
Raven has a minion!

Nova the Flaxen

Legacy Name: Raven

The Custom Glacier Kumos
Owner: Rah

Age: 17 years, 2 months, 3 weeks

Born: February 2nd, 2007

Adopted: 17 years, 2 months, 3 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: February 2nd, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 700
  • Strength: 1,748
  • Defense: 1,739
  • Speed: 1,736
  • Health: 1,727
  • HP: 1,725/1,727
  • Intelligence: 618
  • Books Read: 613
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Hotel Chain Owner


The Whiteback tribe had been a longstanding and proud one. Cunning and strong, it had survived many a bleak winter and was considered the most honoured tribe to run with. As with all wolf packs, it had an alpha male and female that produced the pack's new cubs - a method of reproduction that ensured only the strongest bloodline was brought into the world. And as with all other wolf packs, an alpha's reign did not last forever.

A duel would take place if any rising male or female thought they had the strength to lead. It could take hours, days, it could take weeks; but should a new leader prosper the fallen alpha would be demoted to the lowest ranks of the pack. He that had had first rights to any kill now had to beg for scraps. She that was respected by her peers and harem now had younger wolves biting at her tail, reminding her of her fall from authority. It was a hard life, but it was natural to the wolves, and it kept them strong. It helped them to survive.

Aster was one of these fallen wolves. He had led the pack for 3 years with his mate, Henbane, and together they had brought 12 strong cubs into it. But the bloodline was in need of change, and a young wolf that had begun following the Whitebacks had challenged Aster and come out victorious.

Henbane had been dismayed to see this. She was pregnant with what she knew would be her last cub, and there was no doubt in her mind that this new Alpha wolf would kill it. She had seen that the young wolf had the markings of the Darktail line, known for their drive for survival and no mercy attitudes. His direction in life would be so different from their own. She was not about to stand with him. She was not going to let him have the pup she carried in her belly.

"Aster, we need to leave here."

"My Henbane, leave? I can't...I'm in my place now. This is how it should be."

"It's not, Aster. It doesn't feel right. There's something...odd about him. His scent... And he'll know that I'm carrying. He'll know I have your unborn pup and I think he's going to kill it."

"You're in litter? I didn't...I thought it was too late."

"It wasn't, and I just know I have to protect this litter more than anything. It feels so important.. But I can sense that I can't here, so I have to go. And I want you to be with me."

"But...the pack dynamic. It would ruin it completely!"

"I think it will be ok, Aster my love. You have lost so much of yourself since he came. I want it to be back the way we were. Our other pups are grown and prospering but something is telling me the litter I carry now is important. Needed. I will do whatever it takes to protect it. I'm leaving tonight. Will you come?"

"I...I will."


Raven was raised a naiive pup, by two doting parents who didn't want her growing up in a world of hate and pain. Keeping her away from such concepts was their way of protecting her, but a child that is told so little, often ends up largely curious. Raven was a dreamer at heart, and would practically drink up the few stories told to her by her parents. Hearing about the strong wolf packs of long past made her long for a pack of her own, and she would go exploring pretending the alpha male to her female was just around the corner.

When Raven first met Claudio she was just an adolescent, and he was an adult. Being more than twice her age, Raven at once felt in awe of him. This elder, handsome male must clearly be much wiser than she. He was quiet at first, and she would fuss around him in her crush, until gradually he would begin talking to her. She could tell he was fond of her immediately, but she knew she was still too young to be of any serious desire to him. Still, instinct told her to keep him a secret from her parents. Something felt wrong about her relationship with Claudio, even though she didn't know what. They weren't really doing anything, anyway; so it was fine, surely?

After a long summer of flirtation in which Raven developed into a beautiful young adult, Claudio began paying a little more attention. He would take her on long walks through the mountain forest, show her beautiful fungus caves and bizarre vine growths, a rabbit-filled glade where they could hunt to their heart's content and a stream of the purest water that was lined with crystallised sandstone that sparkled as the light touched it. Raven drank in the experience, like a bird learning to fly for the first time. It was magical to her, and Claudio was the magician.

