to me got her tokens back) just wanted to let you know <img src="" border="0" />


I am missing 3 potions and a dp =[ I'm missing a graveyard potion, 2 spectrum potions and a may 2008 dp that I bought from the cash shop! this isn't fair ="[


Strange that one thing I sold in my shop before the downtime was back in my shop and I still have the points from selling the item. Not complaining though, just strange that it didn't go into my vault with other things. Anyway great job and glad to have subeta back <img src="" border="0" /> Now I have something to do on here again <img src="" border="0" />


chibimichele those days that you "lost" never happened <img src="" border="0" />
if you get it... it's like we've gone back in time. if you had 3 days left by today, you now have 5/6 again or w/e
and people I don't think we're supposed to contact them yet about MISSING items! Only if theres anything STRANGE with the items - rarities etc

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Wow, you guys did an amazing job. Thank you so much.


Thanks for working so hard to get the site back up! It was great that we had at least the front page to inform us about updates <img src="" border="0" />

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They did an amazing job from where I stand! I may have even gotten my smail out to DNA(wasn't going to try for Keith since no-one seems to reach him). They got back pretty much every item I didn't know I had but missed the only two I remember=^.^=ironic huh? oh well i have my 3am fun back now. ahhh insomnia how I love thee.............


Hmm...I am missing Happy Nuggets too.

Polka: Did you check your Vault too?


Um, you said you didn't do a rollback, but my hoarding gallery was definitely rolled back. It had 25 pages in it a few weeks ago, but the last week I vended like crazy and got it up to 56 pages. Now it has 25 pages again.

Now, I'm not complaining, because you graciously gave me my tokens back. And for that I am incredibly grateful. I did not expect to see them again, and I can't thank you enough. Just found it odd when I read the news post.

One more reason why I love Subeta! Neopets wouldn't have cared one whit if I lost 30 pages of stuff. <img src="" border="0" /> Thank you Keith. <3

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I'm missing all of the items in my shop that were priced, and I've already checked the sales history. Unfortunately, I forget which ones they were except for one of them xD


Just no pressuring is being implied here!

But are GA holders going to get a couple extra days or anything?

Like I said, just curious. <img src="" border="0" />


Okok. I think we should set up a board and everyone post their missing items. But if this is done PLEASE only post your missing items, and ONLY post when you've compleated your missing list - keep it to one post per person. Hopefully this suggestion will be considered <img src="" border="0" /> In my experience i'm missing the new tique, retired tique and CS items (:


I am not sure where to go but I lost an item i forgot the name but i cant find it anywhere its a pink skirt that was a new item ....

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I missed Subeta.
Good job. Everything I had seems to be in order. Thanks.

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ohh <img src="" border="0" /><img src="" border="0" /> cant find two spectrum potions I stuck in my shop, can i smail?
but yay! <img src="" border="0" /> sit back up! thanks!


OMG thank you so much! I have a few things missing but HEY. It will be sorted out soon. I mean COME ON. You guys couldn't havE DONE ANY BETTER in a situation like this <3 My appreciations to Keith and the staff <img src="" border="0" />


Ooops, sorry for the blank. I'm missing all my Christmas presents, a bunch of Subeautique restocks, A BH restock, and nothing seems to have been added to my vault (didn't get an s-mail about this either. Couldn't find the Token Shop minion either.
However, thanks for what you did manage. I'm assuming I'll get my Christmas presents back.

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Yes! Thank you SO much for getting the site back up!! I was so bored without it. =)


Thanks for getting the site up. I'm missing one item and that item is Bubble Insta Seed.


Okay, it seems that I acutally am missing some items... *cries*
Anyway, thanks again. ^^


Wow...You wouldn't believe how happy I am. Thank you for your hard work. I didn't lost any item (except three Christmas Presents)...Just wow. Please, don't make that happen again, this was just horror the last days. xD

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woo... I got quite alot items in my vault..


as long as my recycle points is safe this time... i don't care about the rest. and they're all there so....happy me. =)
(only thing i registered i'm missing is the spectrum potion i bought from the token shop)


Thank you everyone for working hard and bringing Subeta back to life XD


Aw crap, I noticed one more thing... my "I love magic" shirt from the token shop. Can anyone please let me know if we should contact different members of staff for different item types (i.e., one person for cash shop items, another for token shop items) or does it not matter? Thanks for any help!


