
Hellianfiur has a minion!

Rëhhan the Skelihaund

Legacy Name: Aggelos

The Common Experiment #699
Owner: Kinnoyu

Age: 10 years, 6 months, 2 weeks

Born: November 15th, 2013

Adopted: 10 years, 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: November 15th, 2013


  • Level: 133
  • Strength: 150
  • Defense: 135
  • Speed: 112
  • Health: 125
  • HP: 123/125
  • Intelligence: 213
  • Books Read: 199
  • Food Eaten: 1
  • Job: Caregiver to Living Experiments

The way of man is violence, and death is what follows behind. He scorches the ground beneath his feet in sabotage so none may use it. He breaks apart the Earth, ripping out her heart and mangles it within his hand. What takes the water and wind hundreds of years to create, man's fire turns to ash in one day.

Nature will not sit idly by and watch as man kills her. As long as humans continue to be a curse onto the land, so I will be a curse onto them. I neither sleep nor eat. Revenge is what wakes me. Requital is what feeds me. Destined to rip apart those who foul the ground, I watch and wait within the shadows. He shall not see me coming. He shall not hear me moving. I come like a thief in the night. He shall watch as I crush his heart between my teeth. He shall feel as I rip off his head with my bite. Woe to man, who find themselves my enemy!

I hear them, my brothers and sisters, crying out for justice. I see the fire that consumed us on Earth, and I see the fires that consume us in Hell. No more shall man's crimes go unpunished.

I am vengeance.

I am retribution.

I am fate.

Pet Treasure

Starlight Spirit

Celebratory Mori Cupcake




Conflict Plushie




Cursed Plushie

Duality Moon Mask Beanbag

Mori Sticker

Cursed Gem

Mori and Nori Duality Doll

Cursed Demon Sword

Cursed Paper Doll

Cursed Liquid Fire Torch


Pet Friends

My broken soul cannot be soothed. Forgiveness has no place here.