
Galaxy has a minion!

Kikiyaon the Albinowl

Legacy Name: Galaxy

The Custom Darkmatter Dragarth
Owner: Yoshi

Age: 17 years, 5 months, 3 weeks

Born: November 24th, 2006

Adopted: 17 years, 5 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: November 24th, 2006 (Legacy)


  • Level: 1,122
  • Strength: 2,806
  • Defense: 2,672
  • Speed: 2,584
  • Health: 2,592
  • HP: 2,592/2,592
  • Intelligence: 2,259
  • Books Read: 1910
  • Food Eaten: 5605
  • Job: Hotel Chain Owner

A black-furred dragon slowly walked over to the side of a quietly flowing stream. Her eyes didn’t seem to imply that she was actually focusing on her reflection as she gazed down into the water. Although the surface of the water didn’t provide the best view, the dragon could tell that tonight wouldn’t be the starry night she had hoped for. Glancing up at the sky, the dragon flexed her wings a bit. The starry patterns on her wing almost appeared to move as she did this, but she had no intention to take flight.

She had come to be known by many names as she lived through the centuries. Nearly all of her aliases meant the same thing. Galaxia, from a time that barely held any memory. She had been dubbed Hoshizora at some point, somewhere, somehow. It had been a pretty name, but not many knew the beast by this. Most referred to her simply as The Black Dragon out of fear alone. This title was well earned. She was dangerous, powerful, and had a broken horn to prove she would throw her weight around for the sake of proving a point. Some groups took a step back into the past, dubbing her as the mystery beyond the clouds and atmosphere. Galaxy.

Galaxy wouldn't be seeing any signs of her namesake tonight. The sky was dark with clouds; it would be foolish to attempt flying in these conditions. The arrival of an storm was made definite when the sound of thunder interrupted the night silence, and the sky lit up for a brief moment. She took this as her cue to keep moving. To where, she would eventually figure that out. She felt as if she was forever searching for something. It was a feeling in her heart, she was constantly yearning for something. Someone? Her heart surely knew, but the black hole in her mind refused to remember.

How was the scenery you saw
When you were pushed into an abyss of despair?
Alias: Galaxy, Hoshizora, "The Black Dragon"
Gender: Female
Age: Centuries
Species: Dragon
Orientation: Homoromantic Homosexual

Galaxy could easily be described as heartless, vicious, and overall a bully. The dragon is extremely territorial, and doesn't take kindly to the presence of other anima. She only tolerates the presence of those who share overlapping territories with her, and this is by very little. Being greeted with hostility would be considered a good sign, since not many things intimidate Galaxy. In the events that she wanders into civilized areas, she shows little to no respect to tame anima.

If one manages to become an ally with her, Galaxy can prove to be extremely helpful in dire situations. With her great strength and fearless attitude, she makes a formidable opponent against many other creatures. This isn't to say she's invincible; she bears plenty of battle scars to show she's just as suspectable to injury as anybody else. Galaxy should not be frequently depended on, however. She'll only help "when she wants to", or when she's feeling particularly bloodthirsty.

When not in the presence of others, she's mostly in a contemplative daze of sorts. Nobody would know that the drako carries heavy grief within her heart. Years ago, the one anima Galaxy ever had any feelings for was tragically taken from her. Galaxy's sour attitude is likely an everlasting grudge she's held against the world since then. The only creature Galaxy seems to show any friendliness towards is a strange, bird-like creature that she dubbed "Kikiyaon". The owl-like familiar was likely a gift to Galaxy before her lover's passing.

Silver | Witch | Deceased Lover
It was passionate, almost one-sided, but the only time Galaxy ever felt what she would hesitantly refer to as love. When a bond was finally formed, it had been stripped away from Galaxy violently. She refuses to let go of the past. And little does she know, she doesn't have to.
OwO wats dis??

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Nunc vestibulum gravida convallis. Mauris vitae purus tincidunt, venenatis elit viverra, ornare nisl. Aenean laoreet placerat enim eu sollicitudin. Fusce eros felis, congue sed pellentesque vitae, semper sit amet libero. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque congue lorem id mi varius, in eleifend sapien tincidunt. Praesent pretium lectus sed pharetra ornare.