Arrrgghhhh. Somebody finally bought my Irish Ghillies the other day, and now they're back. Lmfao. XD


Thanks. <3


I just looked in my wardrobe and think a few items might be missing they are gifts from cult members that they sent me for my birthday


Thank you so much, guys. <img src="" border="0" /> Love you.


I cant mail keith about cash shop items..anyone else having trouble with the smail or even going to their lookup?


Wow, I'm really impressed at how much was salvaged. I was expecting to come back to much larger losses. Right now all I know for sure is missing are Christmas Presents, bought 4 on Sat. and put all the items I got in shop or gallery, the Starpy that I won from the safe crack game and put in my shop, and the Explosive Dark Matter Die that I put in my gallery after defeating Nightshade. My main concern is of course the Cash Shop items. I was so thrilled to have opened a Spixi! Ah well, it's all chance, right? It really is better than I had feared we might come back to. Thank you to Keith and the staff that worked so hard to minimize the losses. I'm glad to see Subeta up and trying to make things right for as many as possible. I'll send an smail about the items as soon as I can figure out who the appropriate contact is. Thank you again for your efforts <3

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ok after reading all the post I can see I am not the only one missing token shop items. I do appreciate getting the tokens I had spent back in place of the items.. However I do still hope the items are RSed again so myself and others have a chance to get them again.


Well I can't view my user lookup, still getting an error, but thanks for all the hard work you did to get Subeta back on line.


Keith tried to report some glitch's in viewer information then tried to report it in help but also had glitch in there to. But would like to say thank you for all the very hard work you and your team are doing.

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I have a question:
I had 2 Spring Equinox and 2 Lovable Rainbow Beanbag from the token shop and now I don't have them anymore it seems.. So what are you going to do/ How are you going to handle missing token shop items that were bought in the time frame of the roll back? Will the items be put back in the token shop again or will the items be sent out to users whom had bought them?


WOW you guys I have SO much put back in my vault..thank you for all the hard work.


i'm also missing my Happy Nuggets. sad face. my Vile Water Imp and Hydro Matter were gone too, but i remade them. the garden doesn't work for me.


I had lost 2 1k tokens and (maybe) a spectrum potion, but i haven't found them anywhere, nor in my vault!


Beachbum & Allegria i too am missing the lovable rainbow beanbag and the happy nugget's but i noticed i have the tokens back in my vault. Whilst i am very sad that i dont have these items, I am so greatful to subby team for all the hard work they have done to get everything else back <img src="" border="0" />. I am sure they will relise them again.
Thanks Keith and the "Gang" for all the hard work <img src="" border="0" />

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You guys pulled off everything.
Amazing, you are!

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Keith - Just want to let you know, but I'm still getting an error on user profiles. Not sure if it's my computer (it's very ill-tempered) or if this is Subeta. Everything else seems to work just fine, but I just can't look at user profiles, it gives me a blank page with an error message. The number it says to include is always 0.


well done and thankyou for the time and effort getting subeta back on (hugs)

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I've looked around and wfrom what I can gather I'm missing a White Opal Crown, but other than that the staff did a great job with restoring my shop items and everything. (: I am VERY thankful for all the hard work you guys have done the latest days who made this possible, thank you, thank you, thank you. <img src="" border="0" />


Beachbum wrote "Didn't even realize the site was down...but now that I'm having a Lovable Rainbow Beanbag and the Happy Nuggets are missing!!!! I'm afraid to look at what else is gone."

Dang, I just checked and I'm missing the Happy Nuggets too. I don't know about the Lovable Rainbow Beanbag though because that was in one of my pets' treasure, and I can't access that yet.


To Keith and the Subeta Team - On Pownce you said that the deadline would be Thursday and that day has arrived and I and all the other members can access Subeta once again. Congratulations on all your hard work. I trust you are all having a well-deserved rest now.


