
Ezrial has a minion!

Soulless the Kitteh

Legacy Name: Ezrial

The Twilight Ontra
Owner: Sterling_654

Age: 11 years, 5 months, 2 weeks

Born: December 16th, 2012

Adopted: 11 years, 5 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: December 16th, 2012


  • Level: 13
  • Strength: 33
  • Defense: 34
  • Speed: 27
  • Health: 30
  • HP: 30/30
  • Intelligence: 63
  • Books Read: 63
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Bathroom Cleaner

Name: Ezrial
Nickname: Ez
Gender: Male
Age: Mid 20's
SO: ?
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair: light brown, short, spiked in the back, bangs that sweep to the left
Eye Color: Jade Green
Skin: Pale Peach
Outfit of Choice: Button up shirt, sleeves rolled up, tripp pants, black boots
Occupation: Bouncer at a club
Other: He is a vampire.

The night was cold and damp as Ezrial made his way home. It was the 17th century, England. Brushing his wet hair from his face he rode along the muddy dirt road. He was quite eager to get home from his long journey. He would get to see his father and mother again, as well as his brother and sisters. He would also get to meet Anastasia, his fiancee, for the first time. It was at this moment that something spooked his horse. As he flew from the horse he tried to figure out what had happened, his thoughts interrupted as everything went blank.

Slowly opening his eyes he looked around. He was in a nicely furnished room. He knew it wasn't his family's castle but it was obviously a very nice one. Sitting up he brought a hand to his head. That's when she came into the room. She was lovely, skin like porcelain, long raven black hair and stunning blue eyes. After coming back to reality he explained to her that he needed to be going and that he was very grateful for her help. She laughed. It was a strange sound, almost unnatural sounding. Furrowing his brow he went to get up but she pushed him back down to lay on the bed. She was strong, very strong. It was then that fear started to take over him. What was going on?

She told him he was never leaving. That he'd stay there with her. Forever. The next thing he knew there was a pain in his neck. As the pain coursed through his body she explained to him what was happening. He wanted to believe it wasn't happening. Maybe he was dreaming. Maybe he had died on the road after falling from the horse and this was some eternal punishment for something long forgotten. He didn't know.

Months went by and he was as depressed as the day he was turned. The woman's name was Amanda and she had turned him into a vampire. Everything he knew had been turned around. He no longer considered himself a christian, he refused to believe in anything that made him an abomination. Lifting the goblet to his lips he took a sip of the blood. He tried not to think about who it may have been as the liquid slid down his throat. He wanted to puke. He hated what he had been forced into and over the few months he had lived in the castle with Amanda he had been plotting his revenge and her death. He fully intended on killing her hoping it would somehow make him human again.

That sunrise, as they were laying in bed he waited for her to slip into the days rest. As soon as he knew she was 'asleep' for the day he drove a stake into her heart. He was surprised he could rest after that but figured it was out of his control and he'd rest no matter what the circumstance. That night he left for his home. He hoped his family weren't too worried about him and wondered if they thought he was dead. He arrived a few hours before sundown and what he found would have made him physically sick were he able to become so. His family and a girl he did not know, whom he assumed was Anastasia were dead, drained of all their blood. As were the servants and other members of the household.

He went mad. For years he did nothing but terrorize anyone he could. He killed thousands and lost himself in blood lust. It wasn't until he attacked an orphanage that he came to the realization that he had gotten out of control. It took him months to find his humanity again and stop terrorizing town after town.

Present day he works as a bouncer at a night club and though he craves human blood he forces himself to drink animal blood. He remains alone and though he hates his existence though he believes he has a purpose and hasn't figured it out just yet. He clings to his humanity with all the strength he has, living among mortals as a constant reminder of what he use to be; and; fears the day he looses himself to the blood again.
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