Donec eu orci sem. Pellentesque interdum mollis condimentum. Ut in dapibus ligula. Vivamus porttitor dolor id sagittis sodales. Vestibulum justo elit, semper id dolor ut, molestie rhoncus arcu. Pellentesque ultricies, metus et viverra placerat, turpis quam ultrices odio, id laoreet quam justo tristique sem. Donec ultricies nunc sed consectetur tristique. Nullam sed pulvinar nunc. Nullam rhoncus, est id luctus dictum, mauris nisl facilisis nibh, ac semper turpis erat nec sapien. Cras sollicitudin leo tellus, venenatis mollis augue volutpat non. Etiam egestas quam vitae elit luctus convallis. Donec aliquet, nibh id varius gravida, justo ex ullamcorper odio, ac posuere leo magna vel metus. Sed vitae nunc nisl. Mauris molestie tellus sit amet purus aliquet, eget gravida nibh semper. Proin congue pretium ipsum, sodales malesuada sem molestie in.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In aliquam efficitur elit, sed euismod augue elementum quis. Nam sit amet nisi finibus, elementum ipsum suscipit, pulvinar massa. Maecenas ullamcorper, dolor quis sodales vulputate, ligula massa viverra nibh, vitae pellentesque sem elit a sapien. Nunc malesuada purus velit, vel porttitor felis sodales vitae. Nunc semper tortor vel nibh laoreet varius. Quisque dolor turpis, venenatis eu efficitur in, aliquam vitae odio. Aenean vitae mollis dui, sed semper nisl. Ut ornare sit amet ligula ac accumsan. Phasellus id elementum magna. Nullam a nibh aliquet, cursus purus fringilla, pulvinar eros. Donec malesuada non lorem ut congue. Donec interdum eleifend justo, et tristique massa cursus ac. Fusce fringilla eros vel velit interdum, non commodo nibh feugiat. Pellentesque aliquam justo a lorem ullamcorper cursus.

Nullam accumsan orci sed odio mattis porttitor. Morbi eu faucibus sem, id iaculis magna. Maecenas ornare vel lacus in dignissim. Aliquam facilisis in orci non pharetra. Etiam scelerisque dapibus nibh, quis facilisis enim vestibulum non. Duis nisl odio, placerat eget gravida id, pellentesque sed eros. Mauris risus nibh, facilisis in ante id, lacinia fermentum risus. Pellentesque tincidunt magna ut elementum hendrerit. Pellentesque justo turpis, porttitor quis neque non, facilisis elementum leo. Maecenas malesuada dolor nulla, vitae porttitor mauris dignissim a. Ut suscipit lacus ante, non venenatis turpis mollis a. Phasellus pretium leo id orci tincidunt, at dictum quam cursus. Ut non elit in enim pulvinar volutpat. Proin hendrerit posuere pellentesque.

In eget sollicitudin purus. Vestibulum eu vehicula ex. Duis accumsan commodo rutrum. Aliquam imperdiet sagittis vulputate. Sed vestibulum suscipit condimentum. Fusce tincidunt pharetra suscipit. Nulla convallis elit vel nunc tincidunt tincidunt. Mauris dictum pretium nibh, nec laoreet turpis accumsan vitae. Aliquam lobortis congue lobortis. In placerat sapien et varius interdum. Aenean vitae cursus sapien. Donec maximus metus sagittis dapibus aliquet.

Phasellus turpis tellus, consectetur tincidunt dignissim a, euismod sed turpis. Suspendisse id urna scelerisque, lacinia magna at, finibus eros. Quisque eu accumsan neque, blandit consectetur massa. Nulla ultrices dolor sed enim tincidunt pharetra. Phasellus felis nisl, eleifend ac sapien nec, sagittis elementum magna. Ut at porttitor ipsum, in ullamcorper nulla. Nullam non ex tortor. Nullam in sollicitudin magna, ornare rhoncus enim. Duis dapibus viverra eleifend. Nullam non lectus ac nunc gravida luctus. Ut non ante turpis. Nulla orci lacus, pulvinar a tincidunt nec, ultricies in ex. Nullam consequat vitae ex ac eleifend. Vivamus eget mattis leo. Quisque ullamcorper tincidunt lacus non ornare.

