
Side Swipe has a minion!

Hot Shot the Kotte

Side Swipe
Legacy Name: Side Swipe

The Dusk Ruffie
Owner: Rodimus

Age: 10 years, 10 months, 2 weeks

Born: July 28th, 2013

Adopted: 10 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: July 28th, 2013


  • Level: 7
  • Strength: 20
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 13
  • Health: 15
  • HP: 15/15
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

A rookie Autobot, he followed Blurr to Earth to receive training.
"I think somebody needs a hug!"
Good Point: Hacker
Bad Point: Bad Marksman
Like: Lake views
Dislike: Lonliness


The young rookie of the Cybertron Army, Side Swipe followed Blurr to earth in order to seek Blurr's praise, attention, and training. However, the young rookie would soon found himself in a whole new world of adventure. He would also find himself under the tutelage of the Autobot warrior known as Hot Shot. Side Swipe is considered the Communications Officer of the Cybertron Army, Optimus Prime's unit, and is a master hacker, known for being able to hack Decepticon data. Just don't trust him behind a gun.

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