
SnowyBell has a minion!

Minion the Etoilefox

Legacy Name: SnowyBell

The Glacier Tigrean

Age: 16 years, 6 months, 4 weeks

Born: November 7th, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 6 months, 4 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: November 7th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 11
  • Strength: 28
  • Defense: 29
  • Speed: 26
  • Health: 28
  • HP: 28/28
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Books Read: 2
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Voices of Stars

The mountain town slept easily now on it's side of the mountain knowing that there was nothing to harm it anymore. The tourists who came for the famous memorial of the knight had finally left for the season was over and there was much to do on the planet other than lay in wait. Wait for what? They wait for the return of knight who had saved the mountain town centuries before when the citizens did not have set districts to bind them. Wandering freely chaos could reign and out of the darkness inside the inhabitant's hearts would come evil. Those who were infected with the ambition to rule would transform into abominations to horrible to describe even in the back alleys and around the bonfire in November. The time when magic was as free as the air you breathe and anyone creature could tap the source of it all.


Those times were forgotten when greed, jealously and anger entered the world. One stood out among the rest, and they became the one who froze time on the mountain town for the gods and goddesses know how long. She kept an eternal winter that slowly spread like a disease until it covered the northern region in an icy grip. The inscription on the base of the statue in the center of the town tells that the knight had been a commoner who found their way to the mountain town. Then they defeated the "Ice Queen" and quickly departed. To this day people still come to visit and take in the unusual year long winter which hosts caveats of foliage. I wasn't here for the foliage, I had a debt to repay.


My feet didn't make a sound on the packed snow beneath my shoes as I quickly crossed through the quiet streets. Occasionally I would look up to see a candle in the window but other than that the only light came from the fixtures atop towering, black poles at the corners of each street. They would dip and bounce as a stray breeze would invite them to dance along with my midnight excursion. To be honest I was not visiting this town for a vacation-- no that was what the month of December was for-- this was strictly business with me and my old friend.

The moon climbed steadily above my head as I stumbled blindly through the labyrinth, pausing to tie my loose laces at the corner of two identical streets. I swore under my breath and brushed the hair out of eyes, it was a dim gold now giving the illusion to my actual age. In the vanilla twilight I stood merely the same height I had when I had been a teenager; I still looked like a college student just I did not dress as crazy chic as I once tried. Now I wore a black turtleneck sweater under a black vest with dark jeans and snow boots. My golden scarf wrapped around my neck as tight as it would go to hide the scars I was still embarrassed about. Later rather than sooner I finally came to the desired meeting spot.

"You're late!" a voice snapped at my heels sharper than the bitter cold biting at my neck as I reached the end of town, which stopped at the edge of a cliff.

I frowned as I wrapped my scarf tighter around my neck and pulled at my vest, "Look, you know how I cant be up this late! I don't see what much help you could get from a house wife anyways."

There was silence and I could hear him moving along the edge, turning to look at me, it had been a long time since he would have last seen me. A decade or two wasn't too far of a stretch for the time that had passed between us. His eyes combed me hungrily and I felt the frigid air stir as he moved forward. Hands as white and smooth as soap groped through the gloom to find my face, his translucent nails bit into my skin and I flinched.

"Sorry," he mumbled an apology but didn't remove his hands, they were so cold I could feel my face beginning to go numb.

"It's is she?" I stroked the smooth digits tenderly. "I still think about you, her, me, and those days, you know?"

"Really?" and with that reply he moved into the fading luminous glow of the street lights to where I could see the smooth white face that had been muffled by the crushing black around the town.

It was incredible how he had not aged since I had last seen him and my heart begun to beat wildly as he looked me over with his eyes. There was no white in his eyes but only black where it could have been, and the color around the pupils had become a translucent silver. Oh how they had been so blue and full of life. The spark was still there yet so was that timid quality he had never possessed.

"Sometimes she comes out of it and she will talk about you, and how she loved those leg warmers of yours. Then she will tell me to go get the ones you gave her from the closet...she doesn't remember that...that...." I shush him then, and pull him in for a tight squeeze knowing that if I pushed any farther this love sick fool would lose his impassive pose.

