
Florafae has a minion!

Puff the Kitfawn

Legacy Name: Florafae

The Glade Tigrean
Owner: Porygon

Age: 9 years, 11 months, 6 days

Born: June 26th, 2014

Adopted: 9 years, 11 months, 6 days ago

Adopted: June 26th, 2014


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

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Flower Girl

Born in the kingdom of Sharmony, Steevie is a college student who helps run a flower shop with a elderly woman. She was born with the power to grow beautiful flowers and has a passion for taking care of plants in general.

Steevie's parents were hired by a rich man who desired to have the most beautiful gardens, but couldn't keep a plant alive for the life of him. He hired anyone and everyone who could assist him, and he gave them great pay in exchange. His flowers are the brightest, the more colorful and the sweetest. It's the bee's knees to pollinate these flowers! He wins first place in contests everywhere and festivals are begging for some of his work to be shown for them. Of course, not a festival goes by without some of his beautiful flowers being in them. To make things better, he gives ample credit to his workers and he makes sure everyone knows that without them, he'd be kaput!

For years this arrangement goes on. The man grows older and eventually gets married. His wedding has the brightest and best flowers, the purest ones you've ever seen. Then he has a child. A beautiful daughter whose room has the most vibrant flowers in the entire city. On the side he even runs a flower shop that sells beautiful (though pricey!) bouquets. Every flower lover in the city wants even a single flower from this shop, and all of their partners are swiping their cards and mulling over their savings to provide for their beloved.

As the man's family changes, so do his workers. Some workers retire due to old age and others take sabbaticals for family reasons. The man understands and as old friends leave his huge mansion, he welcomes others in. To him, those with plant powers are extremely important and are like family to him. His wife agrees, luckily, and there is no conflict within the mansion.

Eventually he ends up welcoming Steevie's parents to work for him. By now the man is in his late fifties, and his now multiple children have grown up and gone their separate ways. They are not as passionate about plants as he is, but that's okay. He's fine being the only plant enthusiast. He and his wife have had a lasting relationship that had seen tough times, but their love remained strong through the ups and downs. They were admired by the workers in the mansion, and his flowers were still the best around.

Steevie's parents too end up welcoming a youngling to their family, baby Steevie. Though they do take time off, they do not quit working for the man and once Steevie is settled they return. The man's wife, who I'm going to call Eleanor, is feeling a bit lost as far as not having children to care for as she is and was always a stay at home mom. She doesn't know anything else but childcare. With Steevie's parents refusing to quit their jobs, they decide that Steevie would be better raised in the mansion. Eleanor is happy to care for the baby, even if she is a different species.

Steevie is a bright child, curious about the world around her. Despite her age, Eleanor is as lively as she is and coddles her as if she were her own child. Steevie is raised under the impression that Eleanor is related to her, and her parents decide to call Eleanor and her husband Steevie's 'god parents'.

When Steevie turns 10, she notices that Eleanor isn't as lively as she used to be. Something about Eleanor is different, and she gets tired easily. It's not just her age that starting to finally slow her down, but her husband woefully informs Steevie's parents that Eleanor was diagnosed with cancer. Eleanor is a fighting spirit and refuses to allow cancer to get her down! She proclaims that she will be with Steevie for a long time.

The funeral was gorgeous. Even flowers that Steevie had learned to grow herself were there, and many placed directly into Eleanor's casket. She had been claimed by the aggressive illness when Steevie was only thirteen. There were many people there to mourn, but the saddest sight to see was her husband. He sobbed over his beloved's casket even long after the others had left. Steevie's parents personally tended to him, and he welcomed their comfort.

Like how lovebirds often die without their mate, Eleanor's husband didn't fare too well either. He went downhill rapidly and became cold toward his workers. At first it was just a lashing out here or there, and he would apologize profusely. Everyone know the death of his beloved was hard on him and they understood. Despite this, they only got worse. Within a year, he'd ended up throwing his status as having the best flowers in the country, lost most all of his staffing and became a bitter, cold old man desperate to cling to the one thing he still had: flowers.

Without his huge staff though, he couldn't replicate the grand spreads he used to have, and he kept losing the competitions he entered. No one wanted his flowers anymore, and his flower shop went out of business. His mansion became a cold and foreboding place. Steevie's parents were the last employees left, and they only tended to his personal garden. They tried to make spreads for shows and competitions but there simply wasn't enough power between the two of them and with what Steevie could provide. They stayed out of obligation to the man, fearing how he would do alone.

