
I'm sure some of you have noticed by now, that we have advertisements on the Forums.

This is a test run, to see how it works out. We are not interested in keeping ads on the site permanently.

Also, the forums are the only area of the site that will have advertisements.
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Posted by Keith


<img src= border="0">


Personally I don't care if you put ads all over the website if it helps you pay your bills. Anyone who uses or used neo without paying is pretty used to ads anyway.


The ads are barely noticeable. If this can help the mighty Laginator do his job, then go for it!!!


I dont think gold account holders should have to see ads at all anywhere.


I'm good as long as they aren't in the shops. That's probably what ticked me off the most about having them on Neo (and what drove me to premium, they slowed down the shop loads).


I'm fine with it. People always complain but is it honestly that big of a deal? They're helping the site, too. They're not that bad. It's just that they're new and you see them, and freak out. Chill, people. It's not the end of the universe. :|

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Okay, I finally managed to see the forum ads for myself...<p />These are small and only words, which are tolerable and won`t interfere with loading time. And since they`re in the forums, which I don`t visit often anyway, I guess that`s just fine.<p />But don`t try to desensitize and slowly work your way up to more/flashy ads, similar to what was going on with gas prices. <img src="" border="0" /> I`ll have to buy from the Cash Shop more, then. And force others to as well! Ahhh!! XD


this is how it starts, small then big then bigger... this is the last forum post for me. ads=death

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I saty- their should of been small ads like this agea go-
If its a little bit more income to help get the site more stable i say- why not-

GReat work KEith

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While I am never fond of ads, I understand that Subeta may need them to flourish. This ad seems quite plain and unobtrusive (compared to what it could have been), and I applaud Keith for choosing a small ad of this type to use - I sincerely hope it helps towards the site. <img src="" border="0" />

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For those who are nervous about ads: Do you know how much revenue ads bring in? I mean just from ADS ALONE, penny arcade gets around 120k dollars a MONTH. And with the current issues on money from the previous employees, I think this is a good way to get some money. I also like the idea that they are putting it in the forums which get the most traffic but does not affect the whole site. This is a good idea Keith.


I do not mind the ads but how about on the bottom on the page...


Im fine with it but cant they be at the bottom so we can ignore them better?


the ads are perfect


To be honest, I do not think I am comfortable with this. My ad had dialogue--as in, I was listening to my computer and browsing the forums, when I heard a male voice trying to sell me a product. Through Subeta. I am certainly not okay with that; one of the main reasons I remain on Subeta is because of their great community, and when I was making the switch from Neo, the lack of ads. This is like deja vu, and if the ads continue to bother me as I browse, I cannot say I would put up with it.

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Well, I think ads are okay, since they help. Just not pop-up. Or the ones that talk.. Like the iPod one. <img src="" border="0" />


there can be ads on every pages, i like them, but NEVER popups, i hate those! xD lol


Im in the paranoia camp. Sure, for now, sounds great. Not like Im a regular on the forums anyway, adblockers take care of them easily enough, and you say only temporary. I just really dont want to see them everywhere else on the site, like *some* places have done. (Not just one particular either - Many have made the same promise and went back on it.) I trust you for now, Keith, but please dont let us down.


I had to turn off multiple ad-blockers to see them, but I think they are just fine. Small enough, discrete and most importantly, tasteful! I have seen no nakedness or flashy or anything remotely disturbing. I just hope they add enough moneys to the pot to make a difference <img src="" border="0" />


Ads means more money for subeta and I like the idea of subeta having more money to build a stable site. I do understand.


THANK You Keith, for keeping the ads at the forum, if the even stay there, and not all over the site. A conditon, I expect, of the new servers to help keep operating costs down. I appreciate that you continue to look out for us.


if they remain on the forums and the forums alone, and refrain from showing up elsewhere like the shop pages, then i have no issues with them...timing is not crucial when making a post afterall and if they are helping to finance an excellent site such as this, then who am i to complain... <img src="" border="0" />


I think this is a great, minimally invasive way to generate some funds for the site, without having to beg users for donations. Ads are the way of the world (wide web) nowadays, and I think we have been spoiled long enough!