Raven still kept all of this from her parents.


"Raven, where have you been? We haven't seen you for days! We thought something had happened to you!"

"Mother. I was hunting, you know, as wolves are supposed to do. I was getting fed up of squirrels and scraps from yours and Dad's scavenger hunts. I'm an adult now, and I want to hunt for proper food!"

"You're gone all the time now. You're barely out of your puppy coat, and you didn't even tell us you were going. Your father is still out looking for you!"

"Great, well I'm sure he'll get oh so far with his sense of smell what it is."
Raven mumbled, with an eyeroll.
Henbane was abashed. Aster had lost most of his sense of smell before Raven had been born, defending Henbane against a bear attack. It had always been a subject of shame for Aster, although Henbane considered it a mark of the greatest bravery. Raven knew how her father felt about it, and would never have dared say anything so hurtful before now.

"You ungrateful...disrespectful little...stoat." Henbane stuttered, "I don't even want to look at you. Your father... Get back to the den, NOW."
Feeling awful, but not wanting to back down, Raven muttered one word. "No."

"What did you say?" Henbane questioned.

"I SAID NO. I'M NOT GOING BACK THERE. I'M GOING WITH CLAUDIO!" Raven barked and ran away before her mother could say anything else. Tears began flooding down her face in her rage and humiliation. She was sure her mother would come after her, almost hoped for it, but Henbane didn't. Well, fine. They had fought before, although she knew she'd gone too far to make fun of her father's sense of smell. She loved her father dearly, and she didn't mean what she'd said. She knew it would all be ok. She'd see Claudio tonight, and return to reconcile with her parents in the morning.

If only she had looked back, she would have seen Claudio himself creep up behind Henbane, and rip out her throat.

"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned,
Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."
-William Congreve

Notes on Raven's story

Ok, so I felt like Raven was bipedal in some way, but she didn't wear clothes So Andrea was talking to me about werewolves, and shapeshifters and stuff

So I have Henbane and Aster as the alpha male and female of the whiteback tribe, a strong bloodline that has survived very well due to it's respect of nature blah blah. Henbane has had three litters, 12 cubs in total and she knows her time is coming to an end.

It's natural in wolf packs, but a very aggressive male comes into the pack and challenges Aster and bests him.

But yeah, the new wolf, a darktail, challenges Aster to a fight and wins, and Henbane is carrying her last litter, a single cub. She knows that the darktail will kill it, and she knows she won't have another litter after this one.

So she makes plans with Aster to leave the pack and raise their single last cub alone, rather than likely both die within the year as the only place to go after alpha is the lowest position, the complete underdog.

Raven is born out of love, and cared for. Her life outside of a pack makes her naiive though, and sheltered, and vulnerable. Claudio will not let these deserters escape him. (continued on Claudio's page.)

Raven didn't find Nova so much as he found her. Lost and lonely in snow covered highlands, he came to her to give his warmth and keep her alive until the ice melted - from the ground, and from Raven's heart.

Pet Treasure

Preserved Primitive Subetan

Ice Floe

Marez Jahira Eye Crystal

Dance of the Spirits

Dark Crystal Shard

Crystal Shard

Spirit Wolf Dreamcatcher


Cupids Impaled Heart

Darkheart Gem

Dark Shaman Jaw Bone Club

Shaman Wolf Pelt

Broken Heart Tales

Love Stories of Sorrow and Despair

A Tale of Trickery

Book of Cold

Destroying Angel

Box of Untold Secrets

Broken Heart Amulet

Icicle Knife

Glacial Crystal Totem

Katana of Ice

Pile of Snow

Ice Bombs

Ice Rose

Glaciers Kiss

Frozen Heart









Heart-Cut Pink Tourmaline

Mystical Ruby


Pet Friends