
Mouth_602 has a minion!

Balatron the Greedy Guts

Legacy Name: Mouth_602

The Common Kora
Owner: Holocryptic

Age: 11 years, 5 months, 3 weeks

Born: December 14th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: December 14th, 2012


  • Level: 40
  • Strength: 99
  • Defense: 98
  • Speed: 99
  • Health: 98
  • HP: 90/98
  • Intelligence: 144
  • Books Read: 143
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Corporate Associate

"You lie awake and hope it's all in your head,
You're counting teeth with your tongue,"

"Are they all there?"


Back home…

Back home…

That’s what the clown calls it now. Home. Home (what a strange, ugly word on his tongue). They had no concept of home before and no creature here would refer to where they’re from as “home”.

The residents associate the word home with something more sentimental, something neither of them felt towards their "home" (has he ever felt such a thing? He looks to the jars). Still, he can't help but...



He had no place there. Not if he couldn’t fight. His limbs were too thin, his stature too small, his nails too dull.

His teeth…he had no teeth. Even the most pathetic of insects could bite, but not him. He was of no threat. He had nothing. Not back home

He pulls. He ignores the screams in favor of enjoying the sight. The enflamed gums, the exposed roots… (what beautiful teeth. He could preserve it and enjoy its shape forever but oh but what a delight it would be to break it. And then break every single one of its siblings. One. By. One).

To his own annoyance, his focus just isn't all there. He watches his victim choke and plead with cloudy eyes ("please dear god please no no no please oh god" shutupshutupshutup). There's something about this one. They have large terrible claws. The fangs are so sharp. So dangerous.


His eyes narrow. He twists the pliers in one sudden movement.

The scream pierces his ears.

He had no territory. He had no trophies. No power. No teeth.

Until now (this is Home).

At last his prize comes loose. His victim sobs wetly.

He turns the bloody tooth around in his fingers. It’s stained, but not from lack of care. The tooth is thick and has no cavities. The only flaws were the cracks he created from his...moment.

It’s sharp, strong, and healthy. Made for tearing flesh. Only here could he harm someone bigger and stronger than him. Only here could he take such a treasure.

He leans close to his victim's face, nose to nose, breath to breath. He smiles.

“Wait one minute…
I'm going to get the hammer."


"We are the ones you should be fearing,
Come in the night to take your teeth away,
Now sew up your mouth and go to sleep cause'
We'll be there soon to break your heart,"

"And spite your face."

- Aesthetic Perfection, The Ones

Pet Treasure

Bloody Lips Candy

Vampire Fangs

Red Craft Scissors

Power Drill


Flat Glass Breaking Pliers

Hi-tech Power Drill

Plas-Tek Large Purple Morostide Syringe

Magical Duct Tape


Jar Of Zombie Drool

Tongue Lollipop

Tongue Colored Tongue Candle

Zombie Chompers

Toothy Mug

Mouthy Muffin

Happy Dentures

Friendly Plushie

Undead Chattering Teeth

Used Dentures

Loose Rictus Teeth

Drops of Drool

Cow Tongue

Yanked Tooth with Green Flesh

Shed Erdoo Tooth

Pet Friends

Why so upset? After all, I'm finally free.