
Grasped has a minion!

Fester the Umbri

Legacy Name: Grasped

The Nightmare Telenine
Owner: Kryptonite

Age: 17 years, 6 months, 1 week

Born: December 4th, 2006

Adopted: 17 years, 6 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: December 4th, 2006 (Legacy)

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 13
  • Strength: 71
  • Defense: 19
  • Speed: 21
  • Health: 19
  • HP: 18/19
  • Intelligence: 3
  • Books Read: 3
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

-As you go about your strolling you come across a large opening to your right. You pause thinking to yourself about whether or not it is wise to venture in. Of course after a few moments the lure of this quiet cavern draws you in. As you tiptoe into the cave all you hear is the dripping of water and the sound of the wind howling in from outside. As you venture deeper into the barely lighted caverns a chilling voice startles you-

Ahhhh, what is this?
Many years ago, I may have been more receptive to your visit stranger, but as of now, I am convinced I deserve nothing more than solitude and loneliness.
You'd be doing well by yourself to leave, and never think about me or this place again.

-He saunters off and is swallowed by the shadows of the cave, but something holds you and causes you to linger. You stand in the spot where he left you.. shuffling your feet in the dirt. As you contemplate his words you crane your neck to see into the dimly lit nooks and crannies of the cave. It is now that you notice that the entire inside of the cave is littered with dream catchers. This is understandably confusing to you. What would such a creature need with so many dream catchers? After remaining for a few more moments contemplating this you start to turn and walk towards the entrance, that's when you hear him again-

Still here I see. Maybe it is your naivety that keeps you, I'll indulge your curiosity...

I was normal in the beginning. I had a family, a beautiful mate and a courageous pup. We lived in the woods with our pack, it was beautiful there, but then again, anywhere is beautiful in comparison to this place. The land where we lived was peaceful, there was never any trouble, I kept it that way. I spent my days teaching my pup to hunt and provide. It was important that he learn how lead the pack someday. He was next in line you see, I had every intention of teaching him all I was taught by my father.
That was how I spent my days. My son and I basked in the sun between lessons, enjoyed the company of his mother when lessons were over, life could not have been better, until They came. These dogs were unlike anything we'd have ever seen. They easily took advantage of my peaceful pack.. I mean, we never saw it coming. They took them all, worst of this is they had my mate and pup..
To this day I don't really know what They did to my pack . All I know is that They came because they had business with me. Their leader came to me. He said that I had to choose. He said the person who commanded him wasn’t going to tolerate resistance.
That's a decent word to describe my situation. They said as long as I complied my pack would be spared, and that they’d be kept happy. I had no choice in the matter really, my love for my family and my pack was stronger then my sense of self preservation I suppose.

These weren't dogs at all as I soon came to find out. They were reapers, and I don't mean of lives. They reaped dreams. The sandman you've heard of? Bunch of bull. While he cares about your happy dreams, it isn't for the reasons you've been told, you see that's how he lives. He thrives of the energy of dreams. Incase you hadn't gathered yet, that was my new charge. I was to phase into sleeping minds, harvest their happy dreams and replace them with nightmares.
Oh how it tormented me. I did it for over 600 years. I stole countless dreams and replaced them with countless horrible nightmares. Until one day I couldn't do it anymore, I was the nightmare now. Years of living off dreams changed me from my normal being into a horrid monster. I couldn't do it anymore.. so..I ran.
For days and nights I ran away from what he wanted me to be, what he had turned me into. Until I wound up here.

-He pauses and looks around at the cave your both in, it's damp and you hear a shuffling near the entrance, his head whips back towards you. Seeing that the noise has you uneasy he starts to speak again -

I wouldn't worry about that, it's just her, she hides me now. Keeps me safe.
I'll wrap up so you can get away from me, as I'm sure you feel you must.
She wasn't afraid of me, she promised me that she wouldn't let him find me, that's what all the dream catchers are about. The Sand Man turns his minions into walking nightmares, if they dared enter here they'd be trapped in the dream catchers.
There is something she and I don't discuss though, and That's what I have to do at night now.. I need some kind of dream energy to survive.. so I still have to phase. Before you are repelled by this, you should know I don't go for the happy dreams anymore, now I absorb nightmares. I tail those whom I used to work along side and undo what they've done. They take away good dreams and replace them with nightmares, and I phase in right after and absorb the nightmare.
Dreamless nights are better than nights full of nightmares.
I feel the torment it causes me now isn’t much more than I deserve..
It takes it's toll, but I feel I owe it to the world, you know?

-His voice trails off, and he looks away-

It's night time now, you should go, I have work to do.

-With that he pads to the entrance of the cave and glances back at you, after just a moment he vanishes into a wisp that is carried away by the cool evening breeze-

Pet Treasure

Death Dreamcatcher

Water Dreamcatcher

Dark Dreamcatcher

Earth Dreamcatcher

Fire Dreamcatcher

Life Dreamcatcher

Light Dreamcatcher

Magma Dreamcatcher

Dream Coda Caves Crystal

Black Coda Caves Crystal

Dream Journal

Nightmarish Cloud

Pet Friends