
CastielAngelOfTheLord has a minion!

This is the Chrust

Legacy Name: CastielAngelOfTheLord

The Angelic Clawsion
Owner: artistbec

Age: 11 years, 3 months, 6 days

Born: February 24th, 2013

Adopted: 11 years, 3 months, 6 days ago

Adopted: February 24th, 2013

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 9
  • Speed: 13
  • Health: 16
  • HP: 16/16
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Castiel, often shortened to Cass,[1] is a powerful angel of the Lord who was responsible for saving Dean Winchester from Hell,[2] on the archangels' command. It was his job to help prevent Lilith from breaking the 66 Seals that, once broken, would release Lucifer from his cage[3] in Hell. Once Castiel learned that the angels wished to free Lucifer anyway, he defied his angelic brethren and died trying to help Dean prevent Sam Winchester from breaking the last seal.[4]After he was killed by the Archangel Raphael, Castiel was resurrected by God and joined Sam, Dean, and Bobby Singer in a quest to prevent the brothers from becoming the vessels of Michael and Lucifer. Castiel would later be killed by Lucifer but his actions allowed Sam to trap both Archangels away. With the Apocalypse averted, Castiel was again resurrected by God with new powers,[5] being promoted to Seraph. He then started a civil war in Heaven to prevent Raphael from restarting the Apocalypse,[6] Believing he could not be outsmarted by a demon, Castiel teamed up with Crowley to claim the souls of Purgatory.[7] He ended up betraying Crowley and absorbing all the souls, resulting in his powers reaching a level much higher than that of an archangel, but at a high price: the powers that the evil souls granted him had went to Castiel's head, causing him to proclaim himself as the new God.[8]As his body started to rot, Castiel later agreed on the advice of Dean to release the souls back into Purgatory. While seemingly successful, it turned out that the one of the most powerful entities from Purgatory, the Leviathans, held on to Castiel, and overpowered and took control of him.[9] When the Leviathans left to take over new forms, Castiel was presumed dead, but survived – apparently resurrected by God yet again. Dean later accidentally finds Castiel as an amnesiac healer called Emmanuel.[10] After taking on Sam's madness and experience in Hell in order to save the Winchesters and redeem himself for what he did to Sam, Castiel had become insane and fell into a coma. However, he awakens and his sanity is returned to an extent when a signal was sent to all angels upon the discovery of the Word of God and the appointment of a new prophet.[11] He then aids the Winchester brothers against Dick Roman, only to be transported to Purgatory with Dean.[12]While Dean comes back, Castiel has not returned with him. While his condition is initially unknown, it's revealed that he spent most of his time running from Leviathans and that he didn't escape Purgatory with Dean as he had planned to stay as a form of penance. However, he was eventually released from the monster realm by an incursion of angels under the orders of a mysterious but powerful angel named Naomi, rejoining the Winchester brothers and trying to become a hunter himself. But after a long while, Castiel learned that Naomi had been controlling him ever since she got him out of Purgatory and compelling him to find the angel tablet, at any cost, even going as far as killing Dean. After he almost did so, Castiel then teamed up with Metatron when the angel convinced him to help him close the gates of Heaven. So after collecting the heart of a nephilim and the bow of cupid, Metatron is eventually captured by Naomi but escapes and kills her, only for Cass to discover Metatron's betrayal and plan to cause all angels in Heaven, even the imprisoned ones, to fall to Earth.After being stripped of his grace by Metatron in order to expel all angels from Heaven, Castiel spends the next three months on Earth as a human. After being captured and tortured by an angel named Malachi, Castiel steals the grace of Theo and returns to his original status as an angel (previously being promoted to a Seraph). Castiel later assists Dean with expelling the angel Gadreel from Sam and heals Sam's wounds. After Dean leaves with Crowley to find a way to defeat Abaddon, Castiel also leaves to begin a search for Metatron and Gadreel while being pursued by other angels, and eventually killing rebel leader Bartholomew, he assumes command of his faction. However, a deception of Metatron's makes him lose his army; instead he teams up with angels Gadreel and Hannah to infiltrate Heaven and destroy the angel tablet, cutting off Metatron's power to allow Dean to kill him. Though successful, Dean and Gadreel are killed, while Castiel locks Metatron up. He then left Heaven as he didn't want to be a leader and was dying due to his burning-out grace before Crowley saved him with Adina's grace. He has since reclaimed the last of his own grace and restored to full power and being a Seraph once again.After the release of the Darkness and the trauma he suffered under Rowena MacLeod's spell, Castiel agreed to act as the vessel for Lucifer to walk the Earth once more so Lucifer could battle the Darkness. Castiel would remain Lucifer's vessel for months, only emerging briefly to save Sam's life and convince the angels to help against the Darkness. At the end of the conflict with the Darkness, Lucifer was exorcised from Castiel by the ancient being, leaving Castiel in control of himself once more. During this time, he finally found God, who returned to defeat the Darkness as well.After Lucifer was exorcised from him, Castiel would dedicate himself to finding the fallen archangel and locking him away, blaming himself for Lucifer being free upon the Earth once more. This task caused Castiel to reluctantly work closely with Crowley, who also desired Lucifer gone. Following Lucifer's apparent defeat, Castiel dedicated himself to hunting down Lucifer's son Jack, a dangerous Nephilim. After a battle with Dagon that resulted in Castiel's brief empowerment by the Nephilim fetus, Castiel became convinced of the child's supposed goodness and chose to become his protector and guide, forsaking the Winchesters in the process. While trying to lock Lucifer in an alternate reality, Castiel was killed once more by the Fallen archangel.Following his death, Castiel was then sent to The Empty, where