
Legacy Name: Jehyne

The Common Celinox
Owner: blendersurgeon

Age: 10 years, 1 month, 2 weeks

Born: May 1st, 2014

Adopted: 10 years, 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: May 1st, 2014


She felt at home in the woods - she was free with her thoughts and ideas. The city was good for supplies, but after a day or so, her head would begin to pound and she found herself fleeing to the nearest beaten track. The sun again rose up, and as the rays hit her eyes - Jehyne stretched and yawned. She crawled out of the hole she had made in the tree, and perched on the branches. Her cold eyes scanned the floor of the forest and then rose to the skies. The sounds of the morning were coming alive... today would be a good day of hunting.

Pet Treasure

Ebony Alegarten Cloak

Primitive Merfolk Knife

Bone Handled Skinning Knife

Hand-Stitched Boots of the Wilds

Shaman Herb Satchel

Pet Friends