
Tenthly has a minion!

Sarah-Jane the Aljex

Legacy Name: Tenthly

The Galactic Dragarth
Owner: The_Doctors_Assistant

Age: 16 years, 10 months, 2 days

Born: July 31st, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 10 months, 2 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: July 31st, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 32
  • Strength: 90
  • Defense: 20
  • Speed: 36
  • Health: 32
  • HP: 32/32
  • Intelligence: 174
  • Books Read: 173
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


You'll never be bored around Tenthly, that's for sure. This time-traveling Galactic Dragarth is one of the most intelligent and cheerful pets you'll ever meet. With his really great hair, dazzling smile and a very hectic lifestyle ( "There's an awful lot of running involved" ), Tenthly is the pet you want on your side in a crisis. He surrounds himself with a large family of pets from all over the universe to curb the loneliness of never being able to return to his planet of origin.

Some say, in legends, that Tenthly was once the close companion of a certain time-traveling humanoid alien who loved Earth and the people who lived there. Unfortunately, there is no way to substatiate these rumours and Tenthly himself remains tight-lipped about the whole circumstance. But he has time for everyone and will give everyone a chance - but just one. Because that is the flip-side of Tenthly; should the need arise, he can be ruthless and brutal, to the point where even he himself can't stop his own actions. At times such as that, he relies on his close-knit crew to pull him back from the edge.

Tenthly is a wise and old Dragarth who has seen many things, but still retains a sense of youthfulness about him. He loves to learn new things - about new cultures and new peoples, new places and new theories. His main interests lie in quantum mechanics and science in general, particularly that pertaining to time travel. His temporal abilities fascinate most people and he takes great delight in explaining them in detail. He has a passing interest in Cartography, which endears him to most historians he comes across (even if he does make fun of them!).

His owner, The_Doctors_Assistant (or "Tida", as he likes to call her), found him hunched over a Pan-Galactic Gargleblaster in a small cafe on the Orion's Belt trade route. The pair became fast friends and Tida asked him if he would like to travel with her. When he asked where she was going, Tida simply pointed out of the window and said "Out there". Tenthly then decided that she was the perfect person to share his time-traveling with and together they amassed a large family of fellow wanderers.

Personality-wise, Tenthly can be a little pompous in his sincere belief that he is truly one of the most intelligent beings in existence. This is all well and good, but the Dragarth possesses next to no emotional knowledge, which often lands him into hot water. He is kind and gentle most of the time (except when he's angry) and has a great capacity for compassion. He seeks to help those who need him and takes their smiles as his reward. People remember his selfless actions through the years, for as a time-traveller, he helps people and pets throughout history and the future. His name crops up in many legends, always as something different - a God, a saviour, a general, a shield, a martyr. He has been many things to many different beings, but one thing always remains:

He never stays.

Pet Treasure

Mysterious Truth Telling Device


Time Travel I



Pet Friends