
Accelerator has a minion!

Last Order the Kitmonkey

Legacy Name: Accelerator

The Arid Sheeta
Owner: Unicorn

Age: 10 years, 2 months, 2 weeks

Born: March 27th, 2014

Adopted: 9 years, 7 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: October 19th, 2014

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 19
  • Strength: 47
  • Defense: 47
  • Speed: 46
  • Health: 45
  • HP: 45/45
  • Intelligence: 4
  • Books Read: 2
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

"The worst part about being strong is that no one ever asks if you're ok."

With the ability to alter the vector values of anything he touches, Accelerator is ranked the most powerful esper in Academy City. He has killed thousands of laboratory-made sisters with the goal to be the first level 6 esper. He's sadistic in nature and has been shown to not trust anyone. That is, until he meets a certain someone...

Last Order the Kitmonkey


Accelerator « One Way Road « Number 1

Age » 15-16

Classification » Esper

Level » 5

Esper Ability » The Accelerator

« Vector manipulation
« Genius level intellect
« Machine ingenuity
« Marksmanship

Goals: To protect Last Order

Paranoid / Power Seeker / Megalomaniac / Sadistic / Protective

After being a prime target for researchers and assassins throughout his life who saw a threat of his ability, Accelerator built a sense of paranoia.

All Accelerator seeks is power, enough power to scare off anyone, without having to fight at all. Any opportunity to gain more power, Accelerator would comply immediately, which is why he joined a project that was created for him to become the first level 6 esper. In order for Accelerator to achieve this 'level up', he would have to kill 20,000 Misaka clones.

As a megalomaniac, Accelerator strives to cause fear on those who dare to oppose him. He's a pure sadist, nothing better than inflicting pain and seeing his foe suffer, until ending their life.

After meeting Last Order his personality changes, becoming more cool and mature. He strives to protect her and even treats Last Order like his family/child he has to take care of.

Accelerator appears as a skinny teenager with moppy hair. His albino appearance is caused by his ability, as it blocks ultraviolet rays, thereby preventing his body from producing melanin.His ability also reduces the outside influence so much that it causes a loss of balance in his hormones, giving him what he calls an "androgynous" look, although there is definite evidence stated throughout the series that he is a boy.

He also has an affinity for black and white-themed clothing. He changes his initial clothing from a black shirt with white striped patterns to a white shirt with V patterns.

When he is enraged or excited, such as when fighting a strong or amusing opponent, he breaks into a wide grin and laughs, giving him a maniacal and sadistic appearance.

He likes drinking black coffee without sugar.
Black and white themed clothes.

Much of Accelerators past is unknown. He mentions that he once had a "normal name" but has forgotten it.

As a child, Accelerator couldn't control his powers and it caused harm to those who got close to him. Since he wasn't able to approach anyone, this made him become a loner. After some time, Accelerator was discovered by Kihara Amata, a researcher with a vicious nature who thinks little of human lives, who trained him in how to control his powers and influenced him enough for Accelerator to adopt his sadistic and maniac personality.

Because of his ability, Accelerator was made the subject of an experiment attempting to create the first Level 6 psychic. He willingly joined to gain a reputation as the most powerful and feared psychic so that no one would be foolish enough to challenge him ever again. Accelerator killed the first 10030 Misaka Clones and kills clone 10031 before the experiment is ultimately stopped.

He originally wanted this reputation simply so that no one would ever get hurt trying to attack him, resulting in their own destruction, though as he went deeper into Academy City's dark side his goals slowly became more and more twisted.


Modified Crutch
Accelerator uses his crutch to support his body when his esper ability is off. It contains a small motor and weight distribution sensors, allowing for it to determine the center of gravity. Instead of a single leg like a regular crutch, it ends with four legs attached to its end like a microphone stand, which according to the narration "holds the ground" helping Accelerator to get him up when he is down.

The staff along with the four legs can be retracted in and out of the cuff. But its more important feature is a component inserted by Accelerator that blocks other interference devices. The crutch allows for Accelerator to block specific wavelengths after successfully analyzing it and using the equipment of the crutch, an interference wavelength can be reverse- engineered to specifically block that wavelength.

Choker-style Electrode
After being shot by Amai Ao, Accelerator loses his ability to calculate the vectors, speak and walk, which is why he wears a device called the, 'choker-style electrode'.

This device has 3 settings:
OFF : device is off.
NORMAL : allows him to do basic human functions for 48 hours until it needs to be recharged.
ESPER MODE : all his calculations are increased significantly, however this can only be used for 15 minutes until recharging is needed again.


Esper Ability: The Accelerator
Accelerator is named after his ability. It creates a thin field of AIM around him, which allows him to modify the vector values of anything he touches. After the events of Volume 5 where he gets shot in the head by Amai Ao, his brain has been damaged, and he has to rely on a choker-style electrode that connects him to the Misaka Network. The brainwave network allows him to use language, as well as making up for his lost ability to make calculations, although it is stated that it's less than half of what he once had. Furthermore the network enables Accelerator to reflect ultraviolet rays even when he isn't in esper mode. When using the network in esper mode, the battery of the electrode initially only lasts fifteen minutes. That changes in when he joins GROUP and its technical team cranks his time up to thirty minutes. He does not need the Misaka Network to use his abilities when in an awakened state.

He can change the vector values of anything by touch. An example is when he kills a Sister clone by reversing the flow of blood inside her body after putting his finger inside her wound. Furthermore, this ability is automatic, so projectiles like bullets or explosives have no effect on him, as they will be redirected, even if he is unaware of their presence.He must consciously allow things like gravity and light to affect him. It is because of his ability that he has an albino appearance, as his "reflection" blocks all unnecessary ultraviolet radiation, thereby preventing the skin from manufacturing melanin. Close range attacks on him are also useless as whatever being used will be reflected/destroyed.

Pet is based off the character Accelerator from Kazuma Kamachi's "A Certain Magical Index".
I do not own any mentioned characters and am only a fan.

Story, profile, and code by User not found: spirit_foxy

Overlay by User not found: spirit_foxy

Quote (c) A Certain Magical Index

Pet Treasure

Shadows on Snow Wig

Black Striped Sweater

Baggy White Jeans

Right Forearm Crutch

Simple Black Leather Collar


Angel Wings

Plain Collectible Mug

Special Dark Ground Coffee

Pet Friends