
Legacy Name: Impmon

The Lilac Charlie
Owner: Kid

Age: 17 years, 3 months, 3 weeks

Born: February 4th, 2007

Adopted: 10 years, 6 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: November 9th, 2013


  • Level: 34
  • Strength: 39
  • Defense: 28
  • Speed: 26
  • Health: 26
  • HP: 23/26
  • Intelligence: 29
  • Books Read: 29
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Part-Time Test Subject


Here we go again..

I'm just the worst huh? I never think before I leap. I just wanna' tear down things that get in my way, I'm too blunt? A brat? Yeahhh, I can see it.
So I did a lil' target practice with ol'mummy's pictures. Awe com'on Keat ya HATED them things anyways, I did ya a favour!
Disrespect I tell ya.

Ya gotta cut me some slack tho kid. We've been through worse for sure. WAY more adventures then I have fingers for! (I guess that ain't counting for much, I only have six).
I remember the day you found me. It was 1999. Neither of us were really looking for each other, we could have easily walked rate past one another, ya' know? But nope, not my partner. I knew he was tha one, ain't no mistakin' it. We were like glue and paper to a kindergarder.

I'd pop around every Sunday at first. Sometimes I'd stick around for an hr or so. He'd tell me his day. He was such a sweet lil guy, real strong willed, tried so hard to please everyone. Honestly I knew that was his weak point. To survive in this world ya gotta tough up pup, do things your way or no way sometimes. He knew right from wrong. He'd take matters into his hands so often. He got into so much trouble though. Boy oh boy, did he ever. Quite often. That didn't keep him down. Nope, he just kept on forcing his foot down. He was confined to his room for days sometimes, heh, what a kid.

You know what he did though? He'd still sneak downstairs to see me. Sneak me in through the doors or the windows. He hated being alone, and ya know what, so do I. Yeah yeah, laugh it up bub. I know I seem like the cool, powerful, awesome, digimon that only needs his fists and fireballs to get through life. But once you find the right person, you can spend years with them in one single go without even knowing it.

Every kid wanted a digimon, there were tv shows about us, and games (perfect cover for tha truth). Jokes on them, HAH. We're as real as your average lion, but pack more of a punch.
I bet at first there were others that got a partner, like Keats. We all seemed to come to this world around the same time. Some portal crossed to our world, who WOULDNT go look? We're usually pretty curious, even the lonesome fellas.
This place has a funny way of keepin' time.
There are few of us here though, and usually we keep to ourselves. Tamers don't want us running off or getting taken away by scientists like that ET fella on that one movie.. what was it called? Ah well, point being, there ain't as many as us here, there are 90 times more of us in the digital world that's fer sure.

I stuck with him more and more. I'd scamper off and wander around when he went to school, and days just flew by. I got to try all these neat foods. That's when I learned about pok-ee-men. Weird card game with little freaks on them. What kinda sick game makes lil'kids battle with monsters, unbelievable I say!

I got ta know more about his lil sixth grade "palls" the more I watched him. Took advantage of him more then they cared for him. He was always an odd ball, a good kid, but because of his strong opinions and that crazy imagination, most kids were too spooked to really get to know him.

His birthday came up, June 26th.
He taught me about birthdays ya know. He believed so much in celebrations, loved all of em'. But on birthdays it was more because he could experience somethin' happy with tha people he liked just for him. My birthday? I never had one until I met Keaton. He made mine November 9th. It's when we officially became Digimon and Tamer.

Now Keats is super passive when it comes to friends. He'd let them get away with way too much, I know that first hand, didn't even stop me when I gobbled down tha thanksgiving turkey. We Digimon have real hungry appetites. But there were times where it got out of hand.

One time, them sixth grade losers he called friends never even showed to his birthday, can you believe tha nerve of them? I was with him all alone in that arcade as he waited and waited. I knew they weren't comin'. But he was so hopeful, for hours. Good ol' example of his determination getting the best of him in the wrong way.
If I could punch anyone it would STILL be them twerps.
All cause of some prim proper, princess, nasty little girl, controlled the whole school yard she did. Bullied all them kids not to go to my boy's party and go to hers which was hosted on the same day as his, it wasn't even her real birthday I wanted him to do something so bad, I was ready to light that pool on fire I was!