I think ads are stupid. Why do we need them?
Perhaps we do not need them, but whoever puts them up does. The one putting them up gets paid and I assume that Subeta needs the money.


";I think ads are stupid. Why do we need them?";

They help Keith pay for the site.

I could barely notice the ad and I am fine with them [:

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Very small. Is probably hardly noticeable. Especially when youve gotten used to blocking ads out on a webpage, without fancing adblockers (Totally looks past them). Its totally fine by me, as long as they dont start appearing everywhere you guys have space. .... I dont know an adblocking CSS for Subeta XD. May have one for Neo. Dont have one for Sub.


At first I did not see them ... then I remembered I am blocking ads ... duh.

Anyways, I still have a weird flashback of someone called Dohring telling everyone they will never use ads on their site (";Oh nos! Never!"<img src="" border="0" />, another flashback of the staff assuring everyone that they will only add a few of those ads etc. I am sorry but I am traumatized and feel the need to play Advert Attack.


No one is going to really be interested in these types of ads. had the brilliant idea of user submitted banner ads, which I think you should consider. They are a lot prettier and a lot more people will be interested in actually clicking on them, generally speaking.

Thats just my view on it, though <img src="" border="0" />

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I think ads are stupid. Why do we need them?


That is why I have (and love) AdBlock.
I certainly do hope the advertisements will not clutter the site someday.


I am glad you have another way to help with the funds to keep the site going. I also would not mind pop under ads as they are not intrusive at all=)


Yay for paying bills! <img src="" border="0" />


Unobtrusive text ads will pass...
Flash ads get the thumbs down. always.


Well, I think it looks fine! considering my mind was thinking it was going to be ten times worse, this is really good and really out of the way. <img src="" border="0" />


They are very unobtrusive and dont interfere with anything, so I think they are great if it helps the site keep going.


If its the only place....and STAYS...seriously...STAYS...the only place..doesnt cause any lag etc, I am totally cool with this. You (the staff) could possibly get a bit more income from this, that would be great, and in the long run I believe it all comes back to making this site a great one. Seems like that is the main agenda of the staff, and I appreciate that. Unfortunately in another place another time this was the beginning of the end of another site, that wont soon be forgotten. But we do love you, and want you to have enough for bills and betterment <img src="" border="0" />

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Uh oh.... I have a bad feeling about this... <img src="" border="0" /> It`s like deja-vu all over again... I mean, Neopets did the same thing before, so... I can`t help but be a little paranoid, you know? =/<p />I realize that some ads are good to help with money, and I suppose I could tolerate them if they were just... the Google word ads, or something, but anything beyond that... <img src="" border="0" /> I don`t know, I have mixed feelings. Can`t help that... but it is a test, at least...<p />(Can`t get to the forums from my work computer right now anyway... x.x)


As long as theyre not blinking or anything else annoying, Im totally fine with it <img src="" border="0" /> And I guess that the little income it gives will generally go to driving the site, so yeah, go for it x)


its fine, and if people hate the ads that much they can just buy more stuff in the cash shop, its one or the other.

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i say , right on with the ads , if it helps , carry on you have my permission to do so , haha


I agree with lovesjaydog. If it is only the forums and they can help offset operating costs, keep them.

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it seems fine. It took me a bit to notice it. There nice ads to. nothing annoying or anything.


Long as it helps the site im cool with it <img src="" border="0" />


I doubt this site will ever get 1/10th as bad as neopets


like i said in the forums, I can live with the little ads, especialy since they are only in 1 location. <img src="" border="0" />


im fine with that :3

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Alright now we are turning into Neo. &gt;_&lt;;


That Laginator makes me happy in pants. XD


Sweet! Though, the laginator, I believe, makes the news looks awsome B)


If it is only on the forums and located where it is. I say keep them. Subeta needs the money

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He saves the site from lagging!


Why the Laginator?

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I think that is a cool idea...especially if it is the only place...I am ok with it....

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