
Marias_913 has a minion!

Minion the Wibblewhut

Legacy Name: Marias_913

The Marsh Mallarchy
Owner: Cashire

Age: 9 years, 3 weeks, 1 day

Born: May 10th, 2015

Adopted: 9 years, 3 weeks, 1 day ago

Adopted: May 10th, 2015


  • Level: 8
  • Strength: 15
  • Defense: 11
  • Speed: 13
  • Health: 12
  • HP: 10/12
  • Intelligence: 15
  • Books Read: 10
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Towel Folder

"My names Marias an- oooh is that a sticker?!?!?!" Marias is an easily distracted Mallarchy i'd be surprise if she could hold a single topic for a minuet! She's so full of energy and enthusiasm it's easy for mellower pets and people to get annoyed with her but be careful of what you say its so easy to upset the little thing and its hard for to feel better after a harsh word. She was bullied as a hatching for her incredibly small size and weirdly shaped feet. So she's incredibly sensitive to any snide comment or mean look. But one thing that will always make her happy is stickers! She can not resist them she's usually one of the first to line up at Stick It To The Man! whenever they get new stickers. Her little home is decorated with stickers all over on the walls, the furniture, the floors, the ceiling, and occasionally if she really enjoyed your visit you! That leads to another problem Marias has and thats sticking stickers on anyone she finds. Its not uncommon to see her waddling away from the local Mortiking. Marias has a very common back story at a young age she was picked on for being so tiny and her strange feet. Well I mean they really where strange! Who's heard of a ten-toed Mallarchy plus her toes where rather long and the webbing in between them didn't quite stretch up all the way so many called her Witches Feet. So as she got old enough she ran away from her birthplace near Riverside to a marsh in Veta. Their for a year she lived in hiding and rarely came out of her tree stump house. Until one day she heard crying and yelling curious she followed it and found a some human kids pushing another into the mud repeatedly and kicking them. Furious she attack the bullies (luckily they were little kids and ran away from "the evil Mallarcy") She helped clean off the other child and thats how Marias meet her owner Chasy. Over the next couple of year the two formed a slow but powerful bound until Chasy was old enough to get a pet. Chasy helped Marias come out of her shell and back to her old happy self and the two have been inseparable since its not uncommon to find the two swimming at Delphi Beach and lining up at Quick Bites for a snack. Anyway make sure to stop bye at Marias shop "Marias Marsh Shack" she sells random items she finds in the swamp and once a week will clear the old items out and hold a auction/trade so make sure to keep an eye out for them! Credit to the profile layout goes SubetaLodge.

Pet Treasure

White Sand Sifter Sticker

Ladybug Sticker

Great Pear Sticker

Marsh Mallarchy Plushie

Big Headed Antlephore Sticker

Smile Sticker

Rainbow Vortex Sticker

Grape Flavored Syrup

The Ugly Mallarchy

Evil Love Sticker

Hot Pink Peony Sticker

I Want to Believe Sticker

Pet Friends