
Aspie has a minion!

Crochet the Knitsy

Legacy Name: Aspie

The Nostalgic Devonti
Owner: Namine

Age: 11 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: July 11th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: July 16th, 2012


  • Level: 3
  • Strength: 11
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 11
  • HP: 11/11
  • Intelligence: 25
  • Books Read: 22
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Bag-and-Go Master Cashier

Once upon a time, there was a little girl. This little girl had big dreams but was also very, very lost in the world around her. She had a big imagination inside her little head--too big, some grown-ups would say with a shake of their heads, watching her pretend to be a princess fighting a dragon while the other kids played on the playground. She could talk for hours and hours about these dreams and stories and the world inside her head, but after a time nobody would listen for they thought she was too annoying. She wasn't very good in school because she was scared to be called on in class because everyone laughed when she was picked, but she loved reading and writing stories, particularly ones with fantasy and magic. She couldn't look anyone directly in the eye, and sometimes she would be very childish when she certainly didn't mean to be. Most of the children picked on her, because she wasn't skinny like them and she had marks on her skin where she scratched and scratched when she was teased because it helped her feel better. They called her Aspie or the dreaded R-word instead of her real name because it made them laugh to see how upset she would get every time, and most school days ended up with her going home in tears.

The last day of elementary school the little girl was walking home and passed by a rather interesting toy shop. Models of various toys lined the front window, and she curiously went in. All of the instructions were rather expensive, but she saw a design that caught her eye; a little ram, red wool curls and polka-dotted horns and hooves. She promised one day she'd come back for it, and left the store. However, on a little trip to the donation corner a few days later, she--to her surprise--found the designs from the expensive store there, as well as everything to make it! Excitedly, she sat down and read through the instructions, realizing one...important..detail.

She couldn't make heads or tails of what she was supposed to do! So, she asked around somewhat nervously and found there was a special shop that could make the doll. With everything now in a bag on her shoulder, she set off to the workshop with a particular request turning in her mind, one that he'd probably have never heard of before in all his years of working there.

The doll's skin was soft and tan like the rest of its kind, and had bright blue eyes like her favorite color, but it had soft black horns and hooves instead of polka-dotted ones! In addition to that, all of its yarn curls were kept off of it! The doll looked very silly, and the man was confused as to why she would request it in that fashion, but the girl was absolutely elated and took the doll home with her, so nervous and excited and scared because she was starting school again, a whole grade older. this time, though she thought she was prepared. After all, this time she had a plan.

In addition to carrying her books around with her, she also had a bag that held the doll, some needles and bunch of beautifully-colored yarn. When she had a moment of accomplishment, like not crying in class or doing good on a project, she took a bit of the yarn and sewed it into her doll. One day, a young boy came up to her while she was putting in her yarn for being able to recite something for the class without breaking down into tears and sat down in front of her. He was an average-looking boy, with short, scruffy brown hair and brown eyes. "What are you doing?" He asked, refraining from calling her what the other boys would say because it was mean. She looked up, surprised he was there, and blushed, turning her face to stare intently her work while her hands shook in nervousness. "I-I...I'm working on...A-aspie." She stammered, embarrassed and mind rushing to the wrong conclusions immediately. However, the boy didn't seem phased at all; in fact, he smiled a bit and shuffled his fingers together, weaving them betwixt the others. "Really? Well...ah...can I watch you work on Aspie? If thats okay, of course." Something about how this boy acted made her giggle, and then the two met eyes, and looked away from each other. She worked in silence, thinking about the events of the day and adding more of her color, a yarn in varying shades of blue and purple, to the doll.

"I-I'm one t-too, y-you know." The boy, whose name she didn't catch, stammered suddenly and turned away. Needle poised, she completed the loop and looked up. "" The little girl blinked in surprise as the boy, already on a roll, confessed that he was an Aspie too, but he was capable of controlling his outbursts a little better. She felt much more comfortable and merely nodded and smiled at him when he said it, and eventually she explained her idea with the doll and the yarn to him, and he thought it was a good idea. For her birthday he bought her a doll that was like the model in the shop to use as a reference, and she eventually shared the doll with him (although it was her who sewed each piece in). He had a different color than hers; where hers was blue, his was yellow, and soon others who were curious joined in and talked and shared with the little girl over the year or so it took for that project.Each color on the doll represented a different person's successes, achievements, improvements, and dreams. The end of their final year in middle school the doll grew to have absolutely no more room upon her, and it made the little girl sad even though she grew to make friends and become a different person with the time she spent on it. What was she going to do now?

The answer came one Luminaire, where the first little boy the little girl had met gave her an absolutely wonderful gift. She brought the potion and her colorful doll to the same workshop that she had fixed it up in the first place, and with the magic that was in the bottle the doll came to life! She blinked her bright eyes, shook the lint out of her colorful fur and tail, and opened her mouth and bleated at the delighted children, in particular the little girl who she now stepped towards and nudged lightly with her plush horns and head. Nestled in her back yarn was a small handmade toy, like a gnome, who rose up and yawned, petting the toy-turned-pet on the head.

Aspie is small enough to be carried around by the little girl, and she loves to get tangled up in yarn, but she's big enough that the project that brought her to life--putting loops of yarn for each achievement--can still be, forever, continued.

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Aspie, Noun.

Definition: An aspie is one who has Asperger's Syndrome, which is believed to be part of the autism spectrum. Aspies, while being quite gifted verbally, have social, emotional, and sensory integration difficulties, among others. Aspie is an affectionate term, and is not meant as a put down. (taken from
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Story, Character (c) Namine, overlay by Charles

Pet Treasure

Sunshine Serenade Yarn

Helpful Hedgehog

Art Brings Hope

The Littlest Ladybug


Bursting with Inspiration Binder

Crochet Hooks

Years Gone By Sepia Yarn

Woodland Earth Yarn

Nostalgic Devonti Toy

Seafoam Sensations Yarn

Regal Iris Yarn

Rainbowlicious Yarn

Candytastic Yarn

Bubble Gum Delight Yarn

Hand Sewing Needles

Starry Messenger Bag

Pet Friends