
Kearon_507 has a minion!

Blessing the Dark Matter

Legacy Name: Kearon_507

The Nightmare Keeto
Owner: InariKitsune_693

Age: 17 years, 2 days

Born: June 26th, 2007

Adopted: 12 years, 10 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: August 12th, 2011


  • Level: 9
  • Strength: 23
  • Defense: 24
  • Speed: 20
  • Health: 22
  • HP: 22/22
  • Intelligence: 4
  • Books Read: 4
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


Kearon is the main villain in Ming Lai's story. He is quite a sadomasochist, thus he likes causing pain just as much as he enjoys receiving it. He has the unique ability to emit 'fear' itself out into the nearby surroundings and make your worst nightmares come true. He is also the creator and leader of the DarkMatter society. He never was liked as a pup, and he was bullied quite often. Until one day, he swore he would get his revenge on ALL of Subeta, and ran away. During this time, not much is known, all that is confirmed is this is the time period where he gained his magic ability, and created a concoction that turned Subeta's creatures into what he called the "Blessing" or the DarkMatter. I guess that would make him a mad scientist of sorts. He now yearns to expand his ideals and "Blessing" to all of Subeta in hopes to rule all of the territories until there is not one left opposing him.

Early Days:

Kearon was born in the heart of Centropolis to a newlywed couple, his mother, a librarian and his father, a bank teller. They were a fairly wealthy family for just eloping and having a pup to take care of. His mother was a wonderful intellectual woman who read him books of philosophy, science and the occasional astronomy. He was able to read full novels when the other children were just learning to say their ABC's. His father was a calm, cool, collected kind of fellow. He never seen much of him since, how his mother put it, "seeing other ladies", but what Kearon did remember was the getting up late at night to find his father just coming in and having sweets with him before going back to his bed.

One day, his world fell apart. That day was a typical day like any other, going to elementary school, going to the library to have lunch with his mother, and playing with friends. On his way home from a friend's house, he noticed cops and an ambulance parked out side his house. He quickly made his way to the door way to see a sight that will never be erased from his mind, a blood stained living room, two mangle corpses, and the look on their faces. Before he could collect himself to even move, a cop picked him up and took him outside. "I don't know how to tell you this son, but your parents...They are in heaven now." His mind was in shock, he just couldn't process the fact that they were both gone. The investigative crew searched for clues for about a month or so until they gave up and labeled the murders as unsolved. Since Kearon had no other relatives, he was tossed in and out of foster homes until eventually he was placed in a permanent home.

Days were not easy for Kearon, for he was out-casted and mocked for not having 'real' parents like the rest of his peers. They didn't know the story about what happened, they were all too young to still remember, but he didn't want to bring it up. He just swallowed his pain and walked away every time someone were to approach him as such. One day he just snapped. He was just walking to his next class when two older students approached him and knocked the book out of his jaws that he was carrying. The book hit the wall, the pages went everywhere and the spine broke on the book. The bullies then began to step on the already ruined book and called Kearon a "waste of space" and said " No wonder your parents left you, trash." Maybe it was the years of abuse from his peers or the fact that they brought up his parents, but what ever it was, it broke Kearon. He jumped on one of the bullies digging his claws into his face and biting and pulling his ear off. The bully dropped to the floor with a shrieking yelp and writhed on the floor in pain. He then turned his attention to the second bully and bare his fangs letting the fresh blood drip to the floor. The bully tried to run and call for help, but Kearon didn't want such an interruption, so he jump on his throat and bit just enough to cut his vocal chords. His fur began to turn from the common red to a dark black and black mist began to come off him, and his eyes began to turn pitch black. He gave a cackle and put his paw on the bully's chest, "Do you really think you know what happened to my family? To me? Do you even know how it felt to be alone for so long? No, no I don't think you do. So, I shall let you live, but with a price." He then stuck his claws into the bullies eyes and gouged them out, and he began to laugh as the blood began to cover his victim's face. By this time the bully that had his ear ripped off had sneaked away to find a teacher. Kearon felt himself be grabbed by the gym teacher, but Kearon only grinned a wicked grin before his black aura surrounded his three victims. He easily wiggled out of the gym teacher's grip once the nightmares began, and they all started screaming until all was silent. The blackness lift and all that was left of the three was three pools of organs and blood. Others started to get curious to what all the screaming was about, and they all began to form a group around Kearon but of course, kept their distance. He smirked, "Fools! You have mocked me for the last time! With this new found power and the superior knowledge I possess, I will make you all rue the day you made fun of me! I will have my revenge on every last being in Subeta!" He cackled as the dark aura shrouded him and in a puff of black he was gone.


Pet Treasure

Dark Matter Facts

Science for Pets I

Scalpel of Doom

Dark Death Potion

Darkmatter Chocolate Bar

The Oracles Dark Matter Plushie

Glowing Darkmatter Pen

Darkmatter Staff Toy

Pet Friends