
Kuroi has a minion!

Alya the Shinwas Helper

Legacy Name: KuroiKaenKitsune

The Darkmatter Kumos
Owner: Slyien

Age: 18 years, 3 months, 1 week

Born: March 5th, 2006

Adopted: 18 years, 3 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: March 5th, 2006 (Legacy)


  • Level: 16
  • Strength: 12
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 12
  • Health: 14
  • HP: 13/14
  • Intelligence: 148
  • Books Read: 147
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Store Manager


profile template (c) helix (get it)
other credits go here

Tales of a Seer and Mother

Name: Kuroi
D.O.B.: June 20th
Height: 6`
Status: Happily Married

Hair: Black, Wavy Waist Long
Eyes: Milky Jade
Profession: Mother
Lives with: Tas and Renor

A soft movement from the shadows, a glimmer of light and a soft flutter of wings leads to a somewhat tall figure to step out of the shadows. It’s a femine figure, curves and a lithe grace give you that sense she knows you are looking. Long silky black hair frames her figure to her waist, a slight curl to the hair appears natural. One hand holds what appears to be nothing more than a walking stick, a gentle smile gracing her lips as she seems to stare at you with milky jade eyes. The walking stick makes more sense now. She’s blind. Sitting on her right shoulder seems to be a fae like creature, a helper of sorts. In the fae’s hands seems to be a plush of some kind, a Kora. Is it for her comfort, or the woman’s? The more you look at her the more you notice that she hasn’t stopped looking in your direction, but you know she can’t see you directly.
A soft chuckle comes from her, “Forgive me. I know my gaze can be unsettling to many. I mean no harm.” She finally moved to sit down in a chair nearby, leaning back into it. She motioned to another chair near her, “Feel free to sit, you managed to find my way into my home.” Her tone was soft, almost whisperlike. A soft giggle came from nearby as a young boy ran from around a corner and up to the woman, “Momma!” He called just as softly. The walking stick was set against the wall, the woman picking up the young boy and resting him in her lap. He reached up to play with a necklace you hadn’t noticed before, a key on a chain, then you noticed the ring around her left ring finger. “So tell me what brings you here to our home stranger?”

“I came looking for the Seer.” You find yourself saying finally, having watched this woman and her son. You have the feeling there is another in this family.. They are just missing at the moment. “Well you have come to the right house. Come then tell Kuroi what you are wanting to learn…”

Pet Treasure

Folding White Cane


Shinwas Birdie

Field Kora Plushie

Common Kora Plushie

Simple Gold Wedding Band

Claddagh Pendant

Key of Love

Onyx Lovely Pendant

Key to My Heart

Star-Charmed Anklet


Gemini Pendant

Dream Journal

Book of Love

Self-Taught Sorcery

Pet Friends

My love

Renor Arshes
My Son