Hmmm. I'm going to wait a bit before mailing anyone as I'm sure their hands are full and will be for a while. But still, losing items from the Cash Shop isn't good, such as the Wine Flamenco Dress that I had in my shop that I got from a Christmas Present, and I'm positive I had a book from the latest DPs in there as well (I bought a few DPs to try and get Cherry Blossoms).
I understand the frustration the staff must be feeling right now and I want to buy Cash Shop items again in the future, but I'm not feeling particularly confident about that right now.


Didn't even realize the site was down...but now that I'm having a Lovable Rainbow Beanbag and the Happy Nuggets are missing!!!! I'm afraid to look at what else is gone. <img src="" border="0" />


I actually do have one of my trunks <img src="" border="0" /> but only because I'd opened it and put in in my wardrobe which is neat. So I just need to get the othe 9 really <img src="" border="0" />


I am missing quite a few things as well. I recently combined my minion gallery with my normal gallery but none of my minions are there now, nor were they placed in my vault (with the exception of a few that I bought recently, the ones I already owned before this are gone)... And I had quite a few. x__x;;; Everything else seems to be in order though but that is still a pretty heavy loss for me. Great job getting the site back up though, I was going nuts not being able to get on here. xP;;;


Good job <img src="" border="0" /> I am going to wait till I get back on tomorrow to write someone about the few important things I am missing (not worrying about a lot of miscellany ). It might be a good idea to create some kind of separate form for people to fill out for missing items related to this event rather than have bunch of different UA's get flooded with all the problems in their s-mail boxes.


The Subeta Team is amazing, thanks guys for all your hard work :*


Wow, I am very impressed with all your hard work! I doubt I'll realize if I am missing anything, but that's okay. Thank you to the programmers, Keith, and anyone else involved in the site's recovery. I'm sure it was a LOT of hard work, and very stressful. Also, thank you Keith for having the Pownce page up. It helped to have some updates!


I don't mind missing some things but the cash items..those I want back <img src="" border="0" />


I miss lots of items especially DP and Trivia prizes <img src="" border="0" />


whew, I found my cash shop receit <img src="" border="0" />


Trapped Minions isn't working. Just to let you know. <img src="" border="0" />


yeah, I bought that beanbag too. I'll see if I have it now...yep, mine is missing too. Hmm

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Im still missing a plutonium dragon.

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good job... not going to lavish you cause your probably too tired to care hahahaha but thanks keep up the good work


Will the token shop restock again? I got my tokens back for the things I bought, but I can't rebuy the actual items, since they're not in the Token Shop anymore...


I have the same thing. Everything from the Cash shop is now gone. Who do I contact with the transaction numbers to get them back?


Profiles don't work but hey, the sites back up with no rollback!
Keith is amazing. =D


Profiles aren't working D;


Thanks for all the hard work and getting the site back up, but I am confused. It says there wasn't a rollback, but my gallery is reset to where it was last week BEFORE I put in about 12 hours work redoing it, plus I am missing many items that are not in the smail from Subeta team, most noteably my Everheart staff, 2 Recycle Beast TCs, and Loveable Rainbow Beanbag. I sure hope I will get it all back, but will wait till tomorrow to deal with it. Just to tired tonight.


I woke up early JUST to see if Subeta was back. And it is!
Thank you to everyone who worked on bringing back the site! A lot of hard work was done, and it paid off. ^^


Grats on getting the site back but bleh I'm missing 2 spectrum potions <img src="" border="0" />


I'm missing all cash Items I bought *50 bucks worth ;P

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it's so good to see Subeta is back *__* but I'm missing all the items from 6 mysterious costume trunks I opened a few days before the downtime and put in my wardrobe gallery :| should I smail an UA or wait?


I'm missing all the Cash shop items I had in shops/galleries and pretty much all the hats and flopits I moved from my gallery to my shop...

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Glad to see the site back up <img src="" border="0" /> You guys must've worked really hard. The Orly I had in my shop is gone, though. Oh well.


if we are missing christmas present items bought in the past few days who do we smail about that

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The SubetaTeam is full of win AND awesome sauce!
You guys are the greatest. This is why I play Subeta




I reached everywhere and all my cash/donation shop items are gone, gone, gone.... <img src="" border="0" />


Wow, thanks for getting the site up so fast!! My pets are missing their scrolls too..


