
Pheobe Lin has a minion!

Minion the Zodiac Dog Spirit

Pheobe Lin
Legacy Name: Pheobe Lin

The Glacier Popoko
Owner: ReeRee08794

Age: 11 years, 11 months, 2 weeks

Born: June 13th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Adopted: May 15th, 2013


  • Level: 7
  • Strength: 13
  • Defense: 12
  • Speed: 17
  • Health: 13
  • HP: 10/13
  • Intelligence: 3
  • Books Read: 3
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Stock Worker

I looked down at the pristine white, snow covered slope of the mountainside from the mouth of the cave which was my home. It was a view I had seen for quite a while now, since I was left in that pet shelter in Delphi. I felt a little contemptuous just thinking about it. My last owner hadn't said a word about it to me, they just took me to Delphi and managed to lose me in a crowd of tourists, never to be seen again.I let out a small, breathy hiss of anger at the memory as I continued to watch the desolate landscape through eyes as cold as the rest of my surroundings.

Now that I think about it, humans never seemed to want me for very long at all. I was just a temporary fixture in their lives. I guess that's why I decided to disappear in the first place; make my escape from Delphi and other areas densely populated by humans and their happy, carefree pets. Nobody could hurt me if I was up here in the mountains by myself. At least, I was alone if you didn't count the zodiac dog spirit who seemed to want to hang around all the time. It wasn't another pet or a human though, so I didn't see a problem. A spectral minion was less likely to abandon me, after all.

I learned after the last human that letting others into my life without regard for how things would end up being wasn't the smartest idea in the world. No matter how many times I let somebody in, I was always left behind. Abandoned. Alone. Nobody could abandon me if I isolated myself from the world, at least that's how it seemed to me at the time.

Then, I met Ree.

God knows why she had decided to come to this part of the mountains in the first place. She was half dead by the time I found her. Her and her pet Ontra. I would have left them where I found them if it hadn't been for that Ontra.

"Please..." It was a breathy, clumsy murmur around a tongue swollen from Hypothermia. I looked her in the eye, and hers widened a little at what must have been the look on my face at the time.

"Give me one good reason why I should help another human who's just going to abandon me anyway." I muttered coldly, turning to leave with a swish of my tail.

"Because..." The frozen Ontra began. I stopped, straining my ears to listen over the sound of the rushing wind. A blizzard was on its way. "Because...Ree isn't like that. Ree takes care of us, she always has." Nobody had ever taken care of me. Not once.

I was sorely tempted to walk away and leave them where I had found them, where nobody else would find them: until the small, lonely voice inside my head spoke up for the first time in a very long time. 'Why not?' It asked me. 'One good turn will always be severing of another.' So, it was with a frustrated growl that I turned back and rummaged through the human's belongings until I found what I was looking for; a rope. I carefully tied it around the barely conscious human, then around the Ontra, and slowly, painstakingly, dragged them up the slope and into my cave.

I managed to get a decent sized fire going, and pulled the human and the Ontra over to the fire, putting them as close to the flames as I dared to without the human's clothing or the Ontra's fur having a good chance of being singed by the flames. I also found some spare blankets and tossed them overtop of the two.

Then, I waited.

In the days that followed, I looked after the two as they recovered from their brush with death. The Ontra was beginning to insist on becoming friends with me, for some reason. I had tried making friends in the past with my previous owners' other pets, but none of them ever became close enough for me to consider them as friends. Maybe that was why I was always alone. If the other pets didn't want me around, why would the humans? The Ontra (I think she said her name was Aerielle, or something like that) was very persistent though.

Then Ree asked me to come back down the mountain with them once they were ready to leave. Ready to go back to civilisation. But was I ready to go back? Ree and Aerielle both seemed to think so, and neither of them left until I was ready to come with them.

Maybe, just maybe, I had finally made my first friend. Maybe letting somebody in a little bit every day wouldn't be such a bad idea this time.

Maybe I had finally learnt what the meaning of the word 'friendship' was. I couldn't see it at the time, but now I know Ree will take care of me, and Aerielle will continue to be my friend.

I think....this might be what being cared for by a human is all about...

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends

Sweet, loyal, and a true friend