
Tikora has a minion!

Tracer the Caphram

Legacy Name: Tikora

The Nuclear Devonti
Owner: Narelle

Age: 16 years, 9 months, 1 week

Born: August 26th, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 9 months, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 26th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 59
  • Strength: 142
  • Defense: 97
  • Speed: 129
  • Health: 129
  • HP: 129/129
  • Intelligence: 73
  • Books Read: 63
  • Food Eaten: 286
  • Job: Battle Master

Next job:
25 Levels
130 Strength
65 Intelligence
14 Days Employed

All below that's crossed out is super old, he is getting a rework.
New story ideas: Was down and out looking for work, ending up getting in with a mercenary group that worked for a testing company. The company supplied the mercenaries with all kinds of experimental weapons, including his oversized sword that he's become very proficient with. For extra pay, the mercenaries are given the option to test an experimental serum to improve their performance. Tikora agrees to take it, and falls prey to unforeseen side effects - he does get significantly stronger, but the more he takes of it, the more high strung he becomes and he starts to take on a strange glow.

*Write interesting storything.
*Write up character skeleton
*Finish Background
*Finish pet overlay
*Finish Minion Overlay
*Finish style peices

NOTES: Temporary version of overlay is up, temporary minion overlay is up. Need to remove storychunk.


Anxiety spread like a disease among the ranks of the army. There was a certain something about the calm of this particular morning that put everyone at unease. Perhaps it was the sensation of waiting. After all, that’s all they were doing. They were camped at the base of a valley between large hills, nestled in a perfect hiding place. Their orders were to wait, for the time being. Wait for further orders, until the time was right. Yet something about this particular dawn sent shivers down the spine of one young man.

He was not of a high rank, nor very experienced, but something didn’t seem right. Truthfully, he felt almost as if the chill of the morning was death’s breath as he, too, waited. He sighed, shaking the ominous thoughts from his mind, and continued to the mess hall. No sense missing breakfast.

Inside the enormous tent, usually abuzz with talk and movement, he met the same anxious quiet that he had awoken to. It was as if everyone were afraid to even whisper, lest the cause something terrible to occur. He grabbed his food and slid into a seat, giving a nod to those seated around him. He watched them as he ate. Indeed, something was amiss, and they all felt it. He wasn’t alone in his ill premonitions. One man’s eyes darted about, apparently afraid to focus on anything. Another stared into his food as he guzzled it down. Another glanced at the young man with a somewhat pained expression. There was definitely something wrong with this morning.

The commander burst in through the flaps of the tent, snarling. He stomped into the middle of the makeshift room, glaring at the fleeting glances he got from some of the faces. “What are you dogs doing?! SStop acting like a group of damn cowards and get yourselves together! We are an ARMY! Now you soldiers better act like MEN.”


Suddenly, all eyes turned towards the crest of the northward facing hill. Thousands of breaths caught at once. One man stood there, facing them. Even from such a distance, the lasirus man could see that he had significant bulk to his muscles, toned in a way that could only come from hours of hard labor. He had an unearthly green glow about him, as if he radiated…something. Something unpleasant.


Pet Treasure

Dark Light Potion

Empty Vial

Naga Fang

Universal Antidote

Cyborg Soldier Dog Tags

Pet Friends

