
Legacy Name: Windscape

The Reborn Montre
Owner: LemonWicky

Age: 10 years, 2 weeks, 4 days

Born: May 28th, 2014

Adopted: 9 years, 7 months, 3 days ago

Adopted: November 12th, 2014


  • Level: 178
  • Strength: 380
  • Defense: 363
  • Speed: 368
  • Health: 389
  • HP: 202/389
  • Intelligence: 145
  • Books Read: 140
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Fight Promoter

It was a rainy day in Veta Lake. During Fireside, this was bad timing. I was sitting in Lakeview’s main lobby, watching the rain fall.

Artemis and Doana had taken all the kids out to ‘explore’ the town, even if it was sprinkling. Arte said that she had paid good money to get the orphanage a place at the Resort-“And since it’s Fireside season, those tickets were WAY TOO overpriced, damn it!”-and that we weren’t leaving if Calvin Blackmoon himself started a war with Veta Lake.

I didn’t want to go. I am SO NOT a rain person, and I’d really rather not get wet. Arte yelled at me for a minute then sighed as she hand me two-thousand sP. “If you’re so adamant about being an emo punk-ass kid, then at least you could learn to eat a sandwich, stupid.” She then left with the kids, Doana giving me a small smile and a shrug as they unfolded their umbrellas.

That was about an hour ago and the rain was coming down harder. A storm had been forecasted and it was expected to be a very fireless Fireside this year. I hated that. Living all the way in the Valley, the only time I ever got to see Fireside was on T.V. Seeing all the red and oranges and yellows, all the Reborn pets that people bring with them...I sigh. Just thinking about it made my heart as cold and dreary as the gray day of rain.

Deciding to take a nap for a bit, I get up from my seat, feeling my body protest as I had been sitting in the same spot for nearly thirty minutes. I pass by the gift shop, eyeing all the Reborn wares they have. I guess I could always swipe something, but after the last beating Arte gave me for ‘borrowing’ a Lilac Kora Beanbag for one of the little girls wanted for her birthday. She still got to keep it, which was awesome, but as much as I love Arte, I don’t love her paddlings. So I sped up my pace to get away from the temptation that is my kleptomania. Climbing up the stairs to the first floor rooms and walking down to my room that I share with Ash and Chrome, the windows showing off the lake any other day now looked like a sad painting. It was by pure whimsical chance that I glanced out towards the direction of the forest past the brewery.

In the distance, I saw a small glow of what looked like to I paused for a moment, walking over to the widow and pressed my face and hands to the glass to get a better look. The orb of flame was moving slowly on the ground. Then it stopped and started to fly in the sky, still at a sluggish rate. It got all the way to the very edge to the forest before it just crashed. The blaze got dimmer and dimmer. I have no idea what made me do, but one minute I was standing at the window and the next, I was bursting out the Resort doors, no coat or umbrella.

I ran to the forest, running harder and faster than I had ever in my life. I reached the place where I saw the fire. There was nothing but a blood trail that led into some brush. I bent down, sticking the tips of my fingers in it and I brought it up to my nose, taking a small whiff. My eyes went wide and I gagged. Bloodred blood. The digusting smell of iron, sulfur, and rot was unmistakable. There’s a difference between normal blood and that of Bloodred. You can smell the sorrow, the ceaseless agony of a Bloodred’s pain and eternal bleeding.

Was it a Bloodred on fire? What Bloodred could fly? I racked my brain and the only Bloodreds that I could think of around Veta were Bumbi and Mallarchies, but those only came out when it was Morostide. Morostide has been long over, though. So why was a Bloodred on fire in November? Unsure now, I followed the trail towards the bushes. As I got closer, they shook, like something knew I was coming. Three feet away, and I heard a growl-one that was definitely NOT a Bumbus or Mallarchy. My hands slipped to my side where I keep my switchblade in my pocket and I took it out and flicked it open. Whatever Bloodred was in there wasn’t going to get me, that was for dang sure. Taking a deep breath, I rushed to the bushes, parting their leaves and raised my blade high in the air, poised for the strike.

Only to drop it in shock.
It wasn’t a Bloodred anything.
It was a...Reborn Montre. With a freaking kit, for Shinwa’s sake!

I took a long look at the pair. The larger Montre-the mother, obviously-was growling at me while her kit-a common Montre-hid behind her. The Reborn was cut up and bleeding, pieces of fur and feathers gone, while her mouth was dripping blood. Her flames were low, dim and flickering. I knew what was going to happen. And when I realized there was nothing I could do to help her, I fell to my knees in despair.

So…she got attacked by a…Bloodred and now she’s dying. This was…terrible. I knew that if I didn’t at least try to get the kit out of harm’s way, there will be innocent lives lost.

“Hey girl…” I said soothingly, reaching out to her. She just growled and snapped at my hand, the kit behind her squeaking in terror. I wasn’t afraid though. I looked her straight in the eyes.

