
Nuki_939 has a minion!

Quala the Snowshoe

Legacy Name: Nuki_939

The Arid Celinox
Owner: Lux_227

Age: 17 years, 3 months, 1 week

Born: February 17th, 2007

Adopted: 17 years, 3 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: February 17th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 8
  • Strength: 22
  • Defense: 23
  • Speed: 22
  • Health: 18
  • HP: 18/18
  • Intelligence: 96
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Stock Worker

Nuki was named after my cat Anukis, who I called Nuki for short. Anukis was my first cat, and was a very sweet and loving little girl. I had adopted her as a kitten, from the local humane society. The moment I saw her and held her, we just clicked, I knew she was meant for me and I was meant for her.

She used to love to jump up into my arms, wrap her arms around my neck, and nuzzle her head into my neck, as if she were giving me a hug. She'd jump up, forcing me to catch her at the most inopportune times, like when I was putting my makeup on, or when I was walking, but I always caught her and carried her around with me, or danced with her whenever there was a good song on.

Nuki also used to love shredding soft papers. One day, I came home to two rooms full of shredded paper towel and two rooms full of shredded toilet paper. She had a blast doing it, I could only assume.

My Sweet Chére(another nickname) always seemed to know whenever I was coming home, and would jump up into the windowsill and watch as I made my way to the door, then run over to me and would give and demand love as soon as I would walk in the house.

She died on January 26th, 2005, at 2 years of age. The events surrounding her death were both tragic and a mystery, even to this day. Watching her die, holding her in my arms as she took her last breath, was one of the most traumatic experiences I have ever had.

This Subeta Pet is in memory, and honor of My Sweet Chére

Pictures of Nuki in real life
{Sweet Cheré}
{Curious Girl}
{Perfect Friend}

Large Celinox art by suta-raito, and recolored by me.
Overlay done by me, lux.
Image to the right by mirzers

Pet Treasure

Silly Tabby Kitty Plushie

Wind-Up Mouse

Wind-Up Charlie

Wind-Up Squirrel

Wind-Up Sheeta

Clockwork Robo-Blob Kitty

Feather Wand

Spring Kitty

Real Mouse

Catnip Mouse

Bubble Gum Delight Yarn

Gray Abandoned Yarn


Angelic Collar

Furball Collar

Heart Collar

Simple White Leather Collar

Cat Scratching Post

Clean Minion Litter Box

Stale Minion Treats

Pet Friends




