
Legacy Name: Malunoir

The Nightmare Celinox
Owner: Cruella

Age: 10 years, 6 months, 1 week

Born: November 25th, 2013

Adopted: 10 years, 6 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: November 25th, 2013

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 15
  • Strength: 16
  • Defense: 13
  • Speed: 13
  • Health: 29
  • HP: 0/29
  • Intelligence: 102
  • Books Read: 100
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Garbage Collector

Darkness… that was all he knew. The world he lived in… surrounded by a void… endless, empty… as if he was walking in space. As all nightmares began.

And a young Celinox… bounding around, such a sweet and innocent little pet… little did he know of the darkness that formed his dreams… haunted his mind, terrified him in the night… the shadows lurking under his bed… they were all real.

He would soon consume the pet. Darkness consumed everything eventually… but the Celinox was special. Kyle, his owner called him. The nightmare watched, hidden in the dark shadows of his mind… yet able to see through his eyes. A mere thought, at the time… nothing more than a shadow. Waiting to strike upon nightfall.

Except… this time something was different. A glint of purple crossed the vision… a small laugh… the owner, a bright woman… with a heart of gold. She was unaware of the dangers… the signs within her pet… just a brief change. That was the push the nightmare needed…

And Kyle struck.

The owner screamed, freaking the Celinox out as soon as he landed on her, which only sent him further into a frenzy. But Kyle was no longer himself… there was a growing darkness, showing itself as the sweet, playful little pet was drawn in… while the nightmare was released. In an instant, his owner was gone. A sacrifice… to allow the dark forces to break through…

As soon as his job was complete, the nightmare allowed the darkness to fade from the Celinox’s eyes… only briefly of course. He fled… and in that moment a young woman in a spotted coat walked across the street and lifted him up. She had a lot of strength… but the darkness had consumed him so much that he had become a living nightmare, his fur… his eyes… everything about him had a shadowy effect…

“It’s okay, darling…” The woman’s voice was soft… warm… yet it had a hint of cruelty within the words she so delicately spoke in his ear. Something that he took a shine to immediately… the nightmare nuzzled her chin, sensing a long-term bond with the woman… and he growled at a flash of green in her eyes, shadows seemingly covering her skin… before she resumed her youthful human appearance. Yet she wasn’t human…

“... What are you?” The nightmare growled.

“A changeling… and you, my darling… will be the key to this world’s succumbing to the shadows it originally ascended from.” The changeling’s smile was cruel, yet at the same time kind. “My name is Cruella… and you… are going to be my dear Malunoir.”

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