
Lupus has a minion!

Arrow the Naphal

Legacy Name: Lupus

The Nightmare Telenine
Owner: Celene

Age: 19 years, 1 month, 1 week

Born: April 28th, 2005

Adopted: 19 years, 1 month, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: April 28th, 2005 (Legacy)

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 107
  • Strength: 267
  • Defense: 273
  • Speed: 228
  • Health: 241
  • HP: 240/241
  • Intelligence: 423
  • Books Read: 405
  • Food Eaten: 35
  • Job: Certified Mad Scientist

Into the Darkness

It was a dark night, darker than most. Blackness seemed to engulf the world, consuming the life from around him as he walked. A great evil had been near. Days after her pack had been destroyed, a Telenine roamed through the area. He could smell the destruction from miles away. The closer he drew to the site of devastation, the clearer he heard the cry. It sounded like it was coming from a young creature. He wondered how something had survived the massacre that had taken place. Killings were happening all over these days and Lupus had been seeking out this source of evil. His own pack had disappeared and he felt that it was in direct correlation to the disturbances. He wanted answers.


When his own pack had disappeared, he had been filled with rage and sorrow. Lupus had left in search of help, only to find the land deserted. He stalked through the night, hearing only the sound of his own footsteps. Finally he returned to home. Where his pack had once resided, an amulet made from bones remained. The amulet had been created from skull of his father. When he approached it, an eerie wind began to blow. It blew so hard, the amulet flew toward him, slamming against his pelt. It seemed to come alive and wrap itself around his neck like a coiled snake. He struggled for breath, before passing out. When he came to, everything was different.

As he opened his eyes, horror struck him. His vision had transformed into a shadowscape, a gray hue danced across all he saw. Objects had lost their clarity; everything appeared foggy. He blinked and shook hard, trying to snap out of it. Soon he realized that this new perspective was permanent. It felt as if he was in someone else's body. He tried to swallow, but his throat felt tight. Darkness ebbed from his flesh like a haunted aura. The smell of his father overwhelmed him with every breath. The amulet had seemingly merged into him, it was becoming one with him. Lupus ran, an instinctual flight response kicking in. He felt the world around him moving past at an incredible speed, speed he'd never felt before and would've doubted possible, had he not been experiencing it.

After a great deal of time, his legs began to quiver and his muscles spasm with fatigue. By chance, he'd arrived at Lake Senri, a lake named after an ancient tribe of Kumos. He trotted to the water's edge and began to lap up the cold liquid. After his thirst was quenched, he gazed at his reflection and gasped. Although his appearance had changed dramatically, he still recognized himself. What surprised him the most was how his appearance now reflected how he felt on the inside. He was a living nightmare.

Cursed and forsaken, he decided to go where the night was thickest. In his new state, he discovered a different set of senses. He could now feel darkness dripping from the air like dew on a humid summer day. Whatever had done this to his pack had a specific scent, a marker of some sort that they left in their wake. Determined to avenge his family, he let these new instincts guide him.


When he came upon the small Kumos, he had no doubt in his mind that what had made ruin of her pack was the same that had made ruin of his. Orphaned and left without direction, he eagerly claimed responsibility for the poor creature. He longed to rebuild during a time of endless destruction. Although it happened separately, the pair of them shared a painfully similar history. As months passed, their bond and trust grew. Her name was Lana and she shared with him knowledge about her own pack. Lupus ensured they avoided the darkness as he taught her all he'd learned about the mysterious entities that wreaked so much havoc.

On their travels, Lupus encountered a tiny fairy-like creature, a Naphal. Her wings had been stolen and the same darkness that plagued him also haunted her. Her name was Arrow she immediately took a liking to him. Sticking by his side, she now warned him and Lana whenever an evil magic drew near.


profile template by piers.

story by Celene

Pet Treasure

False Crow Bones

Ravenpuffs Feathers

Coal Candy

Dark Shaman Bone Staff

Black Verevolf Tooth

Telenine Extension Fangs

Cow Horns



Bonesy Signature Piercings

Stolen Pieces of Bone


Magical Bloodred Telenine Fang

Magical Albino Telenine Fang

Magical Graveyard Telenine Fang

Timberwolf Color Swatch

Lucky Graveyard Telenine Tail

Bone Club


Skeletal Scorpion

Skeletal Rat

Skeletal Fish

Skeletal Dog

Ivory Wand

Cobra Fang

Viper Fang

Lion Tooth

Goohund Skull

Bear Claw

Flexible Vertabrae Axe

Boar Tusk

Dragarth Skull Faceguard

Kumos Skull Faceguard

Telenine Skull Faceguard

Gnawed Thigh Bone

Tiger Bones

Deer Antler

Bronze Back Rack Antlers

Bronze Ankle Rack Antlers

Boney Mug

Grave Robbers Charms

Death Soul Stone

Black Sand

Twilight Fake Kumos Tail


Evil Quill


Ebony Back Rack Antlers




Dusty Coalyote

Haunted Carrot

Haunted Chew Toy

Haunted Feather





Pet Friends