Boy, if that kid needed a pall more then ever, I'd at least be there for him.

He returned home a mess after his "party".
oh what a mess.

Something changed in him that day. He listened to me more then usual. It was like a mini hurricane, I couldn't be prouder at how fast he learned to just give it to people, let em have it. He didn't forgive anyone. He didn't need them. It was important to the little fella, and for that reason he won't ever let it go. I understand completely I do.
He was cold for weeks, switched friend groups, ignored anyone who tried. Even them sassy pants were threatened by how he was treating them, they were always terrible ta him, from day one. Finally givin' em' what they deserve. But lil push over keats decided to let them all in again. Cant be mad forever? Oh, you should of heard him day after day of letting them back in. He was mad for months, it took so much effort for him to not punch them in the face, no help from me I TRIED to encourage him. Eh. His call.

After he finally cooled down, he decided he'd try his best to avoid conflict. Hated being mad. Hated the feeling more then hating. When he was mad (and it takes so much to make that kid pop) he knew he couldn't come out of it for days, months, unless he really, really tried.

So days turned to months, months ta years. We've visited the digital world a handful of times. Had to show him where I came from. Battled it out. We even got better at battling them nasty ones that came to earth just to stir up trouble. My first digivolution, I rock as Bezebulmon. We made a fine team him and I. Had a few scares. I was almost toast. But that's when we met another partner. Keramon. That's a different story though.

He made new palls those years, a few tamers too.Ones I could see he would stick around.
He had a nasty yet charming sense of humor. Got that from me too. Loved games, any game, mind games, video games, card games, games-games.
He could tell the most convincing story and people would loose their minds trying to figure out if he was serious or not, if he believed what he was saying was true, oh that got them so good I laughed for days.
"A" plus Imp rate there. I raised him so well.

He met a few others with partners like me as time passed. He kept all the friends he made, and he made sure to keep them close. He loved his palls like family, and to this day I swear it still stands.
His real family, he seemed to not get along with as well.
I helped him sneak out. I'd do anything for my partner
He left his house at 18. Moved in temporarily with his best pall in tha world (besides me of course). He can't seem to tire of her. I don't get it, it's like they have some secret humour, a connection of sorts. Ah well, I couldn't be prouder of him. She had a few digimon as well, one of the tamers he met before. They're such babies, BAH.
WHAT? I only played those games because Keaton made me, ok??! I never enjoyed them! Not in the SLIGHTEST, GROSS!
Ahhh... ok..OK I SAID!

Oh those years. Keat met a guy later on, little shifty, he stuck through though. He made it so far ups and downs, trust me I wanted to ROAST that man at least 100 times. Drives me nuts. But after it all, he gets my approval he does, that guy is perfect for him, I can see tha mushy lovey eyes he gives him, YUCK. He's engadged to him now, did you know that?
My partner.
He draws too, although he can never capture my, alluring, and handsome smile. Eh, still pretty good.
His life got so crazy, he had me worried there. With that pacer business. He snuck me on all those flights to Toronto. We laughed and played games together, I got to grow on his fiancé too. We fight for Keaton's attention but I know he always chooses me, HAH. Even that unhealthy obsession with that Kidz Bop. Yuck.
But.. he.. made time for me. Years of being together, since we were first introduced. He still has time for me. I'm so lucky to have a guy like him. We're untouchable I tell ya.

So yeah. I AM the worst. I love being it! I love mischief and some good ol' fun! You know that better then anyone. I always leap before I think, cause for you. I don't need to think twice. I'd tear down whoever get's in OUR way. I'm bratty, but so are YOU, we're two peas in a pod my friend. And blunt? Always. Cause if there is anything YOU taught ME, it's to be honest about yer self.

This profile, story, and art is by me, Kid.

This pet is a dedication to my experiences with digimon and how far it's helped me through my life. I've cut out some stuff for readers sakes!
To my favourite partner, no matter how old I get I'll never forget you.

Pet Treasure

Red Neckerchief Bandana



Blast Cola

Box of Childhood Memories

White Game Controller

Green Apple Sourpower Candy

Blanket Fort Essentials

Field Gamepet


Pet Friends