
Asthertet Faerie has a minion!

Fairy Dust the Firecracker Bug

Asthertet Faerie
Legacy Name: Asthertet Faerie

The Lilac Tigrean
Owner: PookaWitch

Age: 11 years, 10 months, 1 week

Born: July 25th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 10 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: July 25th, 2012


  • Level: 3
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 3
  • Books Read: 3
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Friendly | Adventurous | Whimsical Yet Dependable
.: Fey-Walker :.

Name: Asthertet
Full Name: Asthertet Faerie
Pronunciation: ast - her - tet
Meaning: Egyptian name for Astarte
Nickname: Ash or Aster
Species: Lilac Tigrean
Race: Faerie Cat (Egyptian/British)
Class: Fey-Walker (ranger/fey-walker)
Job: Scout
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Religion: Khemetic and Fey
Favourite Food: Nearly anything Mocha (also loves cake!)

Age: Young Adult
Birthday: August 27th
Subeta Birthday: July 25th
Fur: Lavender with blue stripes/streaks
Eyes: royal blue
Forms: quad/anthro/sphinx

Parents: TaRepy and Crumpitt (not on Subeta)
Siblings: Suinaia (an adopted sister, not on Subeta)
Love: Wod'jss (not on Subeta)
Offspring: none


Asthertet is a faerie knightess at heart. She loves exploring, questing and adventures along with all of the excitement that brings. Although prone to being flighty and whimsical she is oddly dependable and somewhat level-headed.. especially in comparison to many of the fey creatures she spends time with.
This faerie feline considers herself the protector of the fey, especially the smaller ones who could use the help of a tiger-sized creature. She's surprisingly gentle with her paws when dealing with the little folk.
When she is in a playful mood Asthertet will frequently hide from her friends to pounce on them at unexpected times. Her other favourite freetime passtime is flying, she adores her wings and loves to take to the skies and feel the updrafts beneath her.

Powers/Abilities: The stealth, size, strength and power of a small tiger along with winged flight.

At her Khemetic Coming of Age ceremony Asthertet was blessed by a Faerie Queen to become a fey creature. She gained her wings on that day, along with a knack for a few simple types of fey spells. Asthertet can sense faeries and can see through their glamours and illusions.

Asthertet is a Fey Walker, which is a special 'stealthy' class that has gained the ability to fade to and from the Faerie realm which borders the mortal one. When she fades she leaves behind a quick burst of 'pixie dust' like sparkles, and can do this quickly enough to occasionally avoid attacks. She can also hide on the edge of the Faerie realm, unseen, and even make quick jaunts into the faerie realm quickly enough to seem to 'teleport' a short distance. She can only stay on the edge of Faerie like this for a short period of time, or she risks being stuck in Faerie and needing to find another way out.

Likes: Faeries, Lavender and Blue, Mocha, Cake, Adventuring, Exploring, Flying, Pouncing, Old Forests

Dislikes: Those who harm creatures smaller and weaker then them, Evil Fey

Pet Treasure

A Garden Full of Fairies

Forest Sprite

Swamp Sprite

Daisy Fairy Doll

Birthday Fairy Doll

Violet Snow Fairy Plushie

Yellow Snow Fairy Plushie

White Snow Fairy Plushie

Pink Snow Fairy Plushie

Red Snow Fairy Plushie

Green Snow Fairy Plushie

Snow Fairy Plushie

Book of White Fairy Tales

The Book of the Mallow Fairy

The Book of the Pear Blossom Pixie

Dryad Artifact

Folded Wings


Enchanting Dust

Pet Friends

Moot! (Mother!) I'll try to visit more often, but you know how restless I can get. ^_^

Dancing Nymph
How are the little fey doing?

Queen Tasmira
We haven't seen much of each other lately.

-_- Pest.

Seraphim Fairy
It sounds as if you've had some great adventures lately.

Phae! Is your brother around? *looks around for him hopefully*