"I spent all the extra ones I had collected making you this," out from under my vest I pull a medium sized test tube with a pale silver liquid sloshing around inside. "I know it probably wont do any good but we can't stop until we have tried everything, right?" I tried to smile, I could force myself to forget what I had done to make this happen.

He smiled as he took the vial from my tan hands, finally removing his own from my face and I could feel the heat returning, "Thank you," with that he opened the lapel of his iced over jacket and tucked the vial away safely.

I smiled, his teeth were white and filed straight with the exception of his canines which were rather long but not vampire like, "I haven't seen you smile in a long time. How long has it been, Snowy?" I joked at it old nickname, it really didn't relate to him other than the fact he was pure white, even his hair was save the light blue tint.

He blushed a deep scarlet that started at the back of his neck underneath his own turtleneck and rose along past his pointed ears underneath the unnaturally colored mop of hair. Finally reaching his cheeks turning them the hue of tomatoes and I grinned myself; he may have appeared aloof at times but he had a heart underneath a thin layer of ice. All it took was a warm person like his lover to melt it away just like the warm spring rays melted the snow off the flowers so they could bloom.

"Our mission ended when we took the Ice Queen down from power, you knew that, and when that was over you, me, and the rest hung up our towels and settled for a mundane life. We grew older and time has done its crime against us. Just look at you! You got hitched for crying out loud! How many kids do you have now? Grandchildren? Great-grandchildren? By--" he couldn't keep it contained in his chest any longer and his laughter was haughty and vivacious.

I merely smiled sheepishly as I slapped him in the head playfully because he knew the answer to that question already, "You are so stupid! You should have read more book growing up!"

I had been given a reward after fulfilling my job to the higher powers and it had been the gift of immortality. I was forever young like so many had desired to be, it was very difficult to find a man who was worthy of loving me. You couldn't just tell them the truth without being thrown into the crazy house in this era. So many times I had tried and failed so now I have given up my hope until the higher powers call for me once more. Blushing I brushed my hair from eyes and looked up to see the stars were shining and shifting in the black velvet above our heads.

"I know it's just a cover for now so I wont tell him anything!" he winked at me and I whacked him one more time. "Damn you're so sensitive these days!" he smirked and took my hands in his and this time tried not to scrape me with his dagger like nails. "Thanks for the medicine, I'm sure she will appreciate being able to remember us one day if not now...." with that he pulled his iced over hood up over his hair, tightened the cinch around his lithe frame and backed away into the shadows to the point I could no longer hear the scraping of his shoes on ice.

I didn't want to head back to the hotel I was staying at with my husband, I didn't want to have to go back and listen to him rant about how the packing was not done yet. I decided to take a seat and dangle my feet over the lip of the cliff, staring across the white stretch of land reflecting a beautiful mix of colors. I instantly looked up to catch the northern lights playing a debonair melody of peace that vibrated every star so they would sing along. Smiling I swayed listening to the magic that only those of the old world could still hear.

I was very proud that I had been part of the team to take down the "Ice Queen" those centuries ago and I enjoy reminding those who come in search of destroying the legend that it was all true. But they don't see the brave young woman who had fought with the knight, they only saw a young college student with a large diamond upon her ring finger. They will ignore me and continue to stare at the statue until it dawns on them what I said and what they can see just a little bit underneath that helmet makes them turn around. By then I will be gone for I have found other debts I must repay to those who gave too much and gained little.


NAME, john conner walker
CODE NAME, snowybell
AGE, around one thousand years old
GENDER, male
OCCUPATION, wanderer

LIKES, snow, ice, cold, wind, storms, icicles, cold drinks, snowflakes, blue things and sparkles
DISLIKES, heat, sun, tourists, lodges, black, sand, dirt, water and light
STATUS, taken

Pet Treasure


Jack Frost

Etoilefox Hat

Pet Friends