
Sungera has a minion!

Tempurrito the Sir Skittleton

Legacy Name: Sungera

The Reborn Pherret
Owner: Pooka

Age: 17 years, 2 days

Born: May 31st, 2007

Adopted: 17 years, 2 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: May 31st, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 639
  • Strength: 2,090
  • Defense: 1,620
  • Speed: 1,620
  • Health: 1,586
  • HP: 1,585/1,586
  • Intelligence: 1,767
  • Books Read: 1733
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Analytic Methodologist

- Adopted from the pound in 2007 (I forget what species), with her minion, Present the Froggy
- Was a Reborn Feli until it was revamped and I didn't like it anymore
- I haven't had the heart to change her minion to this day, despite it not suiting her at all. Might update her to a reborn velosotor, mahar, or yaherra, tho... owo

Sungera performs magic barrier maintenance for the house, preventing it from becoming an icy tomb. She was cloned from someone who suffered such a fate. She's a fan of baked goods, milk, cookies, and tea.

Pet Treasure

Vanilla Cocoa

Pumpkin Spice Coffee

Raspberry Cocoa

Mulled Apple Cider

Cinnamon Cocoa

Orange Cocoa

Cinnamon Cappuccino

Mint Cocoa

Cream Potion

Mint White Hot Chocolate

Melodys Special Brew

Freshly Baked Cookies

Flower Pincushion

Tomato Pincushion

White Snow Fairy

Snow Fairy

Bluegreen Snow Fairy

Green Snow Fairy

Yellow Snow Fairy

Pink Snow Fairy

Violet Snow Fairy

Red Snow Fairy

Opal Choker

Pet Friends