Well lookit that, I have an aemis in my vault <img src="" border="0" />. I've probably lost items though but my memory fails me atm.


Ahhhh!! I'm supremely grateful. Thank you, Keith/staff.


thank you for getting site up!
take a well deserved break <img src="" border="0" />

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Oh, btw, while the 2 trunks are missing, my 10mill isn't refund neither. I wanna cry, please take my trunks back!! Thank you. T^T

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Thank you very much for all the hard work everyone! All though the user profiles are not showing up, but I think that it will be resolved soon. THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE!! <img src="" border="0" />


Oh thank goodness. After blowing all my sP and getting down to almost nothing I had been busting my behind trying to get my sP back up to a respectable amount and I was so worried it would all be for naught. I don't think I have ever been this happy to be this wrong!

Once things settle down a bit - can we find out what happened to the daily (at least) backups that we were told was happening the last time the site died? Or is that an Ask Keith thing?

And profiles are busted..... Glad the site is back and hope everyone gets some much deserved rest.


Ack I'm missing the dp items I got from Christmas Present that I bought from the Cash shop as well :S

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Thank you so much for the hard work, but I'm still missing 2 Mysterious Costume Trunks I bought 10mill from trade. (I can't remember the seller name, but I will know, once I can open profile comment) I shouldn't put them in the Gallery. I want them back, help please!! TT__TT


Thank you!!


My battle pet is missing all the scrolls it had attached as well. Also there are several items missing from my galleries and shop. For instance The Monster Of Haebernold and Whire (and neither is in my vault).

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Darn im missing all my scrolls-.-
Saturas's Learned Spells
No Spells Learned!
0/48 alchemy points used

Lucent Barrier Scroll, 2x Sancturia Exodin Scroll, 3x Cobalt Eternal Scroll and a Soothing Current Scroll.
And i can't see in my pets treasure chest this makes me a bit fussed.


Argh, I just deleted my black lacey corset!! >< Oh well.


I'm still missing 2 spectrum potions, I think that's all. Thanks for your hard work.


Thank you for fixing everything! I was so worried about losing tons of stuff. So far, the only thing that seems missing from my gallery, is the Spring Equinox.

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Yay...I am glad to see everything back where I put it. I am REALLY glad the Aemis I traded for right before the site went down is still there. LOL. All my sP is there. Good to know that after all the money I have donated to the site, you work so hard to get everything back the way it was! Great job everyone!!!


i know i lost several scrolls too. i only really care about the cobalt eternal one though.
but, thanks for all your hard work getting the site back as well as you could, and much better than early predictions.


I'm missing a viper fang from my gallery, but that is it.


Aww no problem Keith, SubetaHQ is glad that we can help and hopefully there wont be too many odd things to fix.


Great to see Subeta back, thanks Keith and staff<img src="" border="0" /> My battle pet is also missing all his scrolls, some expensive ones too, so will smail a UA about these.


And with my little question in the help section I take my leave. Ill have my answers tomorrow. Until then Im stashing my ISS in my vault. Im going to be so useless at work tomorrow. Thanks for getting things back up and running Keith. Truly appreciated.


Subeta's back up. You guys are seriously awesome. ;.; Thanks a bunch (now I won't have to be bored out of my mind XD).


My pet He-man says he hasn't learned any spells, but he did.. sigh. That's not a huge loss for me, but it's probably something more serious battlers should check.


keith you said to double check so i did. i`m missing my 4 scrolls attached to my pet and they are not in my vault or my shop or my inventory.

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My smail works fine, but my profile page won't show up :/ SLQ error code is "0". I'll wait a few days before everything settle down.
Thanks to everyone who makes Subeta alive again <img src="" border="0" />


Great job. Its much appreciated how you try to find the best solutions to fit everyone's needs instead of taking the easy way out like I'm sure many would do. Thanks again! ^^


FYI, giftboxes don't work. A friend just sent me an early birthday present and it does not have an option to open it.


Yes but I always used to go into profiles and click the Smail button before I even noticed there was a Mailbox link on the side menu. So I figured that was their problem Alexus.


Wow, thank you.
And happy hallelujah the sites back! Great job to all of you!