Pet Treasure

Swirling Twirling Galaxy

North Star Used Makeup Sponge

Romero NOVA Orrery Piece

Fallen Star Souvenir

Leafeather Heirloom of the Stars

Mini Meteor Souvenir

Starry Night Sticker

Sky Warrior Galactic Cape

Sky Warrior Stardust Filled Scrying Bowl

Starwing Butterfly

Twilight Potion

Deep Blue Constellation Cape


Smattering of Asteroids

Dark Cloud Spikes


Aurora Galaxy Crystal


Cloud of Nebulous Space Dust

Cyanide Deadly Bonbon

Galaxy Juice Globe

Midnight Flowerbud Tonic

Midnight Stitched Up Glitter Drop Vial

Midnight Stitched Up Glitter Gloss Pot

Black Cosmic Blush and Glitter

Daytime Moon

Fairy Ring

Astral Bloom

Mystical Bitten Carrot

Black Hole Sticker


Unicorn Hair Paintbrush

Aurora Bora Shot

Swirling Galaxy Cocktail

Atebus Regional Champagne

Galaxy Swirl

Twilight Cake Slice

Galaxy Space Pop

Galaxy Ukulele

Enchanted Aurora Jelly

Sunrise Beach Plate


Lightshow Night Sky Fragment

Variable Star

Fifth Anniversary Galactic Escalade Trophy

Starry Soap Gift

Starry Vesnali Egg

Night Sky Stained Glass Headstone

Shrine of Azagga

Moonrise of the Final Night

Galaxy Orb

Inverted Galaxy Orb

Sucking Black Hole

Vintage Starry Greeting Card

Graceful Cosmic Witch Plushie

Celestial Muse

Black Hole

Twilight Potion

Banshee Sleepless Night

Mark of Luna

Cut Crystal Moon

Compressed Sand Stone

Goodnight Sticker

The Lone Tree Print

The Tiniest Shooting Star

How to Stargaze

The Beauty of Starlight

Galaxy Hair Spray

North Star Texturing Gel

Essence of the Final Night

Bottled Night

Nugget of Night Sky

Aurora Borealis

Shrine of Apollonia

Eye Catching Aurora Borealis Shard

Scroll of The Stars

Blue Galaxy Wrap

Rainyday Nebula Top

Rainyday Nebula Skirt

Large Midnight Silk Shawl

Galaxy Printed Leggings

Shining Galactic Fabric

Shroud of the Galaxy

Silver Aurora Borealis Pantyhose

Aurora Borealis Pantyhose

Aurora Chalice

Lantern of the Final Night

Aurora Lights Sticker

Aurora Fox

Aurora Vesnali Egg

Night Sky Flower

Night Sky Fruit

Black Coda Caves Crystal

Celestium Ore

Day and Night Infinity Scarf

Illumis Galactic Fan





Night Sky Print Bookmark

Creeping Galaxy Plushie

Dark Charm

Skull Matter

Dark Matter

Tainted Matter

Dark Moonrock

Shadow Gem

Amethyst Stone

Dark Defense Tear Crystal

Darkmatter Imbued Crystal

Dark Crystal Shard

Twilight Potion

Galaxy Orb

Galaxy Orb

Galaxy Orb

Galaxy Orb

Galaxy Orb

Galaxy Orb

Galaxy Orb

Galaxy Orb

Twilight Potion

Piece of a Confused Sky

Saheric Sand Moth


Tranquil Crystallite

North Star Crystal Starburst

Winter Star Cream Puff

Galaxy Fruit

Dream Coda Caves Crystal

White Coda Caves Crystal

Pouring Rain

Dowsing Pendulum

Frosty Crystal Vial

New Years Light

Frozen Matter


Pet Friends

There's nothing for you to understand. Stay out of my way.