
Vazkiel has a minion!

Augustus the Epic Muse

Legacy Name: Vazkiel

The Steamwork Kumos
Owner: revolver

Age: 11 years, 11 months, 6 days

Built: June 27th, 2012

Adopted: 8 years, 4 weeks, 1 day ago

Adopted: May 5th, 2016


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 7
  • Books Read: 6
  • Food Eaten: 1
  • Job: Store Clerk

uhhh another fallout oc because why the hell not
ex-wastelander/mercenary captured and used for an experiment, his brain was transferred to a robotic dog's. mind of a human, body of a (robotic) dog's. think like a synth, but a dog. appearance is sort of similar to rex's from nv, but he's a greater swiss mountain dog instead of a german shepherd.
so-said dog's name was brazen bull, who was one of caesar's favorite dogs. bull was (somehow??) stolen from caesar to intentionally cause emotional pain to caesar. bull was an incredibly loyal, fearless, and tenacious dog. the bull's "persona" died when bull's brain was removed from his body, and when vin's brain was replaced in it.
born vincent ezekiel dick, he was a mercenary who was betrayed by someone in his group for caps, he was "killed" and his brain was transferred to a dog's. it worked, believe it or not. however, almost everyone else in group died. as a dog, vincent still retained the memory and intellect of his former self. as an experiment, his name was changed to "vazkiel" as sort of a portmanteau of "vincent" and ezekiel. he killed his captor, and now wanders the mojave wasteland for the other survivors of his little "group."
as a cyberdog, he can still speak and think like a human. this freaks a lot of people out, however. because of this, he is spends most of his time alone and is nomadic.
in his dog/cyberdog form, he wears his old scarf. his brain, lower jaws, limbs are completely robotic.
in his human/pre-dog from, he is afro-latino, wears a brown patterned scarf, aviators, combat boots, cream-colored henley, brown aviator jacket (with several tears in it), and blue jeans
character-wise, he's not a very good person (or, dog). he's not necessarily , bad, but he does what he needs to do to get by. think rj macready, i guess? he probably lands on "chaotic neutral" on the aligment scale. he's a sort of non-nonsense, serious, and frank kind of guy. as a dog, he becomes increasingly bitter, but he becomes more easy-going.

vaz can depicted in either his dog or human.

like his last description, this one is also a big, unorganized, confusing mess. i'm sorry if this is hard to understand. i understand that it is completely stupid and over the top, but that's what makes them interesting and fun to make stories of, eh? =P

Pet Treasure

Epic Battle Helmet

Single Marsh Sprocket



Foot Rash Bobblehead

Loose Wires

Slab of Raw Meat

Rat Skull


Mummified Gerbil



Mystical Grungy Roach

Baby Mantiscius

Grave Reminder

Dirty Bandana

Shallow Grave

Bone Orchard Marker

Dead Person

BuenoSprings Snow Globe

Desert Sand


Crude Components

My Pet Brain

Pickled Whole Brain

Harvested Brains

Pet Friends