
Legacy Name: Gruffels

The Chibi Feli
Owner: Porygon

Age: 10 years, 10 months, 1 week

Born: July 24th, 2013

Adopted: 9 years, 6 months, 3 days ago

Adopted: November 28th, 2014


  • Level: 11
  • Strength: 19
  • Defense: 24
  • Speed: 12
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 15
  • Books Read: 15
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Groomer

premade profile by Chen
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War, one of the most awful consequences of a dispute. Were they really calling for war against Sharmony? The young teen looked at the TV with wide, concerned eyes. She turned to the only source of comfort she had ever known and asked with a trembling voice if they'd be okay. If their home would be destroyed and if they would be forced back to join the kingdom rather than being independent. The response she got was a venom spat at her as her cranky aunt went on a tangent. Sarah was hounded for asking too many questions. Criticized for being too intelligent for her age. Told that children should be seen and not heard. In between being belittled she heard curses toward the new age and sour, yearning words that praised being joined with the mainland. Sarah supposed it wasn't too bad--it's not as if they were treated unkindly. However the thought of finally being their own entity again made the young girl happy that she had a chance to grow up and influence a new age. Her aunt was stuck in her old ways however, and wanted nothing to do with anything remotely new age. A young girl in a hopeful albeit dangerous world and the only guardian she had left was dragging her down.

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends

I believe in you!

Thank you... for saving me.

Auntie Cyra!