“What is going to happen to your son when you go?” I asked seriously.

She tensed up, like she knew what I was talking about. She glanced at her kit, who just gazed back at her, little tears forming in his eyes. She bent down to nuzzle him, licking the tears away. She turned her head to me and stared, something akin to questioning and expectance in them. I knew what was going on, and I straightened up and put my hand over my heart.

“I, Nikolas Kendor Hendra, swear on my honor that I will never let any harm come to your son. He will be my responsibility and commitment from now to my death.”

There was a silence in the air, nothing but the rain as a backdrop. She stared at me and I stared at her. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, she slowly limped towards me, her son trailing after her hesitantly. When she got right in front of me, she stopped. We never broke eye contact, and I reached out my hand to her. She sniffed at my fingers, scenting me.

She licked them. That sealed the pact.

Taking her kit by the scruff, she placed the young kit in my hand, who I immediately clutched to my chest, cooing at him when he started to cry. I could see the mother tense, like she wanted to comfort him, but she didn’t. The last piece of motherly affection she gave her son was once again nuzzling him and licking away his tears. He cried and tried to go after her when pulled away, and I just pet his head, still shushing his wails.

Suddenly, there were loud, booming steps coming from the deeper part of the forest. They were coming fast and the mother whipped in a defensive stance, her hackles raised with that same, ‘Don’t come closer’ growl that she gave me earlier. I heard the most horrifying roar in my life, and just when I stood up, the thing crashed through the trees. I nearly crapped myself when I saw it.

A Bloodred Dillema. That’s where the Bloodred blood came from earlier. Holy Shinwa. All I could think about was Montress defending her and her kit against…THAT. I quickly bent down to pick up my switchblade to help Montress, but when I made a move to advance, she snapped her head to the side and glared at me.

‘Go. Run away. Run and do not ever look back’. Those words came into my head and I stopped dead in my tracks. How was I…how am I supposed to just leave her!? But then, the kit started squirming in my arms. I really did have to run. I certainly could never face this beast, and I was going to protect her son, even if it cost me my life. But…live today, fight tomorrow.

My last words to her were, “I will never forget you. Thank you.” Then I ran. Much like how I ran to get to Montress, I ran away from her, knowing she was okay with her fate and I had to force myself to be okay with it too. I heard the Dillema roar again, and I looked back to see that she had taken off in the air as best as she could, drawing the Bloodred away from me and her kit. She disappeared into the forest, the hulking demented plushie chasing after her. I never saw her again.

I ran all the way to the Resort, pushing past the people who were coming in, muttering sorrys as I went. I didn’t stop running until I reached my room. Thankfully, everyone seemed to still be gone. I slammed the door, locking it. Leaning up against it, I slide down to the floor, sighing when my bum hit the carpet. The little kit squirmed in my grasp and I lifted him in the air so I could look at him better.

He was a young common Montre, only about five weeks old. He was shaking and shivering, and sneezed. For the first time that day, I smiled and chuckled. He didn’t appreciate being laughed at, so I lowered him so I could bump noses.

“Heya, little guy. My name is Nikolas, but almost everyone calls me Niko.” I said. “What’s your name?”

He cocked his little head to the side, as if he didn’t know what I was asking. I sighed, “Okay…let me think of a name for you while we get cleaned up, alright?” He yipped, and I swear, my heart fluttered. I was so in love with the kit, I was never going to let him go.


A nice warm bath later, I was sitting on the edge of the tub, towel at my waist while I dried the little kit off. He seemed so intent to play, forgetting the awfulness that happened not even thirty minutes ago. Resilient little guy. That and the joys of youth. I still hadn’t thought of a name for him yet. Outside, the wind howled as the beginning of the bad part of the storm was rolling in.

“Dang. I’m glad we weren’t in that when we were out there, huh buddy?” I murmured as I gave up on drying him. I got another towel and wrapped him up in it. “We escaped that wind, didn’t we?” I cooed, walking outside the bathroom. He yipped again and I laughed. “Escape the wind! Coz it’s…” That’s when it hit me.

“Escape…the wind…” I whispered to myself. Yeah…“Windscape.” He perked up at that and started to bark and growl. I laughed. “Guess you like that, Windscape?” I asked and he barked again.

I set him down on my bed as I finished drying myself off and slipped on my sleep pants. He wriggled free of the towel and was exploring my bed, sniffing at everything. I watched him with a fond smile on my face. He made the great trek across the bumpy landscape to my pillow. He pawed at a spot before walking a circle. He laid down and curled up his little wings laying on his sides and his adorable tail was across his face. I turned off the light switch and crawled under the covers. I rested my head on the pillow and kissed the top of his head. He was fast asleep.

“G’night, Windscape.” I whispered before sleep took me too.

And that’s how two orphans became best friends and lifelong partners.

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends