
Teto has a minion!

テト the Chirakin


The Chibi Popoko
Owner: Kinnoyu

Age: 11 years, 11 months, 2 weeks

Born: June 25th, 2012

Adopted: 10 years, 9 months, 6 days ago

Adopted: September 8th, 2013

Pet Spotlight Winner
October 25th, 2023


  • Level: 69
  • Strength: 90
  • Defense: 73
  • Speed: 75
  • Health: 98
  • HP: 69/98
  • Intelligence: 115
  • Books Read: 110
  • Food Eaten: 12
  • Job: Sod Layer


My good boi. My sweet boi. My nervous little rodent.

Teto (english pronunciation "tay-toe"; japanese pronunciation "teh-toe"), born October 27, 2018, is a homozygous tan male chinchilla (though he likely has a touch of velvet in him). I bought and received him January 14, 2019 after driving over 2.5 hours to get him. He was tuckered and slept most of the way home, waking only a couple of times to nibble on some hay. I had done so much research: the best food, the best toys, the best furniture, the best way to play and hold him, I had a notebook full of written notes about what to do during a variety of different medical situations, what treats are the best and why, I had done over a months worth of research to ensure I gave this chin the absolute best life I possibly could.

Almost 4.5 years later, he's blossomed into a wonderfully silly little boy! An Evel Knievel knock-off, he has all the chutzpah but none of the talent. He loves attempting new jumps but rarely seems to do that great a job landing them. He's certainly not a natural. He's very head-empty. You could stand next to his cage and it would take a whole 3 minutes for him to realize you were there! They say chinchillas are very intelligent, but that must be a generalization because this chin doesn't have much going on upstairs. That doesn't mean he isn't doing his best! And that's really all I can ask for. <3

His favorite kind of hay is meadow and orchard hay. He LOVES dandelion: the leaves, the roots, the flower, it's his favorite! He loves the bark of wood and oftentimes will just chew the bark off of sticks and leave the rest of it. He loves sitting and laying on the sky bridge but he also loves sitting and sleeping in his hammock. He really likes chewing on paper and cardboard. He pretends he doesn't like head scritches, but he secretly does.

art by: Surrealstation
profile template | Lea

background | Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

gif | callumbal

description art | Surrealstation

description text | Kinnoyu

fonts | here and here

Pet Treasure

Squish Chirakin Plushie

Chirakin Squashable Beanbag

Wistful Dandelion

Chibi Popoko Beanbag

Frosted Chinchilla Figurine


Dandy Critter

Smol Potted Dandelion

Candied Dandelion

Survival Dandelions

Summer Dandelions

Bunch of Dandelion Seeds

Dandelion Covered Bumbus Beanbag

Dandelion Covered Popoko Beanbag

Dandelion Covered Ghostly Beanbag

Dandelion Covered Dillema Beanbag

Dandelion Covered Devonti Beanbag

Dandelion Covered Blob Beanbag

Pet Friends