One night, grief-stricken and paranoid that they would leave him too, the man came at them with a pistol. He declared that if he could not have them, nobody could. He shakily approached them. Steevie was terrified, but her father knew the old man couldn't actually do anything. Her parents watched ready to strike, but mostly sadly as he hobbled toward them trembling and screaming. It was the saddest thing Steevie had ever seen.

The man collapsed before he could even get over to the family, and died later in the hospital.

Seeing him react so violently all after the death of Eleanor scarred Steevie. She's afraid of both death and aging now, for she's seen what they both can do to people.

Steevie is fifteen when the old man dies. She becomes a bit reserved after that experience, and a bit shy. She continues with school and she continues to practice her plant skills, which are shaping up nicely. She tries to spend time with her parents or with her school friends. Anything so long as she isn't alone with her thoughts, in which her mind is prone to wandering and thinking about death. What happens after we die? How and when will we die? Will we lose our sanity like the old man did, or will we go in our sleep peacefully? It occupies a lot of her thoughts when she's alone and she hates it. Therefore she tries to keep busy.

She gets a job at a flower shop in her senior year of high school. The woman caring for the shop is an elderly lady, which has her apprehensive, but the lady thinks about a lot of the same things Steevie does, and Steevie is glad she has a confidant other than her parents.

Present day, Steevie lives in the apartment above the flower shop with her two college friends, Connor and Lenoire. She is still afraid of deat and aging, which can show when she's working with her boss. The elderly woman who runs the shop with her knows that her time is limited but hopes to impart her wisdom onto Steevie before that time comes. Including how to deal with death and embrace the life we all have. To live it rather than thinking of all the what ifs and possibilities. In the mean time, they will continue working together and she will continue serving her hungry roommates delicious pastries and cookies.


Lenore and Steevie first met in the college of Old Cognitia. Steevie was familiar with the area while Lenore was new, so she showed her around and offered her a place to stay. They're good friends, even if Lenore has morbid humor, which Steevie doesn't really like. Steevie feels like they mesh well even with their differences in personality.


Connor and Steevie have been friends ever since high school. For a little while, Steevie had a crush on Connor and they did attempt to date, both a bit unsure about their feelings toward one another. They dated for about two weeks before they both decided it was weird (especially when it came to romance) and happily returned to being best friends. They both have pretty different interests, so they're always telling the other about what they like to do. Once they graduated from high school, Steevie inherited the apartment above her flower shop and they both moved in together. Both of them attend college and live with Lenore.


An angel who was knocked off of the sky island Avalon by a man named Sebastian, Esther lives alongside them in their apartment as she has nowhere else to go. She lost her memory from the fall and only remembers bits and pieces through her dreams. Connor found her one day while out on a walk and brought her back to their shared apartment, unable to leave her alone in the cold. Esther is not familiar with much of the world below the sky islands, so she's learning new things every day. Steevie enjoys teaching her about the world around her and learning from what Esther remembers.


Profile template by Lea.

Pet Treasure

Apple Doughnut with Sprinkles

Apple Doughnut

Apple Jelly Kumos Lollipop

Blueberry Bread

Blueberry Doughnut

Blueberry Doughnut with Sprinkles

Blue Bonbon

Lime Warador Cupcake

Grape Doughnut

Delicate Blueberry Wafer

Grape Doughnut with Sprinkles

Lemon Doughnut

Lemon Doughnut with Sprinkles

Lemon Macarons

Lemon Meringue Tart

Lemon Orange Ice Cream

Lemon Glaze Croissant

Lemon Sweetheart Puff

Bubbly Blueberry Pie

Cheese Popcorn Chain


Lovely Chocolate Soft-Serve

Decadent Strawberry Poundcake

Chocolate Cream Sandwich Cookie

EZ Mix Yellow Cake

Baking Starter Kit

Frozen Rose Key

Iron Summit Key

Earth Mage Amulet

Pet Friends

Lenoire and Connor sittin' in a tree!

Do you want to grow some plants with me? I'll show you how!

I'm glad to be your friend!

I-I won't let you use my fear against me! You won't win!