Keith found the amazing solution that saved the world. Thank you, Keith and staff.


Great work guys!!!
I'm only missing the items from the fallery I deleted a few days ago.
It was my 'For the future' gallery with all my tokens (almost 20k tokens) and a lot of potions (1xangelic, 2xreborn, 2xnightmare, 4x spectrum, 2xglacier, 1xdark matter, 2xbloodred, 1xgraveyard), a lot of uncharted and secret land maps, a gatekeeper egg and a deluxe death shard. Don't care about the other items that were in there, but I would love to got the potions and the death shard back if it's possible.

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To mail someone you need to do it through the mailbox section. Not through profiles.


I also miss a few items, but I don't really care, except for the Spectrum potion xD But I don't mind do rebuy it, if the token shop would put it in again. But all in all I am really happy how it worked out in the end. Great job! Thanks a lot.


Buu? Are you trying to reach their mail through their profiles? Because I know for sure those are down still. Mail is working for me. <img src="" border="0" />


Have all user shops been recovered at this time? If so who can we contact about losses? If not how long should we wait before contacting someone. I am missing numerous valuable cash shop items. While I realize this was overwhelming to staff I am just looking for some details since in this instance if not returned it is a real loss ($$$) and not just a virtual one.


Well I am missing a few items, but I can let that wait an send in the info tomorrow. Since I wasn't expecting to have anything returned. Ya'll did a great job appeasing everyone and I don't think anyone should complain to much.

Keith I do hacve one question, I currently am wearing an Item on my ha that I had in my gallery before the ten days reset. Should I delete this item that is in my gallery. it isn't one of the items that was sent to my vault.


tHe mail does not work. all I get is MySQL errors no matter how much I refresh. And I know they are, but those 3 1000 Wiz tokens sold for almost 2mill EACH. So I'm sorta minus that money OR what i bought with it.


Also, should we message one of the three staff members listed if we are missing something from our shops or only if we find something odd with an item? I've noticed 3 minions gone missing. I can't think of anything else so they must not have been very important. <img src="" border="0" />


The mail works fine. If you get MySQL errors, just try again.

Please remember that staff is only human, everyone.

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Thank you so much for all that you and the staff have done on this...I am beyond words of thanks really ! You guys are awesome ! No other site, that I know of, would have done all this just to please it's members ..they would have taken the fastest and easiest way out ! Ya all ROCK !!!


Wow you can't even PM them..errors. I'm missing 3 1000 Wizard tokens. I expect that someone returns them to me..... Otherwise I am gonna be Ticked off to the extreme.


Thank you so much for all the hard work...subeta is still the best <33333

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So are we not going to be able to get back the items we lost via our shops then? I had a ton of subeatique restocks and nice gallery items i added in the past 10 days that arent in my vault, on the other hand I have a few doubles of mostly cheap items I remember selling; HOWEVER:: Thank you so much Keith and the team for all the effort you put into restoring the site, I was expecting something far worse when you said that it would be a 10 day rollback (seeing as my account was only about 2 weeks) so thank you.

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Missing items from 6 Cristmas Presents i bought from cashshop but everything else seems to be ok. <img src="" border="0" />
Thanks and welcome back.


Keith, I too am missing the three scrolls I had equipped to my pet (they'd been equipped for a long time, and no, they're not in my vault).


I'm missing stuff to! Come on.....


ummm, I am still missing major items that I purchased though the cash shop.

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I am missing a few items from my shop, I have no idea who to smail as i don't want to bother the wrong person.

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Oh. It seems that only two of my Mionions have stowed into my Vault as doubles. I don't think I had two of them so I don't know what's happened there. So I've ended up with a Myliege and Ferranella in my Vault and attatched to my pets. - And just to drown you all in praise. Thanks again. He he.


Lamia i`m missing my 4 scrolls also. i hope we get them back.


I was wondering the same thing Wyndiie. I sold some stuff that is now back in my SHOP, not vault, should I resell or not?

Thanks for bringing Subeta back. And all the items in my vault that I've already sold once. <img src="" border="0" /> That was pretty cool of you all.