all angels and demons go when they die, to sleep for eternity. He was awoken from his eternal slumber when Lucifer's son Jack called his name. He was soon expelled from The Empty by the realm's guardian, The Shadow, for interfering with the latter's slumber, refusing to sleep again, and demanding his release, allowing him to be resurrected as a result. Castiel soon reunited with the Winchesters and Jack to help them out in their hunter cases. He later met with Lucifer who returned from the other world and warned him about the invading Alternate Michael. While in debate over recruiting Jack, Castiel and Lucifer were captured by Asmodeus, with Castiel being used as bargaining chip for the Winchesters. Castiel escaped and was betrayed by Lucifer who nearly killed him but he retaliated before the latter fled and Castiel returned to Sam and Dean to warn them about the impending threat. Castiel was also reunited with his brother Gabriel who wanted no part in the conflict as Castiel set out to locate him to get him to help in restoring Heaven. Very soon, Gabriel joins the team and after they capture Lucifer. They later travel to the Apocalypse World, and find Jack and Mary. The group is also aided by Lucifer after he escaped and decided to help out. Castiel evacuated with the others back to Earth but at the cost of Gabriel. They faced a new problem as Michael made his way there and Castiel finally met his enemy who tossed them aside. Jack wounds Michael, but then has his grace stolen by Lucifer. So Dean agrees to be Michael's vessel and kills Lucifer, at the cost of losing control of his body.At the beginning of season 14, Castiel is committed to finding Dean, who was possessed by Michael and disappeared after defeating Lucifer. He resorts to a demon, Kipling, who lures him into an ambush and uses Castiel as a bargaining chip to meet Sam and get his support to become King of Hell. Together, however, Sam and Castiel defeat Kipling and his henchmen. Dean is found, in full possession of his conscience and with no sign of Michael. Jack, however, begins to decline in health, having lost his grace earlier, and then dies. The Winchesters seek Lily Sunder to help resurrect Jack, and Castiel goes to heaven to find his spirit and bring him back to his body. Heaven, then, falls under attack from the Shadow, who wants to take Jack to the Empty. In order to stop him, however, Castiel convinces the Shadow to take him in exchange for Jack; the Shadow agrees, but says that he will not take Castiel's life until much later, when the angel will have forgotten their conversation and experienced a moment of happiness. Jack is resurrected and, with the help of Sunder's magic, he defeats Michael and consumes his grace, thus regaining his powers; during the battle, however, he had to burn out what was left of his human spirit, getting in a state similar to that of soulless humans, amoral and without emotions. In that state, he kills Mary Winchester, causing Dean to turn against Castiel, as the angel had hidden from him what'd happened to Jack. In the end, Chuck reappears and tries to manipulate the Winchesters and Castiel to kill Jack in a showdown at a cemetery, but the trio refuses, causing Chuck to personally smite Jack and Team Free Will to then attack him. Furious, Chuck opens up all closed doors of hell and lifts undead corpses from their resting ground, thereby causing the second apocalypse.The Winchesters and Castiel try to stand their ground against the zombies awakened by Chuck. They receive unexpected help from Belphegor, a heretofore unknown demon who, to Castiel's chagrin, is possessing Jack's dead body. To stop the ghosts from leaving the tear that Chuck opened on the surface of Earth, which leads to hell, and neutralize those who already made their departure, Rowena joins the group to perform a Book of the Damned spell, while Castiel and Belphegor descend to hell in search for Lilith's Crook, an instrument manufactured by the white-eyed demon that can suck in demons and ghosts who try to escape hell in disobedience. Castiel, who is suspicious of the demon, initially refuses to escort him back to hell, but is forced to do so by Dean, who still resents the angel and doesn't want him around. Castiel discovers Belphegor wanted his company so that he could read the Enochian incantation that can open the Crook's box, and that his plan all along was to use the object to absorb the spirits of hell into himself, become more powerful, and take over hell's throne. Castiel throws himself at Belphegor while he plays the instrument, smiting him so badly that Jack's corpse is burned to a crisp and the Crook is destroyed. Castiel manages to return to the surface of the Earth, and he tells Dean he couldn't let Belphegor fulfill the plan to suck in all of hell's souls, enraging Dean - against his friend. Since the Crook is gone, Rowena decides to cast a spell so that she can herself absorb the spirits inside her own body, dying in the process. The death of their witch ally further intensifies Dean's anger at Castiel, and in an argument at the bunker he throws in the angel's face that everything that goes wrong in the group's endeavors has been Castiel's fault. Tired of weathering the storm of his friend's moods, Castiel says that he is dead in Dean's eyes and so it is best that he move on without the Winchesters. Later, he ignores Sam, who tries to contact him via phone messages. Castiel subsequently returned to the brothers to help them defeat God by grooming a resurrected Jack to become stronger. After the plan fails and they are chased by Billie, Castiel sacrifices him by confessing his love for his close friend and allows himself to be happy. This activates his deal with the Shadow who drags him and Billie into the Empty.He is later resurrected again by Jack after he becomes the new God, as Bobby Singer tells Dean that Castiel helped Jack to reshape Heaven for the better.Castiel's legacy has seemed to have become legendary among angels and demons alike, as many recognize him as the only angel who defied God's rules and cooperated with humans due to his own decision, which he is either loathed or respected for. He is also the only angel to have been killed, and been resurrected multiple times. He is the only known angel who has repeatedly been resurrected by God so he could help Sam and Dean Winchester.[13]

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