
Kovex has a minion!

Fluff up the Foxip

Legacy Name: Kovex

The Darkmatter Montre
Owner: Naya

Age: 17 years, 9 months, 2 weeks

Born: August 29th, 2006

Adopted: 17 years, 9 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 29th, 2006 (Legacy)


  • Level: 23
  • Strength: 58
  • Defense: 59
  • Speed: 54
  • Health: 53
  • HP: 53/53
  • Intelligence: 6
  • Books Read: 6
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

It slowly ate away at the ground the earth and the sky; working its way tirelessly until there was nothing but its self and the darkness that it is. Deep within a haunting sound, sweet as it may be echoed forth, mixing within its self in the endless confine of the blackness; becoming the last beautiful thing in the dead earth.

The gentle song reverberates off the shadows that lick the floor, clings to the walls and drip from the ceilings like a parasite. Deep in the heart of this pooling, bubbling mass of a created world, a lone figure, warped and deformed by the darkness that sucked the life from him. Around him floated the little black balls of purple light with long white eyes, there innocent looks did not betray their intents.

He was forced, to cling tightly to the ceramic flute like instrument as his body was suddenly racked by a vicious coughing fit that zaps what little energy he had. He fell to the ground splattering red hot blood onto the floor, trying desperately to draw air passed the half cough that caught itself in his lungs. This had happened far too many times now for him to panic, if it came, the fit would last another minute or so and then subside for another time; if it didn’t…

He breathed deeply, the coughs began anew. Wiping his muzzle tiredly, he sighed bringing the ocarina up to his lips; only the desire in his heart giving him the strength to continue the haunting tune.

It promised… His thoughts wondered. The wealth, the power, how it filled my head with voracity, How it tempted me… How I gave in. He placed the gray, blood stained oval flute down in his lap to protect it, still careful after all these years.

“I was weak, wasn’t I?” He asked aloud to the floating balls of light that watched him. “Easy for you, not a challenge at all- I’m sure.” They blinked at him, giving no answer, he didn’t expect one.

“Promised so much…” He mumbled dismally, his eyes, once a beautiful golden, now faded and dying lavender, scanned the blackness that was his world. “And here it is. I was a fool…”

He shifted uncomfortably, to weak to stand.

something chirped softly, his head snapped around at the foreign sound. It deep red colors near blinded him from seeing only blackness for so long. It blinked its sweet black eyes at him and chipped again.

“Little one…” He mumbled dumbly, the world was dead; the existence of this small fox was beyond his comprehension. “How did you find this place..?” It’s head tilted to the side and it chirruped again.

”You shouldn’t stay.”

It blinked.

He watched it a long moment, it watched him.

The world was black and dying, caused by his own hands, but for a moment, he forgot all about that. His penitence was now done and Kovex gave a small smile.

Pet Treasure

Bloody Ocarina

Pet Friends