
Abadon has a minion!

Crovis the Hugin

Legacy Name: Abadon

The Nightmare Telenine
Owner: Chaos_881

Age: 17 years, 7 months, 1 week

Born: October 21st, 2006

Adopted: 17 years, 7 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: October 21st, 2006 (Legacy)


  • Level: 118
  • Strength: 256
  • Defense: 245
  • Speed: 121
  • Health: 227
  • HP: 227/227
  • Intelligence: 266
  • Books Read: 266
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

My story...

It was a cold and stormy night, when Abadon passed. He was a loner, making his way through the strange land known at the Forest of Deceit. It was said that anyone who ventured into the forest never came out. And you see, that wasn't quite true, because Abadon made it out. Just, not alive. He had found himself wandering for over two weeks, and was quite famished to say the least. He thought that it would be a good idea to take a quick rest beneath a large tree. It was a strange tree. Barren of any life, yet it seemed to be one of the biggest ones he had came across. Perhaps this tree was a marker of sorts. To mark the center of this strange hell he had found himself in. He curled up into a ball, tucking his cold and worn paws close to his chest. Fluffy excuse for a tail wrapping itself around his haunch. Heavy eyelids begged to close, as his skull rested right betwixt his massive mitts. A deep slumber came easily to the weary hound, and eventually he found himself in dream land. But it wasn't any ordinary dream. It was a hellish one, where he was running from a constantly burning forest. Everywhere he turned led to thick clouds of smoke, and painful crackling fire. He made his way towards that same tree, when a reaper of sorts appeared before him. It's form seeming to melt right out of the bark of that very tree. "I've been waiting for you." Was all it said as it pointed a bony, skeletal finger at him. He shuddered, as the creature seemed to be looking right through him. "Abadon, leave this body behind, and accept the wonders I have to offer you." He said in a gruff creaky voice. Abadon paused for a moment, deep in thought. What was his life anyway? A pointless waste of time, in his mind. With little consideration he quickly accepted the Reaper's conditions.His soul, a bright, and colorful glowing aura of a pure spirit tainted by the hate of the world separated from his sleeping body. The reaper held this spirit form in his hand, while his other hand, bearing a large and bloodied scythe swung. Severing the ties between Abadon's body, and soul. He was overtaken by pain, fear, torment, panic, hate, and lust, all at the same time. Both the spirit form, and his own body gasped, and pleaded for the agony to cease. And with a wave of the Reaper's scythe, it did. The spirit he held in his hand was now devoid of all color. And replaced with a powerful and menacing dark aura. It was Abadon's new existence. The Reaper knelled forward, released his grasp on the spirit form, and it lunged into Abadon, sending him toppling off his paws. What he just experienced as he, and the new form mended together was another shocking session of torture, and agony, and when it finally stopped, he awoke. Feeling the shocking winter chill tugging at his paws. He was sleeping just outside the forest. His eyes slowly opened, inhaling a deep, and chilly winter breath, as he examined his new form. His body matching the spirit the Reaper in his dream bestowed upon him. His ears perked, and his head canted to one side curiously, as he heard what sounded like a strange, and deranged laughing from afar. "Go fourth Abadon, and bring all the souls of those you defeat in battle to me. You will not go unrewarded, of you prove yourself.." The voice said. And he asked no questions. He took into a run, enjoying the agility, and strength his new form had. Eager to test his new found abilities, on an unsuspecting victim, he began to stalk the night, a hellish nightmare, waiting in the shadows.

Pet Treasure

Chibi Telenine Plushie

Telenine Collar

Bastille Playset

Autumn Harvest Brown Ale

Subeta Tribune Special Issue V

Ornate Invitation

Folded Wings

Magical Bone

Whiskey Decanter Set

Chibi Telenine Plushie

Pet Friends

Yiff is the coolest kumos ever.

Me and Seth like to go beat stuff up. ;3

Attitude? She has it.