I double checked and I'm still missing: mean marshine scroll, shadow cloak scroll, champion scroll. They were equipped to a pet and I NEVER remove them. Not a huge deal, and I see you say that part wasn't affected but a friend also has pet equipped scroll(s) missing. Only other item I'm sure I'm missing is Adorable Rainbow Easter Cupcake. Not as bad as I had thought.. but curious as to why there's a problem with another part of the site that wasn't thought to be affected.


I understand that the news says you are letting all of us keep everything that we already sold but Im double checking. I know I sold the ISS already that's currently residing in my shop, are you sure I can keep/resell?

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I'm going to keep posting and saying thanks because I'm annoying like that. Just noticed that the shops haven't restocked but I get how there is probably a million other things to do. Thanks again.


I hope everyone that is missing stuff gets everything back- but I am just glad the site is back. <img src="" border="0" />
I can earn everything back. ^^


Hey hey hey, we're back! <img src="" border="0" />

And I was planning to sleep tonight.

I second the request for a "I survived Downtime 08" shirt as a free gift.


Guys, PLEASE make sure that you are double checking.

The ONLY place that was affected on the site was user shops. If you are 'missing' an item from elsewhere, double check, because ti wasn't affected.


whoops i`m missing my 4 scrolls i had attached to my pet. i hope we get those back.


Agh. My posted wasnt even there... My fault.

I have been going crazy without subeta... get a life right.. haha Subeta is like my life.


Yeah, I'm missing a Wine Flamenco Dress that I traded for a couple of days ago. Now I'm nervous, maybe I'm forgetting some items I had that are lost, but I'm still missing the SP?


Seems the glitch lost the 3 scrolls I had equipped to my pet...


Thank you! All my items are there. <img src="" border="0" /> But the shop search doesn't seem to be working at the moment.

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Same. My pet Minions are attatched AND in my vault. Okies. And I still can't search any items but I can live with that for now. Thanks once again. (And it would rock to have Tee-shirts XD)


I hope they are still processing some of the shops and returning items as nothing from my manual pricing bites shop was recovered this included a fiah, a puppy following, a sapphire a mysterious costume trunk and at least 3 other items I received from christmas presents.


omg thanks so much for everything you guys. i had bought 2 frost quills for my battle pet and i still have them attached to my pet and i also have 2 of them in my vault. i havent finished checking the rest yet. too cool.


Oh yay! I am so happy to have Subeta AND all my items back! <img src="" border="0" /> Thanks so much Keith.


Since profiles are down, go to your mailbox and go to new message- and just type the users name in that you wish to mail.


This is the best surprise ever! Thanks so much for working extra hard to avoid a messy situation. Cheers to you all!


Raptordono, double check your vault and the mail they sent you.
If you are still missing something- read the news post over again to see who to contact. <img src="" border="0" />


nice to have the site back, but im still missing some items.... is there anyone i should contact about that? guess i have to wait since profiles are still down

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Yay! Thank you! Aww. The poor Minions were stuffed in the vault too. Lol. I didn't have a particularly lonf list but I'm happy that Subeta's back. Yay for Subeta! And just in time for my birthday. Now I'm happy. Wahoo.

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Thank you for all the hard work.


Oh it's so wonderful to have the site back! Thank you staff!


Thank you for your hard work all!


Ahh Thank you for working so hard <img src="" border="0" /> I can stop being bored now ^^


thank you so much! I still cant get to my best friends profile. or anyone elses~


OMG! I wish I could buy everyone a drink. You guys are amazing and we love you!!! <img src="" border="0" /> <img src="" border="0" /> <img src="" border="0" />


I checked my mail, wow I had a long list xD

Thank you for bringing the site back and working so hard on it. <3

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Thank you Keith, and all staff, you're amazing ^__^ now get some sleep you deserve it <3

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Yay ^^, thank you Keith and co~


Annnd beautiful recovery for Team Subeta!

Thank you and all the programmers for you hard work, Keith. <img src="" border="0" />



The new Free Gift should be 'I Survived the May '08 Downtime' tee shirts. xD


YAY! I missed Subeta so much! Thank you so much, Keith and EVERYONE!


OMFG Thank you!!!!! i was in atizz about my vampire trunk items <3 all the work you do guys!

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