
Wish has a minion!

Pablo the Pantry Rat

Legacy Name: Wish

The Glade Xotl
Owner: Rachel

Age: 17 years, 5 months, 1 week

Born: January 4th, 2007

Adopted: 13 years, 10 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: August 4th, 2010


  • Level: 41
  • Strength: 102
  • Defense: 102
  • Speed: 102
  • Health: 102
  • HP: 102/102
  • Intelligence: 106
  • Books Read: 104
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Wish is a very strange pet; nobody is quite sure what species he is, a mutated Xotl, an experiment pet, or perhaps a new species altogether. It is indeed a mystery!

He lives deep in the Shadowglen forest, and his only friend is Pablo, the Pantry Rat. Life is lonely for Wish, as everyone he meets is so frightened by his appearance that they run away immediately. He may look monstrous, but Wish is really a sweetheart, who just wants to be friends!

One very average day in Shadowglen forest, Wish noticed a bright light in the distance. Intrigued, he followed the light, leading him to a clearing in the forest. Standing before him was a creature unlike anything Wish had ever seen. The creature was not afraid of Wish, and instead spoke to him. It told Wish that he had been chosen to receive a special gift; the power to grant wishes. Before Wish had a chance to say anything at all, the creature had vanished.

Wish couldn't wait to make people's wishes come true. He finally felt special, and hoped that his newfound powers would help him to make some friends. He journeyed out of the forest and into Shadowglen, but the inhabitants of Shadowglen were terrified of Wish, and whenever he tried to talk to someone, they ran away before he had a chance to ask them what they would wish for.

Wish has yet to grant any wishes at all, but he keeps trying!

Pet Treasure

Stray Spider Web

Forest Sprite

Artichoke Seed

Bark of Birch

Stale Moldy Ship Biscuit

Sacred Ground

Flimsy Green Insect Wings

Probably Bread

Deaths Cap

Spider Silk

Cave Moss

Fly Wings

Jar of Fairy Dust

Strangely Shaped Rock

Hangmans Moss

Destroying Angel

Summer Dandelions

Blue Mushrooms

Grotesquely Long Tongue

Gray Moss

Earthworm on a Stick

Large Dirty Spiders Web

River Mud


Sweaty Rag

Live Mealworm

Dead Spider Chrysanthemum

El Wood


Podulous Moonrock

Moldy Disposable Fork

Moldy Bagel

Weirdly Shaped Rock


Garden Dirt

Lichen Seeds

Tangle Seed

Moss Seeds

Flytrap Seed

Simple Seed

Swamp Mud

Stinky Dust

Spider Web

Oddly Shaped Rock

Moldy Snippet of Paper

Fertile Ground

Willow Twig

Pet Friends